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Steve D

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Everything posted by Steve D

  1. What really irritates me is they don't enforce the laws they have on the books now and are allowed to plea bargain down is most instances. Why create more when what you have does not work or seldom gets applied. Class A Misdemeanor – Criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree Class E Felony – Criminal possession of a weapon on school grounds Class D Violent Felony – Criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree Class C Violent Felony – Criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree Class C Violent Felony – Aggravated criminal possession of a weapon Class B Violent Felony – Criminal possession of a dangerous weapon in the first degree A weapon “with intent to use [it] unlawfully against another.” A weapon which has been altered or defaced to prevent tracing it back to the owner or user. A firearm for which he or she does not have appropriate permits and licenses. A shotgun, rifle, or other firearms, despite having a previous felony conviction. Any prohibited weapons, such as stun guns, switchblades, and brass knuckles. NY Mandatory Minimum Sentencing for Gun Crimes NY Penal Law § 70.02, which sets forth sentencing laws for all types of violent felonies, establishes the following mandatory minimum sentences: Class D Violent Felony – While the normal mandatory minimum for a Class D violent felony is at least two years, the statute makes an explicit exception for third degree weapons possession, for which the mandatory minimum is increased to three and a half years. The maximum sentence is seven years. Class C Violent Felony – Aggravated weapons possession is also subject to an increased mandatory minimum: at least five years, instead of the normal term of at least three and a half years. The maximum sentence is 15 years. Class B Violent Felony – The mandatory minimum for a Class B violent felony like first degree weapons possession is at least five years. The maximum sentence is 25 years. Not saying I agree with any of the above but if they don't work change them instead of making new ones.
  2. That is pretty much the gist of this entire thread. Unfortunately the politicians do not see it that way and would rather restrict access and ownership than address the real issues. Their thought process is to eliminate or restrict the tool not the cause. I have yet to hear a politician say that we need to get to the root cause to solve the problem without mentioning gun control. Mainly because they don't have a clue what the problem is and those that do; don't have a clue how to fix it without hurting someone's feelings, offending someone, or worse yet being a racist. Time for some of then to grow a pair and do the right thing instead of doing what will get them re-elected.
  3. Permits can be time consuming to get but what really sucks is the different ways each county runs their permit licensing system when it is issued as a NYS permit.
  4. That won't fly here in NY. You have to show the permit to make the purchase. Take the purchase slip(not the gun)to your county clerk with your permit that amends your permit and gives you a slip with the county clerk seal on it to take back to the gun dealer to show it has been registered before they will turn it over. A royal pain especially if you bought it from somewhere on the other side of the state. The other option is to buy, get a copy of the purchase, take that to your county clerk, get a copy of the clerk paper, to the place where you made the purchase and have them send it to a FFL near you. You would also have to provide the seller with a copy of the FFL where it would be sent. Once your designated FFL gets it and you show them your permit and slip from the county you can take it home. Adds about $100-$150 to the price of the gun for shipping and FFL fees.
  5. Not trying to argue or dispute but while they may not have a database for ALL the guns out there you can be sure there is one on the majority of guns legally sold by dealers since background checks started. Besides that I believe gun dealers are required to record and report who their sales are made to. What they the (government) fail to comprehend is their emphasis should be the illegal unregister guns that are being used to commit murders & crimes. Unfortunately incidents like yesterday with a legally purchased gun will not help our cause and will only enforce their argument that we need more laws. Georgia spa shootings: Suspect confesses, claims he was not racially motivated, sheriff says (wsbtv.com)
  6. Also read this morning that Biden has put a gag order on the border patrol so they cannot speak to the media regarding issues at the border. All we will be allowed to hear is what he wants reported, the media reports, and how poorly the people crossing the border are being treated.
  7. Unfortunately people didn't vote on the issues they voted on emotions. With the media, democrats, and others, painting the picture Trump was a dick and incompetent, voters didn't realize the change they so much wanted would not be the change to make us better as a country. Trump did and said a lot of things that pissed off a lot of people but was always focused on the plan to make America first and better than we were. The vision of the current administration will lead us down a very disappointing path and the American people will pay a high price for it in so many ways.
  8. You are correct. Every thing that was gained in last four years will be wiped out in months. Manufacturing jobs will disappear faster than ammo.
  9. The sad part is he wants to put a big tax on big businesses which will in turn slow down hiring and probably cause work force reductions, hiring freezes, and more unemployment. Interest rates are climbing fast, along with gas prices, and other necessities. I am no economist but I have traveled this road before and it wasn't pretty. Hard times are ahead.
  10. Depending on the circumstances I think I would. It isn't much different than someone walking in and saying they are taking your house, your car, or some other possession you value deeply and have worked for. There has to be a line they (the government) can not cross. Each person has to decide where that line is drawn and when to take a stand.
  11. I tend to agree and and will resist any attempts to remove or restrict my rights. Each person has their own line they don't want crossed and I for one, along with many others have made our stance by not complying with at least one of the "safe act" requirements which could get me in some really deep cow manure. For the most part I try to stay legal especially when carrying simply because I don't want to get a ticket, fined, or lose my permit. You are are correct about the gunowners. The gunowners of NY could have easily defeated Cuomo a couple of elections ago and did not step up. Either they did not vote or voted for Cuomo. I have no confidence in my "fellow" gunowners to band together in an effort overturn or repeal some of the future restrictions and have less confidence in some of the organizations claiming to be defending our rights. Other movements on the other hand may be the path forward: 'Black Guns Matter' teaches Black Americans how to use firearms (businessinsider.com)
  12. While I hope you are right I have my doubts. One of my concerns is even if they can't get it done @ the federal level they will push it in the states. I guess we will just have to wait and see, and enjoy the privileges we currently have.
  13. I believe this is just a "test the waters" bill step one. If this one makes it through with little or no resistance, or is a close vote in the senate the barrage will begin. They have found out they can do pretty much what they want. If they are able to set precedence there isn't much the supreme court can do to stop them. Besides that they; will probably "be packing" the supreme court as they have been threatening right along. I believe Biden has had a committee/panel in place investigating the feasibility of such a action since day one. I am afraid the the worst is yet to come. We have already seen what they are capable of and the more they achieve the more they will go after. The gun laws have been written over a period of time and have been laying on desks or flash drives just waiting to be jammed down our throats.
  14. How do decide if you want to smuggle a .380 or a 44 Magnum??
  15. Neat pics. Thought about the possibility of getting one but knowing my luck I would have it wrapped around a tree somewhere or it would fly away and I wouldn't find it.. Looks like it would a good time playing around with one. We had a guy here last summer checking power lines with one and it was pretty neat to watch.
  16. Because he is a minor he can't purchase his own insurance but you can purchase it in his name, which means you both will have to be there when the insurance is purchased. Put your arm around him, get out your checkbook, and tell him "son you are your way to an adult"
  17. I know of one person getting paid. You have to request a antibody test and if it indicates you have the antibodies you will be guided to a "paying" source. Test results take a week to two weeks. Once confirmed you are placed on a schedule to be drawn. The one I know of is making $800 a month but I am not sure how long he can be a donor. The way I understand it, the antibodies show up in your system a week or two AFTER one has had covid. Very few people have shown to have them without being exposed or having covid but they have found some.
  18. Best advice you can get. When my girls started driving (twins) I bought a car for them, put it their names, and paid for their first year's insurance along with all DMV fees, and repairs. Most young drivers are apt to have an accident, get a ticket or two of some type. If they do, and are on your policy, your rates will skyrocket as long as they are on the policy. Your total cost of insurance may go up but but your savings in the long run will be worth it if something does happen. That way their driving record will stay with them and not you.
  19. Agreed but I think the warning is for suburbanites, snowflakes, ones with lap dogs, and cats that more than likely don't even own a gun.
  20. A common Leave No Trace question is “how do I responsibly go to the bathroom outdoors in the winter?” Even if you are comfortable doing your business outdoors in warm weather months, figuring out what to do when the ground is covered in snow and ice can be difficult. When you can’t dig a cat hole, make an effort to go before you go – use designated toilets at home, at trailheads and along the trail. Toilets and outhouses aren’t always available, though, so be prepared to pack your waste out with you just in case. This could mean using a W.A.G. bag (Waste Alleviation and Gelling) or a discreet bag you bring from home. For more information on these and other options for disposing of waste this winter, check out Leave No Trace’s Guide to Pooping Outside in the Snow.
  21. Starting with the 2019-2020 duck season, DEC, with the assistance of Cornell University and the Waterfowl Hunter Task Forces, implemented a structured process for selecting duck season dates in the four main zones of the state. The process incorporated input from a greater number of duck hunters through a survey and recent duck migration and abundance trends that were specific to each zone to maximize opportunity. With no changes anticipated in the federal frameworks (i.e., season length) for 2021-2022, the duck seasons dates in each zone will be: Northeastern Zone: October 2nd - October 24th and October 30st - December 5th Southeastern Zone: October 16th - November 28th and December 4th - December 19th Western Zone: October 16th - November 7th and November 27th - January 2rd Long Island Zone: November 2oth - November 28th and December 11th - January 30th For more information on how these dates were determined for each zone, visit DEC's website. DEC intends to reassess hunter values after the 2023-2024 hunting season. At that time, DEC will also update duck migration data to ensure there have been no significant changes to the timing of duck movements through each zone.
  22. on 2021-2022 Canada Goose and Special Season Dates DEC and the Waterfowl Hunter Task Forces are seeking input on your preferences for Canada goose, brant, scaup, youth, and military hunting season dates. Season frameworks for each zone: In the West Central, East Central, Northeast, Lake Champlain, and Hudson Valley are anticipated to be 30 days long with a one-bird bag limit; In the South Zone where very few migratory geese are harvested will remain 80 days with a 5-bird bag limit. The Long Island goose zone season lengths and bag limits will remain the same length as last year. Brant season is expected to be 50 days long with a two-bird bag limit. The scaup season will be a “hybrid season” similar to 2020-21, where the bag limit will be two per day for 20 days and a one-bird limit for the remaining 40 days. Please provide your feedback to: [email protected]. Comments will be forwarded to the appropriate task force members. Be sure to include the waterfowl hunting zone that your comments apply to in the e-mail subject line.
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