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Steve D

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Everything posted by Steve D

  1. Video Included West Seneca highway workers rescue buck in Cazenovia Creek (wkbw.com)
  2. Me either and I have seen some pretty tall soybean fields this year along with some short ones. I suspect it is because it is mostly clay and he did no till instead of at least turning it over. Farming is a hard way to make a living. My hat goes off to all farmers. NICE BUCK hope you see him Friday!!
  3. Right now they are still green but just beginning to turn. I suspect once they do turn the activity will drop off here also. They seem to be more interested in the leaves than the beans. I think once they turn or get picked it will be slim pickens for deer. If the field doesn't get plowed under they come back to forage like they do with corn. The only other crop nearby is corn and they don't seem to be touching that much. My biggest dilemma here is seeing during the daytime which is whay I will be hunting state land more than my own.
  4. The farmer working the field has said the same thing and has had crop management out checking the plants but have not heard if or what they have determined. There are plenty of beans but just not very tall. From what I have seen with the spotting scope they seem to be more interested in the leaves than the beans. There are some nice ones for sure but getting one to show up in the daytime is next to impossible. I can shine 8-10 every night with the thermal but the only time I MAY catch one in the day time is during the rut or if someone on the neighboring properties kicks one out. Good luck on Friday!! Not sure if I will hunt or not. All dependent on the weather.
  5. Great looking dog. Hardest thing for a person to do. They give so much and ask for nothing but love in return.
  6. Can't help but wonder how much stock these people have of the vaccine manufacturers: WASHINGTON, Sept 22 (Reuters) - The United States on Wednesday promised to buy 500 million more COVID-19 vaccine doses to donate to other countries as it comes under increasing pressure to share its supply with the rest of the world. Biden said the United States would provide $370 million "to support administering these shots" and more than $380 million to help the Global Vaccine Alliance (GAVI) handle vaccine distribution
  7. I am with you and Steuben Jerry. I typically don't get serious until around the 15th. I usually will spend most of the first two weeks scouting with a occasional sit depending on weather and sign. With the majority of my hunting being on state land this year I will probably be doing more scouting than hunting the first two weeks. My brother-in-law reported seeing rubs starting to pop up in 8n so it is time to get started on scouting if the weather stays cool.
  8. Looks like Bob Hughes. One of the good guys that puts in a lot of effort supporting trapping.
  9. Garlic salt is also pretty good if you like garlic salt.
  10. Here the leaves ae falling before turning. Not much color here. Not sure how accurate it is but here is the NY state link. New York Fall Foliage Report | Experience Peak Fall Colors in NY (iloveny.com) Definitely my favorite time of year.
  11. Call it as you may. Maybe you should start admitting what you really are.
  12. Think what you want and I will do the same. I will no longer stoop to your level to debate semantics and leave myself open to receive your cheap shots about my lack of intelligence or ability to reason.
  13. Sightings have dropped off and it appears they are only moving at night once again. Still a few around but haven't caught any of the big guys recently. Turkeys are still enjoying the soybeans and coyotes are still cruising. Looks like there may be a tree legged doe around to.
  14. I think the more important question would be how many fit the definition: Who is considered a patriot? a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion. a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.
  15. As many as 1100 plus. They are expected to be placed in their new communities between now and March 31 and include up to: 100 in Albany 335 in Buffalo 240 in the New York City area 200 in Rochester 248 in Syracuse 20 in Utica Notice Albany only get 100 From the governor: We welcome our new Afghan friends with open arms and pledge to provide them the assistance they can rely on to rebuild anew. As many as 1,143 Afghan evacuees coming to NYS, up to 335 expected in Buffalo (wkbw.com)
  16. These guys have been showing up pretty regular also:
  17. It's been an interesting summer. Not in a good way but one like I have never experienced. On a positive note, this year the farmer that works my field did no till soybeans and once they came up it seemed to draw the wildlife like we have never had before. One day in July I looked out about 7:30 pm and counted 18 bucks out there at once. I began to pay more attention on a daily basis and they stared showing up every night religiously between 7:45 and 8:30. I never saw 18 together again but there have been between 4 and 11 just about every night. I set the spotting scope up on a tripod and watched them every night for about a month. The most interesting part for me is the fact that most of them were tall & wide 8 points. I have only seen a couple of spikes and small four points. At one point there were a couple of nice 10 points but I believe one got killed on the road not far away. The other ironic event was three hen turkeys hung out there all summer with about 6 poults and are still here. The hens would form a circle around them and kept the poults in the middle for quite some time. I got to witness the first time they flew up to roost and when they came down the next day. One of the hens flew up first, then the poults flew up one at a time while the other two hens stayed on the ground until they were all up. The next morning one hen flew down, then the poults, and then the other two hens. Believe it or not; I also got to see the deer interact with the turkeys on a couple of occasions and actually witnessed what looked like the deer were playing tag with the turkeys. There were many evenings they were browsing within feet of each other. I have lived here 25 years and have never seen the population of deer I have seen this year. I don't know if it is the soybeans or what but they have really been a draw for sure. I finally put a couple of trail cams out in hopes of getting pictures of the bigger bucks but they have been dodging the cameras on a regular basis even when I move them to different locations. Based on the cameras and lack of sightings the last few days all indications are they are beginning to disperse and move at night. Last night I shined the field and counted 14 deer in the field bedded down about 9:30 pm I've seen more mature doe than usual and only a few fawns. With so much going on it has been the highlight of my summer along with Nomad picking up (and delivering) some primers when none were to be had just about anywhere. Hell of a guy!!! Historically this property has not produced in years past so I will probably be hunting state land a lot more this year. I lost access to the adjoining 60 acres I have enjoyed for the last 20 years due to the owner(s) dying and disputes in the family. It was my best spot to trap fox and coyotes plus I had it all to myself during trapping. I will continue to trap my own property but it won't be the same and it was a great place to bow hunt along with being very convenient. I can only hope one of these guys shows up when I am in my stand and not when I am hunting state land.
  18. I promised to view our new Governor with a open mind but it didn't take her long to disappoint me. First she picks the Lieutenant Governor from New York City and now she bans the sales of combustion engines. New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed legislation on Wednesday that effectively bans the sale of new internal combustion engine cars, off-road vehicles, light-duty trucks and equipment by 2035. New York law phases out most gas-powered vehicles by 2035 (cnbc.com) SPONSORED BY ENGLEBRIGHT CURRENT BILL STATUS - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR NY State Assembly Bill A4302 (nysenate.gov)
  19. Monroe County executive Adam Bello announced yesterday that Monroe county will be accepting at least another 200 Afghan refugees and has designated that the Monroe County Veterans Service Agency will be offering benefits to these refugees. “I’ve directed the Monroe County veteran’s service agency to offer benefits to these refugees which include access to mental health programs, employment resources and connecting them with a law office which is helping provide legal assistance,” Bello said. I hope anyone in Monroe county or anyone interested will voice their opposition to the decision to divert resources from Veteran services for any reason other than their intended purpose. 110 County Office Building39 W. Main St., Rochester, NY 14614 Phone: 585 753-1000 Fax: 585 753-1014 [email protected] Story here: Monroe County offers some veterans benefits to Afghan intepreters | WXXI News
  20. Thanks for sharing. That looks like it was a great trip. Good job on the video
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