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Team Hoyt

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Team Hoyt

  1. Guess he didn't get that cameras card. Idiot
  2. I'm going out to fill my freezer. With no deer yet from bow season, getting low on meat. I'm out for anything except for little ones. My family only eats venison no store bought meat with additives.
  3. I'm looking forward to it. Best time of the year. Hopefully my luck changes from bow season
  4. Is that crab meat with mac and cheese? Looks amazing
  5. Just sighted my 30-30 in. Figure I'll use that for deer drives. Never have I taken it out hunting and have only shot it a couple times. Not really knowing what to expect but I hear it's a nice deer caliber
  6. I've literally have never had a year like this. I know I'm on I checked last night. I'm beyond pissed at myself
  7. My crossbow arrow is all fat, no smell of guts. Alot of grey hair around. No blood, just my luck
  8. Heading out in 1/2 hour. The rut must be on in cattaraugus county all night long the fire radio was busy with car/deer accidents
  9. Say a decent buck at 100yards just before dark. Alone didn't care about grunts or wheeze call. Saw a couple does bedded with a buck. Thinking they aren't rutting yet
  10. Keep at it. I'm currently 0-3 this year. Its unreal I've never had a year like this
  11. Had a doe come running in at 12 yard. Couldn't get a shot off with a tree blocking my limb
  12. Yeah our lease only has acorns so I'm hoping that's what's up
  13. Missed a decent buck. Figured I put the arrow into the shoulder. Couldn't find the arrow and only 2 small drops of blood. Called deer search they agreed and believed the buck survived. Currently on a 7 day sit with zero deer seen. Getting very frustrated as normally I've seen deer by now. I haven't even had a doe in range. I've changed different stands with no luck. I'm lost. Thinking maybe the rut hasn't started yet. I've seen some rubs and scrapes. The scrapes are open 1 day but then nothing for a couple days. Maybe the deer have no reason to move yet with food around and the higher temps? So hopefully now with colder temps on the way they might move
  14. Just opened a can and made a sandwich. Yum it's been years, definitely buying more tonight
  15. Reading around here it seems as if the rut is happening out east of us, so we gotta be next lol
  16. I haven't seen any rutting activity in cattaraugus county. I haven't seen a deer in a couple sits now
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