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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. did you see the video? If that cop felt threatened by a skinny senior he should be looking for a different job. That really is the problem,the way some cops go about doing stuff. You can choose to escalate things or de-escalate,but to bad the training doesnt cover that very well.
  2. So,you think it is fine that the officers resigning from the special unit in solidarity with the two officers that got into trouble are correct? They condone shoving a 75 year old protester to the ground so he cracks his head open and then walk away as his blood pools on the pavement? Those are great cops,i would love to have them in my neighborhood. He must have been a big threat. Most cops are ok,but you can't let the bad ones get away with this bullshit.
  3. Ok,here is the republican agenda. Pro life when it comes to unborn,but not when alive and black. Having zero oversight on police. Giving everyone access to semi automatic weapons so they do whatever they want with it. Closed borders unless you need migrant workers or trade with china. Education is the enemy. I am just gonna lump farming and gas and oil into one. Let giant corporations have whatever public natural resources they want to sell overseas for profit and subsidize the hell out of them while doing it. And screw clran water regs or clean air,overrated. That costs the country a lot more than social services. You never hear about that. @Pygmy,sorry you got robbed,that shouldn't happen to anyone,but that is not racism,you got robbed.
  4. So Obama was divisive and Trump is the unifier? I dont think we can possibly be living on the same planet.
  5. This thread is kinda funny. Most of you guys are blaming democrats for everything going to hell? Who is president again and who has the senate majority? It is easy to condemn the protests and riots,but there is still a very strong racism in this country. And police officers dont have it easy,but there are some major racist assholes on the force and they have a crazy amount of protection. What other union is that strong that people who repeatedly screw up are getting of with a slap on the wrist? A good exercise would be to imagine what it feels like as a black person seeing one after the other of yours getting killed by police and getting away with it. And those are just the ones that get recorded on video. Most attempts at incremental police reform have gotten nowhere. Those cops in Buffalo that resigned from the special unit in solidarity would be fired if i was in charge. Bad cops have been getting away with murder for too long. Police is getting more militarized,and any chance they get they escalate stuff instead of cooling it. Major change in attitude needs to happen. Serve and protect whom exactly? Each other as cops and civilians are the enemy? I thought another point of view was needed here,so here it is.
  6. I have the sight installed and i like it a lot. I was nervous about finding the right tape because my bow is slow with the heavy arrows i am shooting,but there was a match. It was easy to sight in and the sight picture is amazing. I can follow my arrow through the sight until it hits the target,that was impossible before with my four pin sight. Big improvement. I am curious to see if it will improve my 3d scores.
  7. It was at the Hammondsport launch. I think they pulled the truck out,it landed on its wheels on the bottom.
  8. I went to Keuka Lake a few years back and there was a big commotion at the boat launch. Some guy went to pull his boat out and had it strapped to the trailer on the launch and got out of his truck to check something but didnt put it in park. The whole rig rolled in the lake and the boat tied to the trailer floated the whole affair out a ways until the truck filled with water. Then the truck pulled trailer and boat down with it,about 80 yds out. It was interesting to watch the recovery.
  9. I would go out with my compound bow and threaten the crowd like that one smart cookie did. I had better re-watch some of those Lars something videos,the speed archer. On a more serious note,my house is too far of a hike for any mob. This would have to be a destination,and if thats the case i probably deserve it.
  10. I adjust to change pretty well. I like the idea of a smaller pin and for most of my hunting i wont even have to adjust it i think. Set it for 23 or so and i should be good from 10 to 30. I have a 4 pin sight now,but the screws on it are getting rusty and it is entry level sight that is 5 or six years old now. I may need some optics at some point,my vision is not improvong and this sight is set up for it.
  11. I bought a used apex covert pro single pin sight today. My first single pin,i hope i like it. This one seems neat since the pin sits on crosshairs and you can dial up the brightness and change color on it. I hope it doesn't take forever to arrive by mail.
  12. First eight shots really. I thought i was safe shooting the same spot at 30. I just picked up half a dozen arrows yesterday,looks like i may need them.
  13. Happy Birthday buddy! I hope you have a great day.
  14. I stopped looking right at the targets to judge the yardage. They got me good last year with a tiny pronghorn target,i shot right over it. I guessed 40 and it was under 30. Now i look at the ground and guess in 10 yd increments,that works well for me. At this shoot they had a turkey on the other side of a small ravine,that was tricky guessing up and down. I hit it perfect height but was off to the right. I was happy to hit it,shot it for 37 yds and the turkey was not a big target. I am still getting used to my arrows,i upped the point weight by 25 grains and it shows past 20 yds.
  15. Roasted asparagus with parm shavings and lemon olive oil sauce sprinkled with mint and arugula,baked sweet potatoes with jalapeno lemon dressing and grilled deer loin with sage salt and pepper for me and wild salmon with lemon peel and ginger and salt pepper for the missus. She made the cocktails.
  16. I am with grampy on the estimate.
  17. I went to my first shoot this season yesterday. It was in Waterville,madison county. Great course and pretty packed. It seems like more clubs are scheduling shoots now,which is great. Pretty easy to social distance on a 3d course. I was in too much of a hurry to take pics,i had a commitment right after.
  18. Best wishes for a good outcome and strength for both of you.
  19. River smallmouths fight like a freight train. One of the creeks nearby has trout and bass,and a bunch of other stuff too. Hooking a bass makes you think you got a 20" brown on there. They will go for the same streamers.
  20. true morel,hollow inside when cut in half lengthwise. False morel is solid inside.
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