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Everything posted by mbucks27

  1. Congrats on the doe!! I shot my first doe ever last year and it was great to get a kill under my belt for the season and some meat in the freezer. Also the extra buck tag i got from DEC wasn't a bad thing either. Make sure you take the head down to Ridge so you can get another either sex tag. John
  2. You can buy it at dicks or you can order it online http://m.cabelas.com/cabelas/product/detail.do?itemId=714807&categoryId=&path= John
  3. This will be my first weekend hunting the island. I'm hoping to see some good action this weekend but it sounds like its has been kind of slow from reading these posts. John
  4. Awesome buck!! I hunt not too far from there in coventry and i have seen some real big bucks up there over the years. John
  5. Deer have been moving all day here in 4r. Saw two good 8's this morning in field again when i pulled up but they never came past my stand. Back in the stand now its a great day to be out. Good luck to everybody hunting tonight!! John
  6. Jusy got up in my stand in 4r. Windy but hopefully they will be moving. John
  7. Just got up in my stand in 4s. Warm but i saw a lot of deer out in the fields including a nice 8 pt. cant really shoot to far with leaves on tress so hoping they come in close this morning. John
  8. Glad to hear you are ok!!! What brand was the stand? John
  9. Nice setup RITBlake. I do the same exact thing but face the camera towards me for the second angle shot. i use a small canon for the first angle. Hard to adjust the camera while deer is coming in but it makes it more of a challenge. John
  10. Good Luck John!! A part of me wishes i was out today but then i look at the temps and i think otherwise. Supposed to cool down on Sat and that will be the next time i can get out. John
  11. I use the regular rages as of right now but i def want to invest in a pack of chisel tips for next season. John
  12. Great Shots Dave. I guess you just never know what you are going to see when you are out in the wild!! John
  13. Up in my stand in 4s. Light breeze and its raining acorns. Havent seen anything yet. Good luck guys!!!! John
  14. mbucks27


    I have gotten some great bucks on my trailcam from 4g. Same thing happened last year though and then once the season came they seemed to dissapear . John
  15. I have been noticing that most of the people that use the muddy harness on TV are using a rope style strap as thier safety tether. i know that my harness came with a rope style lineman's rope do you think they are using that as the tree strap also? i cant seem to find a rope style tree strap on muddy website. Any info would be greatly appreciated. John
  16. Geno, That is exactly what i use but it does nothing for chiggers. if you rub up against the wong bush or area of grass you will be covered in them!!!!!!! Now for ticks after the chiggers die off that spray works wonders and i wont go in the woods without treating my clothes first. John
  17. I think this song just about sums it up!!!! John
  18. When you are in the stand you dont aim high on a deer you aim low. If you aim high you will either shoot over the deer or hit the spine. I usually aim about an inch low at 20 yards. John
  19. Here is a great video on how to make your own lifeline. Seems pretty easy to me and i might just make a few for my lockon stands.
  20. http://now.msn.com/taxidermy-gone-bad-photo-gallery-of-badly-stuffed-animals John
  21. I use a canon hf20 when filming myself and it works out great. That along with a 3rd arm mini xl camera arm and its a very lightweight packable way to film yourself. http://www.the3rdarm.com/products.htm#miniproxl http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com/viewitem?itemId=280969498207&index=0&nav=SEARCH&nid=06206753223 John
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