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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. WMAs are funded out of the LWCF, which gets its money from PR and other sources. PR is a federal act, not a state act, so the PR money goes to the federal LWCF, which collects monies from other sources as well, and then it gets distributed to the state LWCFs, and is doled out from there. DEC officers' salaries, vehicles, etc are funded partially from the General fund, so everyone's tax dollars go toward the WMAs in one way or another. All of that info is available for anyone that is interested through the DEC and federal LWCF sites. Do I think hunters/fishermen/trappers have a right to the land, sure, bot not exclusive domain, the land is owned by the state and belongs to the people, not just some of them. BTW, do you have a link to the proposal?
  2. That was a heck of a game too!
  3. I suggest you do a bit more research on where the funds for the LWCF come from. Its not just the PR act, Ill tell you that much. On top of that, the DEC maintains, patrols and protects the WMAs, they are funded through the NY general fund.
  4. Perfect. You have my full support. I dont even know what to say... ???
  5. Pat and I are keeping it clean, no name calling or personal shots, as it should be when disagreeing. Well, I am anyways. ;D
  6. Why stop there? If all archery equipment should be lumped together, then all firearms should be lumped together. After all, they all "shoot similar projectiles using the same method of propulsion." We just need to control the range differences....easy enough with a few new regs. No need for any special MZ season, when we extend your logic. So then do archery the same way as the gun seasons, like Culver is saying. Heres my proposal: Archery season starts Oct1, all archery equipment allowed until the second Friday in Nov, then Primitive archery (longbows, recurves) only until the third Friday in Nov, at which time regular firearms starts, same as it is now, and then 1 week of primitive ML (Iron sights only) and archery after the regular season.
  7. That stuff dont confront me..i like to use a bow all season..and whaddya know..i can get along and still hunt my way with shotgunners..hmm..how is it possible.. LOL, I dont know ;D
  8. Riiiight. Just because you repeat it, doesnt make it true my friend.
  9. Granted, they look different, you shoot them slightly differently, but they have a similar effective range, shoot similar projectiles using the same method of propulsion. They are all classified as archery equipment, so the simplest way to implement them would be for all archery equipment to be in archery season. Dont try to use the late ML season tactic on me, because I feel that scoped inline MLs dont belong in the late season because their range is equal to and in alot of cases, superior to that of a slug gun. Late season should be kept to the types of MLs with shorter range, and/or iron sights only.
  10. You definitely need to plan in advance to get specific sites, but its still pretty easy to find spots on short notice as long as you arent trying on holiday weekends. If you are traveling during the week, its very easy and most of the time you can pick and choose your spot. We use a website for booking our spots. Its www.reserveamerica.com and it works great. You can even book a spot while you are on the road before you get to the place if you have a cell phone with a web browser.
  11. was conjecture and a lame attempt at an insult... It was a joke, not an insult. Get a sense of humor for crying out loud. :
  12. You took a little bit of chop busting and went off on a tangent about it. Like I said in the past, dont want your boss reading what you write, dont go to the forum at work. Dont want something getting around, dont write it on a public forum. Simple as that. The internet and chat forums are not as anonymous as you think they are. BTW, I read exactly what you said. My passing the buck comment was in reference that you are trying to blame me for your mistakes.
  13. Using that line of reasoning, you must be a Jessee Ventura fan. ;D
  14. That is all based on the assumption that the "food scraps" were a type of food that would attract deer to feed. I am just saying that without your knowledge of what the food was, you are just assuming it was illegal. Like has been said, if the guy put a turkey carcass out there or some other meat scraps, then there is no issue. If he put out a pile of corn or rice meal, then yes, hes doing something illegal. Just because a deer walks by does not make it illegal.
  15. Weak? Its a fact. No, I never said that hunters dont pay taxes. DEC is partially funded out of the NY general fund, which comes from tax dollars.
  16. Steve, most campgrounds are still fairly inexpensive. The most we have paid was @ $45 a night, and that was a private campground with all of the ammenities. Usually we do state parks, and they arent bad at all. Some of the private campgrounds are pretty much RV amusement parks. Then there are the amusement parks like Darien Lakes and Knobel's that have camping. Those can be pretty pricey. We dont go to them, not our style of camping.
  17. Grow, you assume way too much. BTW, deer will eat birds. They will also lick and eat off of deer gut piles. I think if you ask the DEC about putting out a bait pile of meat or something like that, and its not intended for deer to specifically eat, it would be ok. I asked them before I put my "dead pile" out this past winter. Just because a deer shows up in the pic means nothing. It did not say the deer was eating the "food scraps".
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