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the blur

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by the blur

  1. Any new news on this ? Seems to have faded from the head lines....
  2. Regardless of what wife thinks, the trophy gets mounted. That is totally irrelevant. I have a basement, I have a garage. For now, the trophy is hanging in the basement. And with the divorce rate being 50%, why wouldn't I spend $500 for a nice mount
  3. I just got the mount back. Came out real nice. The wife won't let me hang it in the house. Major problem.
  4. I'm surprised with the extreme winter. I thought there would have been a big die off of ticks.
  5. My taxi guy says my buck can only be mounted with a left or right angle. No straight forms come in the right size to fit right. He said it's the only way it would look right. I don't know much about this.
  6. Did you lawyer up ? This may affect your changes of obtaining a pistol license.
  7. I was watching bear over bait on you tube. I'm not impressed. 55 gallon drums filled with dog food, and cooking grease, with the drums chained down to a tree. 3 or 4 bears playing with the drums, digging out little pieces of dog food for hours at a time. Then you get to blast one from a group. Although I've considered it in the past, now that I watched it on youtube, it doesn't seem to sporting to me. I certainly have the opportunity to hunt bear over bait in Canada, or Maine, but now I'm not so sure I could do it. Especially after NYS deer hunting, where it took me years to get my 1st deer, and it was more than challenging. What's your feelings over hunting over bait ???
  8. After 6 months, the excitement is gone. It's like I wouldn't even miss it if I never got the trophy back...............................
  9. How long does it take to get your mount back? I'm having my first deer mounted. Got him on opening day. Does it usually take 6 months ?
  10. How much snow is still on the ground ?
  11. Gas stations run out of gas, due to all the hoarders.
  12. I feel that target is too far back.
  13. I hunt deer with a .243. Works very well for deer. I have been impressed by the knock down power. What's the biggest animal you would hunt with a .243?
  14. My friend the eagle scout hunts beer over his gut piles. He goes right back in the woods after dropping his deer at the butcher, and says it's legal. I say it's natural baiting. He cuts up the heart, so the scent travels further.
  15. When I 1st started hunting, I couldn't care less about horns. It was meaningless to me. After reading the interweb for all these years, now I want a nice rack on my wall !!!!! All of you are to blame .
  16. Those deer are drinking radioactive water. Or they are using nasty chemicals during fracking.
  17. What deer is ever perfectly broadside ???? This season, my deer was on a slight angle, my bullet went in just behind the shoulder, and came out low through the other lung, about 4" back from the aft shoulder. He just fell right over. Didn't even take 1 step. .243
  18. I shot my deer at 100 yards...... I thought. 2 weeks later I went back, and actually measured the distance. It was more like 80 yards. For all you discussing shot placement, go to a hunter safety course. They tell you where to shoot.
  19. .243 is what I hunt with. No reason for a bigger caliper. BANG - FLOP !!!!!! Massive exit wounds. No tracking like the .30-06 guys
  20. Have you seen any deer succumb to this sub zero weather? I heard they are moving less, trying to conserve warmth. But I figured they would be eating more, moving around more.
  21. These videos are so old, it's time to move on.
  22. Looks like he got lucky with a head shot. Hard to tell. Me personally, I won't take running shots. I refuse to injure an animal on a questionable shot.
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