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the blur

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by the blur

  1. Do the public a favor and field dress the deer properly before you donate it. Some people just dump the entire deer, guts and all at the donation center.
  2. There is a full moon for the last weekend of rifle season, with an eclipse. I wonder if the deer will go fully nocturnal ? I'm doing 1 more day, and I'm done for the season. Hopefully with the cooler weather, we'll see some movement.
  3. We dropped our hunting lease in 4O, because there were no doe permits.
  4. I stay in 1 location for 2-3 hours, and get real bored, real fast. I'll walk to another location, sit on a rock for 2 more hours, then move again. I get fidgety, and bored. Last weekend I slept for 2 hours against a tree, got sun burn. I don't know how the tree stand guys do it all day long.
  5. I waS hesitant to use mine last weekend because there is no orange on the blind at all. I need to sew some orange onto the top.
  6. Last year, I saw many many deer of exit 119. I almost hit 4 doe on opening day, just off the exit. Then I saw 12 doe yarded up on some farmland by the school. This year I saw NOTHING.
  7. Even if it is, why would you call him? or even attempt to located the hunter ???
  8. How about the cow elk at 200 years? that is very similiar. no rack, very similiar looking animals. It's a tough call. If I was the judge, I'd let it go. The bull is a tougher argument, that rack doesn't resemble a NY buck.
  9. At 200 yards, yeah, it's a tough call, don't shoot !! anything under a 100 yards, WOW... that's a big deer with a big rack. OPPPPPSSSSSS. at least he called the DEC, and fessed up. others would have left it there to rot.
  10. Sometimes I think I need a new hobby.
  11. Last day of the season is 12/20/11.
  12. 3M was like a war zone opening weekend. At least 100 shots during the day. I got nothing. Since then, I have seen thinging. and the shots have been far and few between.
  13. Might be easier with a shotgun at night time.
  14. You have a perfect piece of LEAN meat, (looks amazing) and then your killing it with greasy fatty bacon.
  15. I'm thinking you'll get the value of the land. A hunting camp used 1 month out of the year.... not sure it's worth any thing in the real world. Any one who wants to hunt with no money can walk state land. Ski houses typically hold more value, because that sport has more interest, and a longer season.
  16. the blur


    I think I'm done with 3J. Spent 5 days out there, and NOTHING to show for it. Opening day I saw 2 deer at a distance, but nothing within range. Ever since then I see NO wildlife at all. Maybe a squirrel here and there, but nothing really to speak of. This year, I did not see one scrape or rub anywhere. Last year I saw a few. Very strange. My freezer is empty.
  17. I'm going out this weekend. In the morning I will not use anything, if nothing comes around, and I'm getting bored, I'll try another incent, and see if that changes anything. I'll dig up some PVC tonight, and paint it black so I don't get shot like a white tail.
  18. How often do you see bucks hanging out together ??
  19. Where's the 40 people to say it was tame, and hand feed apples all year long ????
  20. What exactly is the purpose of the bucket? I've been sticking them into a soft log. is it too powerful out in the open ? they have never worked for me, and I'm wondering if it is the lack of the bucket.
  21. I saw some bear tracks off COX road. It's a walk in area with state land signs. It was heavily pressured on opening weekend, but now there are 1 or 2 cars there. I'd love to get a bear. Hopefully this weekend.
  22. I've been trying these sticks. They burn for an hour. No success at all. I think the deer run the opposite direction. any one have any luck with them ?
  23. I would do it if I wanted some venison or pork during the off season.
  24. I have never been successful with any stink bomb, or any lure.
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