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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Everything she's done since she lost just proves she should have lost.
  2. Not true. When the voters support the Constitution, I agree with them. When they don't, I do not. A ballot initiative that infringes on a right is invalid. No hypocrisy at all. But your bias will always think there is.
  3. Ballot initiatives are tyranny by the masses. Just as many in the past have been overturned as unconstitutional, so will these.
  4. The biggest loser in this election is the main stream media. The American people have proven it has become completely untrustworthy and insignificant. Nothing they say means anything anymore and has no credibility. They are all part of a government propaganda machine. This New Yorker article is proof positive of that. The sooner they all fade away, the better.
  5. Accusing people of hatred is the coward's way. I don't hate Leftists, Obama or Redneck. I just despise what they DO! You don't hate your child when that child burns your house down playing with matches, but you sure as hell hate what the child did. In response, you rectify the situation, make sure it can never happen again and continue on with your life. The hate is all coming from the side that really does hate Trump and his supporters. Not for what he does, but for what he represents, freedom, liberty, smaller government and the "Rule of Law" by the US Constitution. The "progress" Progressives have been forcing on the country has been stopped. That's got them all throwing a childish temper tantrum. They all need to grow up and accept the reality of the situation and choose to deal with it like adults, not criminals. You can choose not to "accept" Trump is the POTUS, but you cannot deny that he is.
  6. I fully support our Vets. I think this sums up the feeling of our vets today. Remember to honor all of them on Veterans Day. "The implications of this election for our executive, legislative and judicial branches — for constitutional Rule of Law versus its antithesis, rule of men, will have significant consequences for all Americans. Over the last three quadrennial election cycles, the contrast has become ever more stark between the politicians who've duped the American people into electing them versus the warriors whom we honor this week. The strongest constitutionally conservative constituency in America is composed of Veterans and active duty military and their families. At no time in generations has the contrast between those who support Liberty with blood and life, and those who want to destroy it, been so striking. For active duty military personnel and their families, this election cycle was more than just political fodder for debate — we have blood on the line. Veterans and their families want to know: Was their blood and sacrifice worth it or was it wasted?" Mark Alexander
  7. Obama's security could be mandated. But I expect he would get get his own Muslim security agents and would bill the US for their cost. Ex-presidents also get a living allowance for life to maintain the "dignity of the office". Obama is about to make a joke out of that too. The Clintons will not be prosecuted that fast and most likely not under Obama. If anything, he'll pardon them prior to indictment. Trump would never pardon them.
  8. Yes it does, even if he flees from prosecution. It's never happened before, but they are promised protection and a pension for life, no exceptions. Congress could change that, but would they?
  9. Know what makes a deer kick it's hind legs? Getting attacked by a predator jumping on it's hind end like a mountain lion. When a predator jumps on them from behind, they will all do it. I believe it's an instinctive reaction to an attack when the deer feels it's coming from behind. I guess some shots make a deer feel that's what is happening. Or perhaps individual deer just react differently to being shot. I do not think you can tell where you hit a deer by it's reaction to being hit.
  10. I always knew he would win. The big loser is the main stream media, that has been proven to be nothing but a leftist propaganda machine. They have lost all credibility and deserve to die a painful death.
  11. The left is waiting for marching orders. Expect trouble soon. This will not be pretty. Obama already owns a mansion in Dubai, a predominantly Muslim land. He gets Secret Service protection for life, as does his family, no matter where he lives. Hillary and Bill are going to prison.
  12. America dodged a lethal bullet by electing Trump, but the fight is FAR from over. There are 2 months before Trump's swearing in and you can expect Obama and all of his leftist comrades to try everything they can think of, to do as much damage as possible during that time. Expect riots in the cities, social chaos, unlawful executive orders, massive pardons for felons, amnesty for illegals and aid to Muslim nations that support terrorism, until Trump comes to power. The Left has proven to be capable of anything when it loses it's fights. They don't care about the consequences. We really need to put a lot of pressure on the GOP members of Congress and the Senate to put a stop to all of these shenanigans, so Trump won't need to spend his 1st one hundred days cleaning up Obama's crap. Obama's lawless reign has been a huge disaster for America. Doing more damage than all of the natural disasters that happened during that same time. Trump needs to be held to his promise to reverse all of that damage. He is far from another Ronald Reagan, but he needs to know the American people will not tolerate a turncoat in office again. The course of American history again looks promising, but promises can be broken. We all need to make sure that is not allowed to happen. I believe American prayers to the Almighty had a lot to do with Trump's win. For too long this country turned it's back on God. We were shown how bad we can have it when we do that. We have been given a 2nd chance to prove we learn from our mistakes. I pray people in this land are not stupid enough to turn their backs again. Nor can we allow our President to do so. God Help America!
  13. Thank God the American Patriots still out number the Idiots! We need to make sure that does not change in the future. Political correctness is tyranny with manners. Reject all leftist propaganda that's against the truth, anywhere and everywhere you find it. We cannot allow this land to slip back into the abyss we just climbed out of!
  14. You gotta get away from the main stream comedy channels that are all controlled by the left.
  15. If that was supposed to be humor, a word of advice. Don't pursue a career in stand up. BTW, there are many more conservative/republican stand up comedians than there are Leftists. Probably because they tend to be less vulgar.
  16. Only in the mind of an idiot does the word "Patriot" not mean someone who loves America and wants it to prosper under the Rule of Law, the Constitution and Liberty. Only idiots think patriotism is something to be oppressed.
  17. It's not in the Constitution because the founders never expected any citizen to be so stupid they would have to include it. However, voting laws require each and every voter to vote personally, either by appearing at the polls or sending in their own absentee ballot after their right to do so has been approved. If dead people can do that, they can vote.
  18. Today, we have two types of people in America. Patriots and idiots. The above statement is an example of the latter.
  19. A radically illegal administration creates radicals opposed to it. Obama has caused a lot of division and chaos in America and many people are not willing to tolerate Hillary making it much worse.
  20. Comey just decided he doesn't want to commit suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head....twice!
  21. This report comes from the National Academy of Sciences. Lets see if all the science loving leftists have an issue with the numbers here. Amnesty will cost TRILLIONS! http://dailysignal.com/2016/11/04/amnesty-would-cost-taxpayers-trillions-national-academy-of-sciences-report-indicates/?utm_source=TDS_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=MorningBell&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTWpWbU5HWXdPVE5rTm1GayIsInQiOiJDT3FzRUtcL2k3SEl6VlZYMHU2R3g1Zk43VjZRYTlMRWJvU2pBbkVtcmRPRmQwekNKWWlxeDFDaUxiN3Fya1JzbHVmUGEzN1wvb1RwYjhRWjdtbjFyelFLeUxzVEpMS2lLZ0h2cmlTTWZSVGFzPSJ9
  22. A few questions about current issues were asked. Notice also how many folks, and what folks, got the answers right. http://www.justfacts.com/news_2016_poll_voter_knowledge.asp
  23. Them thinking it, does not make it a fact. So, it's obvious it's a lie and they know it. Yet they continue to accuse people who criticize Obama of being racists. How can anyone support any group that is that dishonest? They support that group because that group has promised them what they want, that's why. And what they want is not good for the country at large, it's just good for them. They are self centered and dangerous to all who oppose them.
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