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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. For those in the Rochester area, or that has a youth that can travel to it, we do have a spot open this weekend for a qualifying youth. Fill out the form linked in this thread and get it back to me. http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/26374-2015-grst-qdma-youth-hunt-program/
  2. Im not proving anything other than you assume too much. Even if I had 1 tag, its legal for other people to give me the meat from their deer, so I could have 600lbs of vension in my freezer, and it would be perfectly legal.
  3. Thats not what I said, and you know it. Glad to see you are one of the type that will twist other peoples words to try and make your point. Nice discussion skills.
  4. Yes, its this weekend. Saturday through Monday, and the no buck thing doesnt apply for the youth hunters. Im sure youre gonna hear all kinds of fantasies about how every mentor out there will really be out for shooting a buck and saying the youth did it. lol. Haters gotta hate
  5. Between 3 guys, it wouldnt be tough to have 10 tags. I have 4 in my pocket right now that I could use today, plus 4 DMAPs at the farm I hunt. I could legally shoot 8 deer today and then get 2 more DMPs after Nov 1, shoot three deer during gun, then go buy my ML tag and shoot another one in late season. Thats 12 deer by myself.
  6. Actually i quoted the entire post. Do you think any state that has a mentored youth season has any way of verifying who pulled the trigger? Of course not. NY isnt alone on the difficulties of enforcing laws. Dont fool yourself. I would say that the vast majority of regulation infractions in hunting, no mater what state they are committed in, are not discovered by law enforcement. Go back and read what I said, I didnt compare NY to the middle east. I was talking about the punishment fitting the crime. Honestly, I dont think poaching is the worst crime in the world, and in the grand scheme of things, killing a game animal is pretty insignificant. Do I think poaching is right? No.
  7. Plenty of other states have youth seasons, different areas that have different bag limits, etc, and doe permits. None of that encourages poaching. Maybe you should move to the middle east, where they cut your hand off for stealing a candy bar. Im all for making fines and penalties a bit more stiff, but the punishment should fit the crime.
  8. Hang on, they have allowed bait down there for a while, all they did was modify the baiting law. Before, the bait had to be 100 yards from the hunter and obscured from vision. Now it has to be 100 yards away, but can be in view. Anyone that would say it doesnt count because it was shot over bait should just shut their trap. Its legal, it counts. Just like the guys up here that say food plots are the same as baiting. Its legal, end of story.
  9. It doesnt matter what temps its hung in. If Jesus wants him to get food poisoning, he will.
  10. Never try to use hand lotion as a lubricant. Not even when you are drunk and cant find anything else quickly. Trust me.
  11. The program is 2 years any way. Enjoy another 2 weeks of doe only in 2016. Ill be killing my does, and the same number of them, but Ill do it when I can make the choice on what sex of deer I want to shoot.
  12. It doesnt need it, but it keeps it nice and moist, just the environment my shaft likes to be contained in.
  13. If we banned his username, he wouldnt be able to log into it from anywhere, but he could view the site as a guest. An IP block would only block him if he was accessing directly from that particular ISP connection. You can change that pretty easy though. BTW, I dont show the member Beeradvocate as ever being on the site. Its not in the banned list either.
  14. I have to laugh though, the same guy that was ribbing me for using WB spray is using silicone for his quiver.
  15. There may be some elk down near the PA boarder, as there is a population down there. Maybe some have made their way over the boarder, but I havent heard of any. Moose are becoming more prevalent in the North Eastern areas of NY, so in the future the DEC will have the power to put a season in place if need be.
  16. I have a few of their hang ons. Decent platform size, great seat pad, and they just hold up. They were pretty fairly priced too.
  17. Im pretty sure Deerpassion hunts in an area included in the doe only deal for the first 2 weeks, and he just made that comment in the Live from the Stand thread a few days ago. I dont recall him shooting any bucks yet this year. I think you are mixing up members lol.
  18. Yep, looks like its just harnesses for them now. I knew they stopped making stands a couple of years ago. Too bad too, I liked their hang ons.
  19. They never said there will be a early ML season for the whole state. They have said they may put early ML in for the zones that need the herd thinned, in other words the zones with the doe only rule for the first 2 weeks.
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