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the blur

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by the blur

  1. When gutting a deer, do you split the rib cage to remove the diaphragm & heart? or just reach in from underneath, and cut in a circular motion ? I've seen it both ways on youtube.
  2. Will deer be moving in this wind ?
  3. How would you even get a bear out ? Without an ATV ?
  4. Don't they get infected when they are injured like that ?
  5. When someone shoots another hunter, they should be in jail. Not at the hunter safety course. When I took the course, someone actually asked if they can shoot a trespasser on their land, and they were dead serious. The instructor was dumb founded.
  6. Knowing how to tag is deer is fine detail ? That is pretty basic stuff.
  7. Experienced hunters still don't know the laws. 4 guys come over to inspect my harvest, and started accusing me of taking an illegal deer. The spikes were 2" in an AR zone, and I had to explain to them 3" spikes and under, goes on a DMP tag, and that's why the DMP tag asks for the sex. So they turned around and said, oh, let's go shoot some spikes. Therefore, I advocate a refresher class for everyone.
  8. I say, mandate the course every 5 years. Too many morons in the woods.
  9. the blur

    My morning

    When you guys see orange men in the woods on state land, very deep in, do you get spooked? Do you try to get their attention ? Sit tight? What do you do ?
  10. the blur

    My morning

    I had a good spot on state land. Very deep in. 3 hours later, I see orange men in the woods. 10,000 acres, and they find me.
  11. The come up with a solution on how to keep trigger happy morons out of the woods.
  12. In your world, you'll continue to have more dead people in the woods. Due to morons who shoot at anything moving.
  13. I put one of those little ones in my freezer. With my DMP, and he taste good too !
  14. The course should be mandated every 3 years, with a test. DO NOT SHOOT AT ORANGE. Orange is not a deer. I took my 1st course 35 years ago. Then I recently sat through a course with my son, and I'm glad I did. I would sign a petition for NYS DEC to mandate the course every 3-5 years regardless of experience. In fact, I got my license 35 years ago, then didn't hunt for 20 years. Then I walked into dicks, and got my license renewed 20 years later. No course needed. How stupid is NYS DEC !!!!
  15. If you go to the Bronx zoo, most of the squirrels are black.
  16. 7 Hours !!! If I can't grill it, I pass it down to someone else who can cook it.
  17. They're out there, I saw a big buck today, but could not verify his points. (AR).
  18. Parts of Sterling are AR. So carefully decide where you want to hunt.
  19. I passed on a big buck this morning. Broad shoulders, but his head was in the laurel, 10 yards away. I saw horns, but he would not pick up his head. He had a rack that curved forward. Perfect broadside shot. I looked at him for 4 minutes, he knew I was there, and he thought he was under cover of the laurel. If he only lifted his head, and showed me 3 points, I'd be at the butcher now. Then I heard shots close by an hour later, so somebody got him.
  20. A deer sitting out in the woods, is in the shade. There are no oak trees over those deer. Obviously the processor doesn't have a fridge, or the deer would be in there.
  21. 1 weekend a year is the only time that happens. So why would a processor have a fridge that can hold that many deer. It's just not business practical. But let's take a vote: Would you leave your deer sitting out like that in the sun?
  22. Opening weekend was HOT. Sun was blasting in the afternoon. 58 degrees outside, in the shade. My deer was on ice, inside and out. I brought at least 15 bags of ice, and had a big plastic tub. And I drove home with the deer in the car, not on the roof, for that specific reason. I have heard butchers say, they don't go bad, but I can't imagine otherwise. But I have seen 2 processors, with deer laying outside like those pictures. I am just baffled by the whole process. And then I would be paranoid to eat any of it, and I wouldn't even let my family eat it, if it was laying out like that.
  23. Maybe you can count points at 150 yards. I'm trying to be realistic.
  24. What kind of optics do you use, to ensure the buck meets the AR requirements? Obviously can't shoot a running deer, but now I need to be very selective, as all I have left is a buck tag, and I'm going to an AR zone.
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