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Steve D

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Steve D

  1. I personally have nothing against crossbows but have no desire whatsoever to hunt with one. I would think that any of us that bow and gun hunt would would admit there is a significant difference between the two seasons. My biggest issue is ones that have never hunted during bow season suddenly being able to hunt the bow season with a crossbow bringing more hunters into the woods. I like bow season because I see a lot less hunters and the deer are not as pressured because of that reason. Another issue for me are the ones like my brother in law that doesn't want to put the time in practicing and getting prepared for bow season with a compound. He wants crossbow to pass just for that reason. For him it is easier and a lot less effort. Should a "gun" hunter be allowed to hunt during "bow" season with a crossbow?? Not for me to decide. I still think we should all be issued so many tags, have the season run the length the DEC wants it to; and be able to fill those tags any time during the open season with the legal weapon of one's choice. If I was able to make a harvest in Oct. with a rife, one in Nov. with a pistol, and one in Dec. with a bow who would it hurt? If I filled all three of my tags in Oct., Nov., or Dec., what's the difference? Deer season is deer season...who cares what you harvest them with or when they are harvested?
  2. I have been running the same mower for 750 hrs./11 years, trimmer, snow blower, and ATV, with no fuel problems whatsoever using this. When I put them up for the winter or summer I add some sta-bil Amazon.com: STA-BIL Storage Fuel Stabilizer - Guaranteed To Keep Fuel Fresh Fuel Up To Two Years - Effective In All Gasoline Including All Ethanol Blended Fuels - For Quick, Easy Starts, 4 fl. oz. (22205): Automotive to the tank. Everything starts second or third time after sitting for months at a time and run good for the season with no carburetor issues or repairs. I put fresh plugs in every year and an occasional fuel filter. Available @ Walmart, Lowes, Runnings, Tractor Supply and others. Only takes about 2ozs. per 5 gallons of gas.
  3. That would be me. After owning dogs my whole life I lost one that could never be replaced. It wouldn't do me or the dog justice to get another one. Dogs can touch us in a way no other can.
  4. I'm going to regret it but I have held off so far. With rain for the next few days it will be ready to bale by next week.
  5. It might be a mute point: All it is waiting for is Cuomo's Signature ALBANY, N.Y. (WKBW) — A bill has been passed by the New York State Senate and Assembly that would require 100% of sales of new passenger cars and trucks in the state to be electric by 2035. The bill is sponsored by New York State Senator Pete Harckham (D - 40th District). Along with sales of new passenger cars and trucks in the state being zero-emissions by 2035, off-road vehicles and equipment would also have to be by 2035 and medium-duty and heavy-duty vehicles would have to be by 2045. NY State Senate Bill S2758 (nysenate.gov)
  6. Another thing that may help for in the future is go to this link, create an account, enter your information, and you will be good to go in the future. It may speed up the process and could be why you can't sign the petition w/o being "logged" in Registration | NY State Senate (nysenate.gov). I f you need anymore help let me know and I will see if I can figure it out. We have to fight crap like this if possible !!!!
  7. I signed it and not sure it took. It required name, e-mail address, and physical address. I am also going to e-mail her directly and contact my local senator. Her district is right near Albany so you may want to contact you senator as well. Her e-mail address is: [email protected]. If I have it right this your guy: NY Senate District 58 | NY State Senate
  8. One can hope that would be the outcome, but the reality is they could rule the other way jeopardizing the right to carry concealed anywhere in the state.
  9. Albany Democrats are sponsoring legislation that would add a new 55 cent-per-gallon tax on New Yorkers at the gas pump. In addition, this bill would raise the cost of natural gas for residential home heating by 25 percent. After hiking taxes by $4 billion in this year’s budget, Senate Democrats are looking to make middle-class families pay more at the pump and more for home heating. Albany Democrats are sponsoring legislation that would add a new 55 cent-per-gallon tax on New Yorkers at the gas pump. In addition, this bill would raise the cost of natural gas for residential home heating by 25 percent. The cost of fuel has escalated in the past year and these new taxes only add to our financial burden. Join the Fight: Help Stop the Gas Tax! | NY State Senate (nysenate.gov)
  10. WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court agreed Monday to review a New York state law that limits carrying concealed firearms outside the home, the first major Second Amendment case it has heard since 2010 and one that could lead to a loosening of gun laws nationwide. The court first recognized a right to keep handguns in the home in a 2008 case and extended that ruling nationwide in 2010. Since then the court has declined to consider how far Second Amendment rights extend outside the home, even as most state and local gun regulations were upheld by lower courts.
  11. Yikes....Hope you keep us posted. There has got to be something unusual going on for sure. Hope it isn't a second case of covid especially after being vaccinated. From what I am hearing it wouldn't be the first time it happened. What sucks about the whole vaccine thing is you can still catch it and still pass it on. Cross your fingers and hope for the best. Best Of luck !!!!
  12. Unfortunately I agree. The "old" ways of life are quickly diminishing along with the individuals willing to participate. I believe we are only beginning to see the changes and expect more radical changes to come in the near future.
  13. You Ever wondered why NY Gov decided to Legalize Marijuana Now ? Pretty Simple Answer
  14. It is always hard to predict but this and next year is almost impossible, A lot depends on the markets, the demand, and economies. I know a lot of guys didn't trap or trapped a limited amount do to the market but I also know of a buyer that is sitting on a ton of fur that he bought cheap anticipating a market upturn. According to him he knows of a few more doing the same thing. Another issue with US fur buyers is getting them across the border since it has been closed and most don't want to bear the cost of shipping them. There is so much that goes on affecting the market that most of us never know about so we can never know what to expect from year to year. With "fur farming" in Europe being almost eliminated the demand for wild fur might increase but who knows: The Complete List of Fur Bans Around the World | PETA. California has also banned the use or sale of furs and who knows how many will follow suit. California has become the first US state to ban the manufacture and sale of animal fur. California has become the first US state to ban the manufacture and sale of animal fur. Residents will no longer be able to sell or make clothing, shoes or handbags from fur as of 2023.
  15. No one can predict what is going to happen at one auction or another. It all depends on so many things what the results will be. That is why the "seller" always has the option to declare no-sale. The market being what it is, plus having the borders closed, trappers and hide hunters should be thankful there is a way to sell their hides. The days of getting rich on hides has long passed.
  16. And for anyone interested the results for the Herkimer Auction held on April 10th: Species. Total. Average beaver. 452. 11.51 bobcat. 8. 62.00 castor. 81.25 lb. 84.48 coon. 63. 6.46 coyote. 51. 39.00 fisher. 41. 29.55 grey fox. 16. 17.53 red fox. 33. 10.56 marten. 4. 18.75 mink. 91. 7.02 otter 54. 30.59 rat. 1413. 4.92
  17. The one I started the post with. Genesee Valley Trappers in Honeoye, NY
  18. No numbers on the number of hides sold or how many buyers but here are the highs, lows, and averages. Looking at the results it must have been a low turn out: Type.....................High................Low.....................Avg beaver..................21.00................1.00...................7.36 castor...................80.00...............80.00.................80.00 bobcat..................40.00...............40.00.................40.00 raccoon.................7.00..................0.50..................4.11 coyote...................51.00.................2.00..................16.00 grey fox.................12.00................8.00...................10.00 red fox...................8.00..................0.50.................5.39 mink......................10.00................0.50...................4.26 muskrat..................6.50..................0.50...................4.70 fisher.....................18.00..................18.00...............18.00 skunk.......................5.00...................5.00.................5.00
  19. That is a great buck and as usual a great mount
  20. Cory For what it is worth within hrs. of having my first Moderna I experienced some unpleasant side effects which lasted off & on right up to the time I was scheduled for my second. Since I had heard about the second one being worse than the first I inquired before getting the second shot. After hearing of my symptoms I was told that IF one has had covid, tested positive, or been exposed to covid it has been reported that the symptoms and side effects can linger for quite some time. Here 3 weeks later I am still not 100% but seem a little better each day. Truth of the matter is they do not know how people will react because they don't have enough information and we are all being used as guinea pigs. I know several that have had the Moderna with no side effects and some that have been down & out since they had it. What really stinks is hearing more & more cases popping up in people that have had both shots. Only time will tell if we are doing the right thing by getting vaccinated; but I don't think we should be putting a lot of confidence in what we are being told.
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