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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. Hmmm kind of like tip ups for ice fishing? 5 is legal? You can borrow mine Rob,i hope to be done with it in a few days.
  2. I hope you practiced speed loading @Robhuntandfish. I want to see you standing over three dead deer before the MZ season.is over. I will be out for the 2nd half of the week to add one more to my freezer,don't care if it is a buck or doe. More than likely it will be a doe. It seems i see about 25 does to each buck i stumble across.
  3. That is awesome to get new ground that has hardly been hunted at this stage of the game. I am thinking of scouting some stateland by me with my MZ in hand for some new spots next bow season. I am curious as to how much pressure the state land nearby gets,i kind of think not very much.I will report my findings later this week.
  4. I am planning to do the same this MZ season,i will put some boots on the ground in a few state forests in this area,looking to punch a tag maybe but definitely scout for next bow season.
  5. I am in the exact same boat. Got my regular buck tag and either sex. I am happy to shoot another doe,but if a decent buck slips up you know what i will do...
  6. Good luck to everyone going out,should be a good weekend. I am waiting for MZ,i just cant seem to find any bucks around here this year. So another doe will have to take a spot in the freezer.
  7. That's weird,kicked and no hair or blood? Very curious,it doesn't seem kicking would help her get outta there.
  8. Keep your head on a swivel Jay,i think bucks will be looking hard for does again. I will try my luck next week. Maybe i will be able to connect with a nice MZ buck,i haven't gotten a decent one yet during late season.
  9. I agree,this 2nd rut should really be kicking up now. I think bucks will be on their feet looking for some more booty before that door closes for another 10 months.
  10. I am no expert,but i would think he lost it in a fight. Seems too early for them to just drop. Maybe a combination of the antler getting closer to dropping and a tussle?
  11. Hopefully it is just people being busy with other things...
  12. Great advice here. Deer can pick out movement like crazy..There could be brush you cant see through between you and the deer,but they will see your movement,especially if you move fast. It is almost impossible to cut deer off,because they will bust you if you move fast. I agree that it would be smarter to sit and wait for you at this point. If you do want to move around and still hunt/scout,you have to be looking around constantly and moving very slow. Luck plays a good factor too,but then it does with sitting as well. Don't get discouraged and learn something every time you are out.
  13. I have to go through my records...Oh wait,i have only killed one buck with the bow so far. And i remember it well of course. It was around 11/6 and in the afternoon,say 4 p.m. He was a forkhorn and caught my ground scent i think when i trapsed around to pick a tree to climb. It put him on high alert,but he didn't run,his last mistake...
  14. I went for a still hunt today. I had to walk quite a bit before i hit fresh tracks. I followed a single fresh track and it even smelled rutty for a bit. Then i stumbled onto a fresh bed,i think a buck bed. I must have missed him by not very much time.. I worked my way across to the other side of the road and spooked a couple of does while i was climbing a steep slope. Then i worked my way along the ridge and when it turned back towards my house i saw some deer ahead. I stopped and looked for more than the one,and as it turns out there were 7 altogether,all does that walked off slowly. No buck in tow...Now it was getting close to dark when i got to another area with fresh tracks and again saw some deer ahead. And guess what they were...correct,does. All in all a good amount of deer seen,but no doe tag until MZ opens. I think i might give up on regular gun season and hold out for MZ.
  15. Congrats enders,first deer doesnt have to be a monster. Heck,i am still waiting for one,but i am having fun even without getting a big buck. Any deer harvest is a success,and you will never forget the first one. Deer that is...
  16. Wow,talk about highs and lows. I am keeping my fingers crossed for all you hardcore guys with meager sightings this year. You are more persistent than me,i would have thrown in the towel by now.
  17. I have never tried that before but am tempted. I went for a ski with my wife today and we crossed a bunch of tracks. I can cover a lot of ground on skis,i just might scope out some state land around here.
  18. I am about 25 mins from Worcester,i am close to cooperstown. This storm wasn't that bad really,you will be fine.
  19. Wow,that is a mean pic of a monster. Just wow.
  20. A blind may be the better option,because when i hear gully i think of swirling winds. I hunt one and the wind is unpredictable in there.
  21. Nice,action. I only have a buck tag left,until MZ that is. I will go out in the snow though,that is always fun to see where and how the deer move in this.
  22. Go get one Jay. I will be out tomorrow in the snow,should be fun. We got about 8" here in 4F.
  23. Atta boy fletch,happy for you you and kudos to sticking it out!
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