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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. Ok,another update. I feel like i have the rope climbing part figured out fairly well. It only took three times of climbing to feel pretty good about it. I love the fact that i am attached to the tree before leaving the ground even. The saddle seems comfortable,though i havent been in it for more than 1 hr at a time. I have to add i never climbed with a rope before,but it feels very safe to me. Next is shooting from the saddle,i have not done that yet,but will soon.
  2. Did anyone in the country buy 16000 ventilators in 2015?
  3. I have about 6 " at my house near Cooperstown,less in the valleys.
  4. Is repairing a stone wall by myself in someones backyard essential? Depends who you ask i guess.
  5. Thanks,i saw that. I think i will stick with the old fashioned way,less equipment and connections. I just need more practice and it will become easier. Unless it doesn't,then i may give the hand ascender a try. Or i could use my tether as a foot loop and pull the rope with my leg. Lots of options...I just have to see what works for me.
  6. My wife loves silkies,but we dont have any right now. The minimum amount to order was too much for us.
  7. Here is an update. I just got the saddle and rope for DRT yesterday and had to try it today. I think this will work out very nicely for me. The whole setup weighs maybe 7#,that includes a small platform to stand/lean on. The saddle seems very comfortable,the climbing is something i have to get comfortable with. I did manage to get up and down the tree some without too much trouble,but it is far from smooth...yet.
  8. I am not sure what's happening here in cny with 3d shoots. The cny website has only a few clubs schedule listed...I might have to get myself some judo points and go stump shooting.
  9. I shoot 60# at 29.5 DL. I still have to shoot through a chrono but my guess is i am 230 to maybe 240. I shot 300 with my light arrows. I dont shoot at deer at 40 yds,so speed is not that important to me.
  10. I also agree,nice work. I am a mason,i do stone walls,patios,brick chimneys,fireplaces and masonry heaters.. Have been doing it for 20+ years. It is good work,but being self employed is not for everybody. I certainly don't have benefits or paid vacations. I guess it depends on the area you work in as well. Rural upstate NY doesnt offer a ton of wealthy clients. Still,it is work i enjoy and i can see what i got done in a day.
  11. Wow,that is nothing especially for gun season..I think i won't venture on public during gun here,unless it is late in the season. Lots of blockheads in the woods early on in gun season.
  12. Some of John's stuff actually motivated me to go scout in the winter. Also,i am getting a much more mobile setup this year,so going public will be a nice option. I am becoming more aware of my entry and exit as well,something i was pretty half assed with before.
  13. You hunt chenango county,right? There seems to be a lot of public land there. It is not bad here in otsego either,and i think bow hunting pressure is light. I can't wait to find out for sure.
  14. So who does their scouting in the winter or now? I started to the first time this year,so i will have to see if it will bear fruit/meat this fall. The coming season will be my first bowhunting on public land as well.
  15. So I got my new arrows,bumped the total weight from around 350 to 535. What a difference that is,haha. My bow is super quiet now,but the arrow drop is a lot bigger too. My 20 yard pin was close,the 30 had to go down a ways,the 40 even more. But i like the heavier arrows,after a lot of fiddling i got bareshafts and fieldpoints hitting the same at 20 yds. I will try broadheads over the weekend and see how that works.
  16. I gott wait another week or so before the snow is gone at my house. Jealous!
  17. We had three kayaks growing up and my dad would take us out to paddle a small river several times a year. That was great fun. Last year was the first year in a long time i went canoeing,caught my biggest brown ever.
  18. No pics,but i just got my DL changed and rest adjusted,what a game changer. I have been shooting over 1" too short for a year. I shot a bareshaft at 20 and it was perfectly straight,then shot a FP and blew up the bareshaft. The FP arrow fell out before i got back there to take a pic. I am very happy with these changes.
  19. Hmm,this is a good topic. My wife and i have unlimited plan on verizon and pay 145 a month. our phones are paid off and no insurance on them. I might have to give spectrum a try.
  20. That is a really nice bow buck,congrats.
  21. I had some eagles on my carcass pile a few years back. The ratio of crow/raven pics to eagle pics is about 1000 to 1. A redtail hawk was a frequent visitor as well.
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