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the blur

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by the blur

  1. Being that you shoot so many animals, what happens to all the meat ? I typically will not shoot more than 1 deer per season, because I can't eat more than one....
  2. How long can the ticks live on the garage floors ?
  3. I saw a few engorged ticks on my last deer.
  4. There is so much state land in 3M, I can't imagine needing to trespass.
  5. Ever try those incents ?? They stink from high hell, and all my hunting gear stinks from the incents too. I need to get rid of them.
  6. The coyote population has been expanding. I'm seeing more & more scat just taking a day hike.
  7. How do you plan on getting it out of "the grand canyon of the east" ??
  8. I just got into a big voter fraud argument with a libtard. They are in complete denial that there is voter fraud. They really think it's a lie perpetrated by FOX. These people are brain washed, and cannot think for themselves.
  9. He heard your heart pounding through your chest !!
  10. As of now, they are calling for snow on opening day !!! I know it's 10 days in advance, and they can't predict the weather 1 hour in advance, but I'm getting excited !! The temperatures look good too.
  11. Smaller calibers are better. I can sit at the range all day with my .243. Practice for hours. While the magnum hunters with the muzzle brakes develop a flinch, and are deaf. I have never read on a forum any deer that ran away from a .243.
  12. I brought a 10x50 set from Dicks. I could see over a mile away, clear as day. They were heavy & too bulky. And who needs to see to the next hill top. It was ridiculous. So, maybe, I'll get a x42. Maybe Less than 100 yards though, do you really need to use glass?? More stuff to carry around. Extra weight. I'd rather carry an extra bottle of water.
  13. I bet NONE of these deer ran far. I bet the 80 gr put them all down where they stood.
  14. Anything bigger than a .243 is overkill. I use 100 gr ammo. I know people who use 80 gr. .243 hunters know they do not track their deer. It's usually bang - flop.
  15. I have been busted by making noise in the woods more than once. Deer seem to pick up any sound that is not normal & usual for them to hear.
  16. When Bambi runs off and dies on the next property, you need to call the cops to retrieve your deer. The law states, the land owner is responsible for the dead deer, no matter who shot it. So the cop must be diplomatic, and explain to the land owner: " if he doesn't let you retrieve the deer, he is then responsible to remove the carcass. " and only then do most people say OK.
  17. Probably is dead, but in the next zip code.
  18. I have seen mushroom pickers while scouting state land. They were a bunch of Amish high school girls, in their outfits. They knew exactly what mushrooms they were looking for. Had little plastic baggies. They were more successful than I was.
  19. If it's not posted, you have major problems, and little recourse. You need a surveyor to stake out the parcel.
  20. I'll stay on the ground. Sit on a log, rock, whatever.
  21. Last year, opening day, it was 68 degrees out. My deer was on ice 2 miles into the ride home. The butcher told me. "I'm the only one who ever filled a tub of ice, and stuck the deer on ice, over & under" I brought like 10 bags of ice, and had the deer in a plastic tub. He then told me, many deer he's gets to butcher, are rotten, and he dumps them. apparently people don't know better.
  22. Mine is mounted, and I talk to him every night when I come home from work. I always thank him for the good tasting steaks.
  23. Too many people hiking there. Tree huggers, etc, etc. On weekends, you can't even get near the parking lot. There are 100's of hikers, and day packers all year round. Plus a parking fee. Also, all of 3J is antler restrictions.
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