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the blur

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by the blur

  1. What is a cutlet ?? I have seen a few butchers make cutlets. Others do not give you cutlets. One butcher on Long Island will slice the entire deer into cutlets. I do not understand how they do that.....
  2. My first year hunting, I wore a blue winter jacket. A deer picked me out from 40 yards away. At that point, I decided to buy camo.
  3. It's antlerless, and I hope you used your DMP tag. My spike was pretty stupid. He was not on alert at all. He just came prancing in, like everything was fine. I was very visible, on a big rock, no blind. If he looked up, he would still be alive. He presented a perfect broadside shot. I had the wind in my favor, but nothing else. Orange men all over the woods.
  4. With the 2 recent snowfalls, I'm seeing a lot of tracks. I have no doubt the population is doing OK. They just have been smarter than usual this year.
  5. My spike taste pretty good. I just ate some tonight.
  6. The butcher just tosses the heads in the dumpster. At least this one is still in the woods
  7. I did some scouting in Sterling. 2+ miles in. I could not imagine walking in 2 miles with a loaded pack, and rifle.
  8. I've seen that on state land, right on the side of the road, in 3M. They cut out a few good cuts of meat, and leave the remains. No tagging, no nothing.
  9. I thought the object was to kill the game animal, and not injure it.
  10. I suggest you all read the DEC handbook. There is a lot of good information in there.
  11. Exactly, how else do you know it's dead ?????????????
  12. I'll repeat myself. once the deer is DEAD, the tag must be filled out.
  13. The tag is filled out immediately when the deer is dead. Anything else is illegal.
  14. DEER MANAGEMENT PERMIT. Entitles you to a doe, or button buck (<3"), within certain boundary lines, as described by the DMP unit boundary map.
  15. Take the deer to the vet, and let him patch up the wound.
  16. Most of our hunting party is 60 yo plus. So 8 hours in on horse is not happening. That's why we need a guide, who will handle the heavy work.
  17. Please tell us about it. I don't expect cheap, especially with all the travel involved. I would do rifle only. Reading about it, I'm figuring $5k
  18. I want to move up to Elk hunting. All I see on the internet are managed hunts. Seems to be a 10 sq mile fenced in thing. I like fair chase, but I heard the success rate for Elk is close to zero. Has anyone gone Elk hunting ?
  19. I heard Sterling is very dry this year. I do plan on hunting there next year.
  20. Not having private land is difficult. On public land, one needs to find a good location. Where I think I'm alone, even though I know others are wandering around. It's tough to find a good spot in a state park !!
  21. I have that same problem. Last week I'm walking in, 1 mile up hill. Pushed through some thick mountain laurel. I am physically exhausted, 8 am. Dying of thirst. And I see this big bodied buck. My back pack still on. Weighted down. I'm by myself. Could have pulled the trigger 5 times, just didn't want to do the work. And walk 1 mile out to get my deer cart. So I stood and watched the deer for 10 minutes. Then he bounced away. I was happy. I saw antlers. That made my day. I sat for 3 hours, and went home. It was a perfect day of hunting. If I had a hunting partner to help me drag, maybe I would have pulled the trigger. But it was a good day.
  22. One tag is my sons, who went back to college. The other tag is mine, and this gives me the choice of where I am hunting. Sometimes 3M, sometimes 3P. I got a 3P doe, so I won't use my 3M. I'm not filling tags just to shoot deer.
  23. Tame tick infested deer are all too common on Long Island. The DEC sharp shooter will take him out soon enough.
  24. That buck is exactly why I did not fire last week. I saw antlers just like those, but he refused to lift his head out of the Laurel. So the AR zone saved his life. I could never see his full rack. Had I shot a buck like that in AR, I would have been sick. And I've been kicking myself for the past week, because it was a big bodied deer, and I'm thinking it must have been 3 points. But was never positive. After seeing that picture, I'm happy I never pulled the trigger.
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