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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by sodfather

  1. Thank you everyone out of likes but appreciate all the wishes . Thank you !!!!
  2. Shooting the roost is something I never like to do .
  3. Then you my Gman haven’t lived
  4. All these sightings of dead deer and talks of EHD seem to show up after you posted your contest thread . Maybe it’s another team from this forum with a serious competitive side to them .
  5. Nice little bounce back today. Options did really well and SGEN with a %15 day thanks to some recent investment money .
  6. Funny story I cursed those trees during my childhood days of picking those things up with a single glove on and a bucket . My father had some of those trees trimmed and sold to the Amish . They gave him $1800 for just a couple nice size limbs . He then gave me the money . So I made a $128 a year for picking up walnuts for 14 years .
  7. That guy was seen filling out applications at the local 7-11
  8. I disagree on this somewhat. Every year he or the team has improved. A non playoff team for what 13 years to a playoff team and now possibly a division contender. They keep adding pieces to improve. I Don’t always love the design QB run but he’s athletic enough to pull it off at times
  9. If that guy was friends with @turkeyfeathersthat would never happen
  10. I’ve sold and bought everything from bows to stabilizers in AT . Never an issue , I didn’t realize they took away the feedback rating , I don’t like that decision.
  11. I have a cart and a jet sled and have never used for a deer They work awesome for transporting goose and duck decoys
  12. Ask Tacks what I say to him every year when Biz comes to hunt the lease. I say I don’t care if I shoot a deer or not I just want Bizzy to get one .
  13. Biz actually thought about buying a house in mine and TF’s neighbored.
  14. He know it to be true Or for Crappy’s eyes . The fellow outdoorsman pridefully poses for a photograph to post on the World Wide Web. He cherished his accomplishment for a mere 5 minutes of fame before the strapping wood-smith steals his crown of fame before his own peers .
  15. I’m definitely scared I hate those hunting contests way to much pressure. Besides I just wait for Biz to post his deer then shoot one bigger 5 minutes later . That’s a way better feeling .
  16. Had one used it twice and sold it . Very comfortable seat though
  17. On X is great but HuntStand has the scent cone feature that I love
  18. You all should have a range finder unless you all used Chefs when sighting in your bows . In our winter group we will get 2 or sometimes 3 guys come up with different numbers
  19. That one with the blue sky and the rolling field is awesome
  20. This is good stuff. One of my favorite aspects of hunting is the scenery you can’t get unless your in the outdoors .
  21. Those up hill down hill shots are so fun. I love the challenges of a 3D course and add 20 degrees and wind it’s even more fun. That’s why I smirk when guys say shooting a compound in not a challenge or same as firing a bolt .
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