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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. I bought a 18 in one this spring and it still looks brand new. I just shoot broadheads to confirm that they group with fieldpoints and bareshaft,so i am not pounding the target with broadheads.
  2. Great looking bow. Have fun with it and i hope an unsuspecting doe comes by on Oct 1st.
  3. It is always safer to go heavier than too light of a spine. My bow guy put brass inserts in my arrow that accept screw in weights. You need a long wrench and can add or remove weights from the nock end of the arrow after the insert is glued in. It is best to glue the weights in too once you found your set up as they loosen over time.
  4. i beefed up my arrows this year. I was shooting 330 grain total weight arrows last year,now i am shooting 575 grain arrows. My DL is 29.5 and DW is 60#. 300 spine arrows with 75 gr brass weight and 20 grain inserts. FOC is around 18%. I shoot 125 grain single bevel samurai heads. It is a two piece head,we will see how they do. I can't wait to test one on a deer.
  5. Kill a nice buck of course!
  6. That's awesome. I hope you love it,and plenty of time before the season to get it dialed in.
  7. I can pm you the info. Ron is a great guy and great tech. He has elite and hoyt bows and @Swamp_bucks will leave there well set up. He is not a Matthew's dealer last I was there,about 1.5 months ago.
  8. Not much for changes for me. I usually pass 1.5 year olds with both bow and gun and I may not even take the gun out much this year. Probably just if I do drives with friends. Other than that I will try my bow even in gun season. I usually am bummed out when gun season starts and bow ends,but maybe it will be different this year. I got two does last year and might try to get four in the freezer if I get the chance and my doe tag. Does are usually available here in 4F,so I can pass on little bucks. I think I would shoot a 2.5 year old with the bow since I only have a forkie so far on my kill list with the bow. The biggest change for me is my mobile setup this year and hunting public land for the first time. I am excited about that and may save my buddies 300 acres for gun season bow hunting.
  9. You are right,I should. I have not shot real close with this sight. If i remember correctly things don't change much with this bow up close though.
  10. I would have bought it but went the saddle route instead..I love mine...
  11. get the qad pro,I had trouble with the cheaper hunter model. Maybe it was the timing,but I think that one bounced back up once in a while and created fletching contact. I switched to a pro and it has been great. No mark's on my fletchings.
  12. That is really nuts. I couldn't imagine getting a new bow and not shooting it for 4 months.
  13. Some of these were crazy steep. My buddy watched me draw back and then lean back,lean back more,and then some more. I thought I was never gonna get the target in my sight. I messed that shot up,got an eight,barely scratching the line. I was happy the ground was fairly dry,otherwise I would have been on all fours to get the arrows.
  14. Today we shot in Richfield Springs,a very nice 30 target course. Some really steep uphill shots that are most difficult for me. It is hard to keep good form and get the yardage right. I shot well though,very happy with the outcome today. It was much warmer than last week as well.
  15. Welcome,I am a county north from you. Very different,so I have no suggestions.
  16. It says right in the first paragraph that the per capita rate of people shot is the highest for the black ethnicity. @ApexerER,I will have to sit down later to give you a more detailed response. Obama is/was a moderate,bernie on the other hand is not. It depends on your point of view. I would have loved to see Bernie get the nomination,but that got squashed by the democratic leadership and special interest groups,i,e, the top 1%. No surprise they were not Bernie fans. You make good points and I agree with some of them. Trump embracing white nationalist groups is something that he has been doing. I am not referring to right now,but before. The protesters that went into the Michigan courthouse and other events. Can you imagine a group of armed black guys walking into a courthouse? That would turn into a swat team shootout in five seconds flat. I also have no experience with growing up in a ghetto,but I think it is not hard to see that black people face more obstacles then white folks,as do Hispanics. Just look at the unemployment rate for black vs white folks. I fully agree that there are assholes in every ethnic group and you cant judge a group as a whole.
  17. From where I am sitting it looks like there is plenty of room for improvement when it comes to systemic racism. You never hear about unarmed white guys getting shot in the back or choked to death for minor offenses. And it is not because the media keeps quiet about those. I am not excited about Biden in the least bit,very much like the last election. You gotta choose the lesser of two evils. I think the police unions have too much power. I am generally for unions. If you think black folks like growing up in ghettos with little chance for personal betterment and growth then I dont know what we can discuss. I think a lot of racism bubbled back up when we had a black president,who by the way was a moderate. And now Trump embraces the right wing white folks. I think it makes people feel ok to let it out. This thread should be in the political discussion section,and then I won't look at it anymore. I called no names besides saying one of Rattlers posts was dumb.
  18. And that is awesome and how it is supposed to be. I am just curious how much the big ones got.
  19. It's not that,it is reading these kinds of threads and people spouting off their political opinions. Usually I keep quiet about it,but I figured I could join the discussion. My attitude towards this is sadly under-represented in this thread. You can certainly block my posts if I am getting on your nerves. It's supposed to be a free country,right?
  20. Forgive my wording,they got money from the stimulus bill. I just would like to know who got how much.
  21. I think this president is playing it pretty fast and loose when it comes to following the law. Now they want to keep the information about which companies got bailouts secret? That is taxpayer money going to private companies...
  22. who is the BLM in your mind,the fascists? And I think Chef was alluding to the rule of law being abandoned,not the party affiliation.
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