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Everything posted by mbucks27

  1. Came out great!!! congrats again on a great buck. John
  2. Came out great!!! congrats again on a great buck. John
  3. Congrats on a great day!!!! You guys see any bucks or anything good at check station?
  4. get well soon!!! at least you have plenty of time until next season to heal . John
  5. Checked the cam yesterday and it seems the bucks are still checking the scrape. Maybe the 3rd rut has kicked in?????? Its amazing how many bucks are around and none of them have dropped any antlers yet. John
  6. I believe it. Judging from my trail cam pics from the past 9 days bucks are hitting the scrape like crazy. I'm starting to think the 3rd rut is going on right now and from what you just said it might be true. Good Luck!!! John
  7. Good Luck hope you guys knock down a big one!!! John
  8. Havent ever got the flu shot. Never really got the flu either until this year. Have been home sick since friday with 102 temp and coughing like crazy. Toady is the first day i am feeling better. Thinking about getting it next year lol. John
  9. Nice buck!!! Im still bumed that they changed the crossbow law and i cant hunt the private piece that i have access to. O well maybe next year. John
  10. Great video!!! Man you are close to road huh. Doesnt seem to bother those deer at all. Very nicely put together. John
  11. Good luck guys!!! My friend got a picture of a giant buck In the rocky point area a few days ago. They are still out there with full headgear!!! John
  12. Work as a network administrator at NYU. Eventually would like to relocate to somewhere with woods out my back door. John
  13. Thats pretty cool!!! Very unique. John
  14. Nice buck bro!!! That farm always produces late season. Holeflynnext year one of us will get the big one down!! John
  15. Its not that big of a piece and there are a lot of spots on that square block for other hunters. Some good bucks in that area good luck!!!! Be sure to post your results. John
  16. And i would say the opposite. If i were hunting Rocky Point or Otis Pike i would just stay put and wait for all the other guys to push deer to me. I have hunted out there a few times during shotgun and that strategy has worked for me even though i have never shot one b/c they were all small bucks. With so many people moving around if you sit from morning until dark in the same spot you are almost guaranteed to see some deer. If you are hunting Sarnoff i would say walk b/c there is so much land that it doesn't pay to sit still all day. Good luck guys i was going to go out on Martin Luther King day but i decided not to since i shot one on the last day of bow. Cant wait to see some pics and try to check to make sure that its not a shed buck you are shooting at. My friend took one the other day with the bow and it turned out to be a 1/ 1/2 yr old shed buck. John
  17. Great find!!! I would love to be able to shed hunt my way to work!!!!! John
  18. Thanks everybody for the congrats!! Hope everyone has a happy new year!!! John
  19. Thanks guys!!! i was using Rage broad heads and the hole and blood trail were both unbelievable. The shot was about 25 yards and this was on private land in Suffolk County. Here are some more pics not the greatest b/c i was by myself. John
  20. I have been hunting very hard all season with not much luck. Hunted yesterday afternoon in 40 mph winds and didnt see any deer at all. I was gonna call it quits until i checked my cam and saw that there were still some nice bucks coming by my stand. I decided to give it one last try today and i was rewarded with a nice 7 point long island buck. Not my biggest but i am sure happy to tag him on the last day of the season. I was by myself but u have some better pics ony video cam that i will upload later.
  21. Yea he has a huge body. My brother shot one of them yesterday afternoon. Ive been hunting all week in same stand and didnt see much. Put him in the stand and an 8 comes walking right in at 3:30 lol. Not a monster but he was happy. John
  22. Noce find!!! I found two today one old one with a drop tine and one small fresh one. And the maddness begins lol!! John
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