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Everything posted by chas0218

  1. 10/17 PM--> Well that sit wasn't a total loss managed to see 2 smaller bucks 2 doe with 2 fawn. It was a nice sit but I realized deer on my property don't walk around all day and move I the last 2 hours of shooting light. 10/18 AM--> decided to try a different stand set this morning. I managed to spook what sounded like a herd of deer, probably only 2 or 3 back up onto the hill. I swear the deer know I want to shoot a doe so they never walk by. My intent this weekend was to get a little meat for the freezer but have been unsuccessful. Normally any other year I'm swarmed by doe. It also doesn't help the farmer already took the soy bean off the property. I guess there is always next weekend. So far this season it has been a vegetarian type hunt.
  2. I'm in the town of arcadia out by fairville. I might take a doe tonight if presented with an opportunity. I went spotting last night and saw several doe and fawn no antlers. This was my first weekend hunting up here as well. I didn't want to stink up the area we have seen some nice deer. And if presented with a shot I want to be able to take it. What area do you hunt, 8f is one of the bigger wmu's of the state lots of country out here.
  3. 10/16 PM--> Well got in stand late (4:15) on Friday pulled card from camera and checked to see what was on there. No monster bucks but decided to sit there anyway. Had a blonde coyote a bunch of doe, couple fox and some huge coons. I saw 4 deer on my walk in but none made it by my stand. On my way out I saw a flash run they the hay field looked like a doe but only a guess. 10/17 AM--> This morning I got in the woods later than I like but didn't spook anything coming in. Saw 2 doe 2 fawn and 1 huge spike the spikes had to of been 14" tall. Big spikes small body. I'm planning on sitting till the wind really starts to pick up then heading to another spot a little more sheltered from the wind. I'll keep you updated as the day goes by
  4. I don't have to worry I'll be bow hunting still.
  5. We don't even screw around anymore we just call the state boys and get their back tag number and have charges filed. It all started 3 years ago when my wife was sitting in her stand some dipsh!t was shooting over the hill on our property and she had bullets whistling thru the branches above her stand. I lost it on the guy I was ready to pummel him. I'm a pretty even tempered man but my wife and father said they never saw that side of me before. I was livid, it still pisses me off thinking about it.
  6. Was anyone else thinking he meant something different?...
  7. My family's 220 acres costs us $5200 total in taxes this includes 1 barn built in the 20s that is 30x45.
  8. He freaking pulls 80lbs. like i pull 62 I can barely move that spyder at 70lbs. (buddy has one) I about rip my shoulder from the socket! haha he is a great shooter tho.
  9. I actually laughed out loud when you mentioned that. If it did then i wish I bought it for that price. for 200-300 acres with mineral rights you will be looking at $300,000 - $500,000, people in the southern tier think they have gold deposits under there property. The land out west is much higher concentrate of natural gas and allows fracking not to mention Natural gas is at an all time low, and NY banned it indefinitely. Buy land further north and you don't have to deal with ridiculously high land prices.
  10. To be honest I, I don't really care long as my arrow hits where I aim.
  11. I hate that, it scares the living crap out of me especially knowing there are bear in my area.
  12. I used to just cut the skull plate but the euro mounts are a little nicer way to present them. And they look cool to boot!
  13. Or in those areas you could just call in your permits for those that are opposed. Then DEC would have to adjust their fudge number. Looking at the harvest report for deer in the effected areas doe to buck ratio is 1.2 to 1 or closer to 1 to 1 isn't that close to the ratio they want? I guess I'm not sure why they are trying to off more does other than to please the big wigs in Albany complaining about money doled out for crop damage and such. Now am i condoning illegally calling in tags? No, I'm just giving another scenario one I feel many landowners/leasees will end up doing by trying to shove this down our throats.
  14. If you don't want me to look at those numbers then why refer to them?
  15. I take it you are talking about this 60%, it equates out to about 13,689 bucks in the southern zone if you took half that many doe I think the AR would have worked. This is all mathematically sound but in the real world we all know it doesn't work like that but just a little food for thought.
  16. No I understand what I typed I didn't say it would have saved the 8 points. What I was referring to was AR would keep people from killing the smaller bucks 1.5 yo that have less meat than the average doe.
  17. I hunt near Sodus NY. If they did a 3 point rule I think it would have been a better alternative than to the doe only. We have Several 80 and 90 inch 8 points on our cameras which 2 out of the 6 might make it to next year. Too many brown it's down hunters in our area. The deer in our area are grain fed. Not because we feed them but because they eat corn and soybean all season. They bulk up really fast, with the high protein diet. Our property consists of 100 acres of grain fields and 120 of hardwoods. Needless to say they are big deer. I used to hunt in Farmington coolie rd to be exact and deer there were the same way, my father-in-law shot a nice 8 point 3 years ago that dressed was 196lbs. the worst part was we dragged that deer guts and all to the road before field dressing.
  18. My wife and I had our first in Jan. can't believe he will be turning 1 year soon. I decided to hang my euro mounts about his crib. Before you guys jump all over me these are lagged into the stud and wired 2 different ways to keep them from falling. The 2 mounts are of 120" 8 points. 1 was a huge deer for the area and the other was a case of mistaken identity.
  19. So in your definition neither should a bullet, but we know a bullet has a trajectory similar to how an arrow would just the arrow is much shorter and not as drastic.
  20. I agree, i was just giving that as an example.
  21. If she didn't know you were there and was purely spooked by the bow or arrow I wouldn't worry about and get back out there.
  22. 1 and several 3.5. I would like to kill more older bucks but it is hard to pass a 140" 10 point.
  23. UnderArmour, got it cheap after season at dicks. My old set was walls mossy oak
  24. I agree to an extent, I do know that in my area 2.5 or older bucks weigh in around 180 dressed I have only taken 1 doe that weighed in at 170 dressed all the rest were 120ish so I will get about an extra 20lbs of meat off that buck. What I don't really understand are these "meat hunters" that take a 1.5 yo buck that weighs less than an average doe. To fix this they should have just put in antler restrictions on 1 or 2 neighboring WMU to see how it worked out in terms of doe harvest. It probably would have worked a lot better than this doe only.
  25. I use the ceramics most of you are talking about if I don't have chips in the blade or need to retouch after some use. My skinning knife and de-boning knives usually last 2 seasons of cutting 6-8 deer before I touch them up on the ceramic. Something to pay attention to are blade angles. Those ceramics usually come in 1 angle which is great for pocket knives and general use but can completely ruin an edge on a filet knife or something using a smaller blade angle.
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