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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. There were some really good chances in the third for them, just up until the coaches challenge, which brought the momentum to a grinding halt. I think the challenge thing is fine for goalie interference, etc, but think the offsides call stuff equates to a coaches challenge in baseball to determine if a pitch was a ball or strike. It sucks. Huh, thats what used to happen when I had DTV. They must have changed it.
  2. Ill have to check out sling, it looks pretty good from what I see so far. Thanks for the heads up on CarbonTV
  3. It was a little well done, internal temp was about 150, but it was extremely juicy, not dry in the least. As Culver said, I do use a water pan in my smoker.
  4. Same boring team? We must not be watching the same games lol. The opener was a great game, they may have won that game if it hadnt been for the closest offsides call Ive ever seen, which was done on a coaches challenge. Tampa? Really, you think they had a chance against them? They arent in that class yet, but its a completely different team. Alot more speed and intensity. I think people will end up surprised by the end of the season. BTW, if you DVR the channels on the free weekends, anything you record becomes unplayable after the free weekend is up. I look at TV as something I can do without, and something Im just not willing to spend $100 to $150 a month for anymore.
  5. Been using up my venison in the freezer, and came up with this today. Take a section of backstrap, and split it in the middle enough to butterfly it out a bit (dont cut all the way through). Stuff the backstrap with jalapeno slices, diced onion, minced garlic and shredded cheddar jack cheese. Next, lay out slices of bacon into a sheet as long as your section of backstrap. Then lay the stuffed backstrap in the middle of the bacon. Sprinkle a bit of Montreal Seasoning on the bacon slices and wrap them around the backsrap until it is encased in the bacon. use toothpicks to hold it all together. Last, rub the outside of the bacon with a Memphis style BBQ rub. Heat up your smoker to 250 and smoke the wrapped backstrap for 3 hours using the wood of your choice. I used pecan and it turned out great.
  6. I use a muff with hand warmers. I do have a pair of wool gloves that Ill use when stalking or still hunting at times, but mostly I use the muff and warmers with no gloves, or just my set of thin bow hunting gloves.
  7. Well, if youre willing to pay $100 a month for a few hockey games, have at it. I watch my Sabres games, and its better than listening to them on the radio. I might be willing to get the NHL subscription to stream via their App, but it does squat for watching in market teams. MSG has their App, but its only available for one particular cable service. Eventually normal cable will be dead and all of these networks will have their own Apps that youll be able to selectively subscribe to. Like HBO, etc has now.
  8. Looks good, just be careful about your car insurance and what rules they have about signage on your vehicle and commercial useage.
  9. I already explained why just a couple of posts ago. As far as what hunting is all about, its different for many people. Not everyone is in it just for meat. For me, I will kill does to keep their numbers in check and get the meat I want to fill my freezer with. I do not shoot every doe I have the opportunity to kill, nor do I keep killing them until I run out of tags. Its based on how many that the group of us feels should be taken of of certain properties we hunt. It doesnt matter what day of the season I kill them, dead is dead at the end of the season. I enjoy hunting deer for a variety of reasons, friends, family, the challenge, being out in the woods, getting away from the hustle and bustle, etc. Im no trophy hunter, but I do have stadards on the bucks I would shoot, and I try not to do things that will unnecessarily lessen my chance at killing the ones Im after.
  10. You can watch all the live sports you want on the net. The picture quality isnt always top notch, but its better than paying $100 a month for cable or dicrectv
  11. I still havent gone out, though I am very tempted. I might go sit one of the outskirt stands tonight. I have to go down and swap out trail cam cards anyhow. I just dont want to burn stands when I cant hunt bucks. Ill shoot my does when I do hunt, same as I normally do. I just dont want to be sitting there and have one of the couple of bucks Im after this year, walk by, wind me and become harder to kill later on. The way I look at this is, it doesnt matter what time of the season I kill my does. None of them will be birthing fawns in the spring regardless of if I kill them Octonber 11 or November 30. The DEC is not going to make it 4 weeks next year, they have already established that its a 2 year trial program.
  12. The Saturday gun opener happened years before the October 1 Bow opener, nothing was traded.
  13. I dont even know if they make new TVs that dont run Apps anymore
  14. I ditched cable 2 years ago. I use Apple TVs for most things, along with a Netflix subscription. There are ways around sports and 24 hour news. As long as you are a little tech savvy, you can watch everything you want for the price of internet access plus $10 a month.
  15. Whos pretending it doesnt? Theres bad apples in every bunch. I dont live my life worrying about what the bad apples are doing 24/7, and Im sure as hell not letting them ruin things for me.
  16. IMO, guys should just put their bows away for a couple of days and devote the time to the kids they are supposed to be mentoring. Its supposed to be about them, not you. Suppose you shoot a deer within sight of the kid, and they dont end up seeing any other deer, then what? Think about how bummed that kid would be, its youth weekend, they are looking forward to it and then the adult kills the deer, and they end up empty handed. Not a great way to get things started for them. Either mentor them or dont bother with it. Dont half ass it.
  17. Doesnt work like that. Everyone farts.
  18. He got the landrover after he sold me his truck
  19. What you are looking for is the dynamic load rating, and the general rule that I have found (ANSI standards) is around 5000lbs on the climbing line and 2500lbs on the prussik line. The ratings on double braided nylon 3/8 dock line is alot higher than that. Just dont get mixed up and use the floating type line, you want the solid core stuff.
  20. Noone was downplaying poaching.
  21. I have a hard time believing anyone at Culvers camp actually adheres to that rule
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