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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Cams and stands are legal on state land. https://govt.westlaw.com/nycrr/Document/I21ee87ebc22211ddb7c8fb397c5bd26b?viewType=FullText&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=CategoryPageItem&contextData=%28sc.Default%29
  2. Im not a huge fan of ladder stands except in cases where Id like to take my kids with. Then I use the Field & Stream Outpost double stands. I do not like ladder stands that have foot platforms that do not go all the way back under the seat. I have a couple that dont and they suck.
  3. Wildfires are beneficial to everything except peoples homes. Its natures way of cleaning out the old and making room for the new. Provides lots of new habitat and nutrition to wildlife.
  4. Nice bucks. You might want to angle your camera differently to avoid the blurry pics if sunrise is causing it.
  5. Plus the cables can get in the way of your feet sometimes. I think Im really gonna like these stands. I might buy Sportsmans guide out of them lol.
  6. Ive seen them at Field & Stream. They seem to be nice. I just ordered them yesterday, probably be in next week. I looked over reviews on a few sites and only found the one bad one about the adjustment bar getting rusty. If thats the biggest issue with it, Im not worried in the least.
  7. I usually keep them around 16, but Ill get up there for a chance at this area. Gonna be nerve racking, but a safety line will be there.
  8. Yep, I do the same with my Muddy stand that levels. I would rather buy stands that level anymore. Its just so much more versitile. Cant wait to try these out, with no side cables to get in the way. Might have to order more of them.
  9. All good tips. In this area, topo isnt going to tell me much. We know the general areas where the troughs and mounds are. The trick is going to be finding the right tree that I can get 25+ feet up in without being silhouetted. I bought some adjustable angle stands for this venture. They will do a 30 degree lean forward or back. Opens up a ton of tree options. http://www.sportsmansguide.com/product/index/big-game-platinum-horizon-stand?a=1734885
  10. I havent talked to a bow hunter yet that is going to bother hunting the first 15 days this year. I wont be putting all kinds of pressure on my spots so I can let mature deer walk by, bust me and be more spooky for the rest of the season. Back to the old opening season date. In other words, the typical success rate and hunter numbers are going to plummet for two weeks.
  11. Got down to the farm for a bit last night. Setup containment cages in all of the plots. Everything is really taking off in the last week, some of the plants are on their 3rd and 4th set of leaves. I didnt think to get any pics though. Ill be back down later this week and this weekend, so Im sure Ill get some pics then. One thing I noticed is that I seemed to miss some spots when I broadcast the seed in a couple of plots. Ill grab some extra seed and go over those spots Friday. I started scouting out a new stand location on the other farm, back in the swamp. Im going to need chest waders to get back in there, but a nice high stand should get me some good looks into the reeds where I know the big boys are bedding and hanging out. It wont be a bow stand, because we wont be able to get that close, but it should give me some good pokes in there with the rifle. Might need a canoe to get the deer out of there though.
  12. If anyone is looking for a good hang on stand, check out Sportsmans Guide. They have the Big Game Platinum Horizon stands, which are leveling, and do not have the support cables on the side, for $35.99 each. I just saw them at Field & Stream for $79.99 the other day. Really nice stand for a great price. 20 foot ladder sticks are also $35.99 on there.
  13. I might be interested in the steps if you separate stuff out. Would need them shipped though.
  14. Gotcha, so $27 on the WR then. I have to grab a couple of bags Friday.
  15. Wait WR is 17.00 per 100#, and 27 a bag? Do you mean WW is $17? What size bag of WR is $27?
  16. Have to remember, food plots and land improvements benefit multiple generations of deer over the span of years, so better spread that "cost" over more than one season.
  17. I didnt realize he closed up. I was in there a few times last summer and he was busy every time I was there. Thats a bummer.
  18. Avon is only 25 to 30 mins from downtown unless you are going some crazy long route lol.
  19. That one is really nice, looks to be a 10 with split brows. Id say probably 3, maybe 4 years old. He would trip my trigger for sure.
  20. Ahhh, I was counting the mounting tabs, just cant really see the top one.
  21. Thats not that high, 4 section ladder stick, somewhere between 16 and 20 feet Id guess.
  22. Great pic! Looks like you need some straps on that ladder stick!
  23. Avon Gun, Beikirch's, Jackson Gun, The Lono Group to name a few
  24. Timneys are just about being light, its about smooth precision at the weight you are comfortable with.
  25. I just buy 2 SD cards for each cam, and swap them out. Then I take the cards with and check them at home or when I get back to the truck.
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