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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Id love to take a white deer. Im not superstitious. Im thinkin i know where that might be. There have been more than one of them in this area. White deer and piebalds.
  2. Stopped to check the plots Sunday. They are starting to grow pretty good so far.
  3. Yep, what i described before is based on the properties i hunt, which are pretty good size. Smallest is 300 acres or so.
  4. They are legal, a curve to the blades doesnt make them barbed. I used to shoot Crimson Talon XTs, and they are fantastic performing broadheads. I was having problems getting replacement blades, and switched to G5 Montecs because i could resharpen them.
  5. Ive done the car thing, it works. Ive done the SUV thing, works a little better, and now I do the truck thing, works the best honestly. Trailers work great too.
  6. I don't think anyone is saying just leave it there, but if you know it's down for the count, and want to continue to sit, what's the big deal? I'm sure many bears have been recovered a few hours after being shot and not spoiled lol. In fact, on many guided hunts, you are required to sit in the stand and wait for the guide to come to you after you shoot something. That can take a while in some cases.
  7. Ill sit on stand for the first few hours in the morning, still hunt or stalk known bedding areas mid morning, sit again a bit after that, stalk some more early afternoon until I get into my spot to sit until the end of the day.
  8. Im very thankful for our clean soil. Honestly, after we tilled 4 plots this year, I walked all of them and couldnt find a single rock if I wanted to. My biggest chore was picking chunks of root balls from the bushes that used to be in a couple of them.
  9. If a tiller is working for you don't bother with the plow or discs. JMO.
  10. http://vid216.photobucket.com/albums/cc54/CabinFeverBob/PICT0139_zps8a0eebb7.mp4 Test for cabin fever
  11. My xmark was aet at 3.5 to 4 lbs from the factory on my 700. I put a 2.5lb on it which is very light for a hunting setup, but thats the same weight as my Encore, which I like. I wouldnt go any lighter though.
  12. Oops, forgot the vid. I love the way the tiller just chews things up. http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l160/jwolfe1976/5D0B869D-3128-4378-80A5-C898F5868571_zpslostrfig.mp4
  13. Sorry to hear that larry. I hope it all goes well. Mersa is not good, fingers crossed.
  14. Im pretty sure this one is hanging on one of my farms now ; )
  15. Nice looking bows, but the price is out of range of what id spend on one.
  16. Happy birthday! Hope you have a great one! Im sure it will include either guns, fishing, or booze, but hopefully all three!
  17. Btw, id shoot the bear then sit and see if a deer turned up.
  18. You should try it yourself. I heard alot of bad about it, then was given some steals last year. Cant wait to get one myself now. Delicious.
  19. We have them living on the one farm i hunt in 8H
  20. For sure. Might head down for a bit this Sunday to take a look.
  21. Man, its been a while since Ive updated this. Havent had a ton going on though, just some scouting, trail cutting, maintaining the farms, etc. This past weekend we got 4 of our plots tilled up with the 5 foot King Cutter 2 tiller my buddy got this year. We have a good little operation going with the tractor, tiller, side by side and roller. We also acquired a sprayer this year, which i have a little work to do on, but it will be good to go for next year. We were thinking about 2 more plots this year, but we are going to spend time working the ground in the 2 new ones, which are both going to be planted in clover in the spring. The 4 we have done now will stay in annuals. The first plot we did in a mix of winter peas and turnips. Second one is Dwarf Essex Rape and Groundhog Radish. Third is some buck on a bag Rape, PTT, red clover mix. Last one is another buck on a bag Peas, beans, and a couple of other things that we threw some Groundhog Radish in with because we werent sure how well it would do this late. The tiller sure made things easy, and combined with the power of the 90hp JD, chewed through everything we threw at it. Root balls and everything. I figure we are going to till again in the spring and plant some rye or clover, then till that in mid summer and go back to our "deer candy" for the fall. After those two additional tills, the plots soil should be perfect, and easy to work.heres a few pics and a vid from Sunday's work.
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