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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I have never really thought about why I dont wear orange during archery season. Maybe because the only reason (in my mind) to wear it is so that people shooting guns from a distance can see me. That worry just isnt there during archery season.
  2. Yes you can. I always wear mine under my jacket so I can use my pockets. Who cares about the words though, deer cant see orange.
  3. Mine usually dont stay factory for very long.
  4. They are grain fed here too lol. Im in 8H. Number of points doesnt mean much, we have 1 year olds that are 8s and we have 4 year olds that are 8s.
  5. Depends what day it was and where she is. 7:15 was legal time plenty of places since Oct 1 http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/wildlife_pdf/15sunriseset.pdf
  6. Ive lived in Florida and Ohio, and I can assure you, they are everywhere lol.
  7. Heaviest 2 1/2 Ive personally seen on a scale taken from this area (rochester/fingerlakes) was one I shot a couple of years ago that dressed at 162 or 167. When I saw trailcam pics of him before I killed him, Id have sworn he would have dressed alot more than he did.
  8. Youth hunters last weekend were excluded from doe only, regardless of what weapon.
  9. Im not butthurt over anything, and your constant insinuating that someone is crying over your opinion, butthurt about it or otherwise puts you in the same class as Larry. Tip your waitress
  10. And those that you are belittling by voicing your opinion have every right to call you out on it.
  11. Or you can get one from the QDMA site... A whole kit... https://www.qdma.com/shop/deer-aging-package Or just the extractor... https://www.qdma.com/shop/jawbone-extractor-zinc-plated
  12. High shots like that both times? You probably arent bending at the waist. Like others have said, practice from an elevated platform or a stand a bit. If she didnt wind you or see you, youll be ok.
  13. Rock climbers have been using those harnesses forever. I would think if theres an issue with hanging upsid down, falling out of them, etc, youd hear about it and they would use something else.
  14. Actually you did.... "If you truly are a "trophy hunter" then maybe staying out of the woods is a valid point," your words. You also made the assumption that Im incapable of killing deer.... "If some people on this forum put as much effort into hunting as they do arguing about things that aren't going to be "solved" on a public forum they'd be deadly in the woods" your words again. Now you just called me foolish, as I have chosen not to put undo pressure on the bucks I intend to hunt by staying out of the woods for the most part. Ill just say this. Im no trophy hunter, I kill plenty of deer (mostly does) every season, and I know that the more pressure you put on an area, the less likely you are to kill a mature buck there. If that makes me foolish, then so be it.
  15. Holy assumptions The majority of the guys I see complaining on this forum about this program, are guys that kill deer consistently. Im no trophy hunter, I know Culver isnt, along with a bunch of the others. It has nothing to do with trophy hunting. Go back and read the thread.
  16. You just told him he was wrong, and then immediately verified his statement.
  17. Looks like a 2 year old, but might be 3.
  18. Yes, it has been. DEC put out tons of DMPs in these zones for years, and they still couldnt get the deer killed that they wanted. The problem does not lie with overall DMP allocation numbers. Next year it will be 2 weeks, just like this year. DEC has already made it clear that the current program is a 2 year trial. After that, if they are not satisfied with the results, the areas that are now antlerless only for the first 2 weeks will get an early ML season. That part they havent stated specifically, but its clear as day to anyone who has really looked into what is going on, and listened to everything the DEC has to say. Antlerless only statewide is not an option.
  19. I have my cams located where equipment activity is normal, and I drive up to them with my ATV, swap the card, format the new one and switch the camera on. It is a very short intrusion that the deer are used to. Many times Ill get pics or video of deer walking through minutes or hours after I have been there. Its completely different than sitting in a stand for hours and getting winded by the deer.
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