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the blur

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by the blur

  1. I see does yarding up at the side of major highways, eating grass. The cars don't seem to bother them at all.
  2. I eat 1 deer a year. So there is no reason to fill all my tags. I can't give venison away. no one wants it. "it's too gamey" is all I hear, when it's really not gamey at all. I have 2) tags for 3M which I won't use. I may go out just to enjoy the day, but not to fill my tags.
  3. I empty my mag when I take a deer. Once he's down, I keep shooting till he's dead. I am not tracking. Wondering in circles around the woods. The deer is down for good. The rest of you guys will be knifing your deer to death. Or poking him in the eye to see if there is still movement. While I'm field dressing. And the best part is: if you fire 4 rounds in the woods, other hunters come over to see what's going on. They think you shot a bear. So hey, while they are there, they help you drag out your deer. Works like a charm
  4. The bears are still moving?? I thought they would have been in hibernation by now. I'm still undecided if I would take a bear. I hear the meat is not worth eating. So many mixed reviews.
  5. I started taking my wife scouting. October is the best time. Not to cold. We scouted 5 miles a day. And she got to spend time with me, which made her happy for the weekend. She won't hunt, or enter the woods during rifle season.
  6. There will be nothing left to hunt. The DEC is hiring sharp shooters to cull 30,000 deer.
  7. What is the penalty on shooting a buck too small?
  8. It's only too cold for us human species.
  9. IT's warming up now, I wonder if the deer will stop moving.
  10. I passed on a buck, because he wouldn't take his head out of the mountain laurel. I saw antlers, but not being able to see the fully rack, he walked off. Someone shot him later on that week.
  11. 1 in the freezer. I'm happy. I may go out just for the exercise. If I see nothing, don't really matter at this point. I'm the only deer eater in my family anyway.
  12. The cheap disposable water bottles make so much noise on a cold day. Crunching & popping. What do you guys use ?
  13. Surprised to hear he ran 100 yards twice ! What cartridge was it ?
  14. I never had a fascination with antlers until the internet. A deer was a deer, was a deer. Last week I'm in the woods, and I see a nice size rack. My heart starts pounding. Hands start shaking. And it's all YOUR fault.
  15. I filled 1 tag, and I'm pretty happy. I may not go back out. I could have filled 2 tags, but let him go. Wasn't in the mood for dragging.
  16. The only cool thing about antlers is the rub marks on trees. Especially the bigger trees that are shredded. But that only happens if the antlers stay in the woods, not on your wall. I really have no other fascination with antlers.
  17. What is the fascination with antlers ?? Do you use them as a coat rack ?
  18. It was on the 'specials' menu. Not on the regular menu.
  19. Cause it's ILLEGAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. I asked the waiter, who knew nothing: "What cut of meat is it?" He said 'the legs'. I said, " I'll have the shrimp scampi"
  21. I took my wife out to eat, and there is venison on the menu. How can this happen in a NY restaurant? I know it's illegal. I typically see this up in Vermont, after the season, where it is legal. But now in NY ????
  22. My .243 dropped a spike in it's tracks. Double lung, 3" exit hole.
  23. Buy a .243. Problem solved. Bang Flop.
  24. I tried hunting 3M, south of RT 52. 10 zillion orange men in there.
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