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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Just adding more tags, which is what allowing 2 does per DMP would essentially do, doesnt work. Thats been proven already.
  2. is it? Wade through this thread and tally up the numbers on below 340 grains vs above 340 grains. Id say the consensus would say hes right on, or even a tad on the light side. http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthread.php?t=2100935
  3. He isnt talking about a slow bow vs a fast bow, hes talking a slow bow with a light arrow vs a slow bow with a heavier arrow lol. Are the few fps he will gain really be worth the loss of penetration?
  4. You could pop one of those 2 man ladders in there with a blind on it. Or you could build a blind around the seating area of a single man stand too. Camo material and a strap on shooting rail would do it, or just camo hanging from the stand's built in shooting rail. I have one of the 2 man ones and it works great for keeping your movement (or a fidgety kid's movement) concealed.
  5. It doesnt have any surfaces that create it.
  6. I would think in this case, EAB would only apply to the affected regions, not the whole state.
  7. As long as the stand is there for a while, the deer will get used to it. I have never ever ever ever brushed in a ladder stand, and I cant tell you how many deer Ive killed out of them. Also, if you hunt it the same day they may not notice it until its too late. Like papist said, just dont put it right on the trail.
  8. First things first, you are talking about a hunting bow, not a target bow. Light arrows are for targets, heavier arrows are for punching through bone, meat, tendon, etc. A pass through is preferred, and to do so, you need KE, which means you need weight to your arrow. At 52lbs draw, you need to be throwing a bit of weight to make sure you get the penetration when you hit a shoulder blade, or rib bone. Second, throw that 316fps figure in the garbage and forget it, thats with a 5gpi arrow at max weight and 30 inch draw. With the bow set how you have it, you arent even close to that. Dont believe me? Shoot through a chrono and see what you get. Third, get rid of the 4" vanes and go with Blazers or something similar, or get rid of the biscuit. JMO
  9. Did you not read that I stream everything lol. Im not watching much that isnt HD. Im a network admin, running the network of a large company with 350+ seats in our HQ office. You know what size pipe we have? 20mb. As long as things are running normally, and we arent having some type of issue with our log capturing, or we arent pounding things doing vulnerability or pen testing, things run very smooth, and we dont normally go over 10mbps. Youll see a few spikes here and there. Granted, this is a dedicated fiber connection, but as long as you have a solid connection at home, you dont need the most expensive bandwidth package available. One hint, if you have any tech savy, is to buy your own cable modem/router if your company allows you to. The average cable modem is a pile of crap, you can spend a few bucks and get a much better one. It will pay off for you in speed and stability, plus youll have access to it, be able to make sure firmware updates are done, etc. Youll also save a few bucks on your service fees.
  10. For internet, you dont need as much as youd think. I have a 16mbps down/1mbps up connection through Time Warner. I stream everything, surf the web, run home automation stuff, use the wifi for my phone and my daughter watches youtube, etc on her ipad, and I have no bandwidth issues.
  11. Temps and winds look great in my area, I just want to see the rain chance go down
  12. Sorry, I have a hard time holding my tongue sometimes lol
  13. I use a Gorilla Exo-Tech G3. Love it. They dont make that one anymore though. I really like the Treespider Speed harness, it will be the one I buy when I replace the G3, or just buy a second one. http://www.robinsonoutdoors.com/shop/tree-spider-speed-harness.html BTW, dont worry about the plastic chest strap buckle. The chest strap doesnt support weight, its just there to keep the top of the harness snug on your chest.
  14. The more you contaminate the area, the worse your chances are. If you get busted by a mature buck, you are far less likely to get another crack at him that season. Its a pretty simple concept, and you know it. You are just being a troll, trying to get peoples hackles up. Its your MO on here. Same as the thread you kept poking and prodding, posting nonsense trying to get it up to "50 pages". The number of P&Y bucks on your wall doesnt impress me much when you act like a douche bag.
  15. I do that for bacon explosions and stuff like that. Didnt want to use that much bacon for this, it was thick sliced stuff. If Id have used regular sliced, I probably would have.
  16. First off, Im not crying. Im good, and will get plenty of hunting in this year. I just look at it like the season is back to what it used to be. I have no reason to hunt elsewhere. Second, you dont seem to understand anything about the situation. You dont hunt here, you dont know the facts behind the program, you dont know what the DEC has said about it. Why do you always seem to have something to say about it?
  17. Is your Geneseo spot in the doe only zone? South of 20A and you are out of it.
  18. Obviously you dont understand the concept of not contaminating an area, or possibly getting busted by a buck you are hunting that season when you cant kill him. Cracks me up that someone that has hunted for as long as you cant comprehend it.
  19. If you were looking for permission in September and October, you waited entirely too long. You should be doing that late spring, early summer.
  20. Yeah the air thing is a pain with the grinder. Im going to get a press stuffer this year. I do have some good recipes, so does Culver. Think Im gonna have to cook up a few links tonight....
  21. The instant oil change places are a screw job. I worked for VIOC during and after high school. The shady stuff that was done there was crazy. I wouldnt take my car there, an oil change isnt an emergency thing, and can be done in less than 20 minutes at home with a set of ramps if your car sits too low to scooch under. I do a full synthetic oil change on my truck for less than $50, and take the waste oil to a mechanic I know that has a waste oil furnace.
  22. If you have an electric grinder, you can use that to stuff sausage. It doesnt work as good as a press style stuffer, but it gets the job done.
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