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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Thats a nice area too, though most are as long as you stay out of Pinellas park and a few other areas
  2. Here ya go Doe... Heres my daughter, Haley holding him for the first time...
  3. Yeah I think all of us have lol I wasnt trying to pick a fight, just stating that I think more of you than that.
  4. Thanks guys! steve, you are dead on, Ill never forget the birth of either of my kids. Doe, gimme a minute, Ill post a few...
  5. Doe, why dont you take the whole segment of comment and respond to that rather than cherry pick a few words out of context. Come on bud, youre better than that.
  6. What I find funny is that most people that are Ted haters seem to use similar reasoning. They say that they are against the loud, boisterous, in your face attitude that Ted portrays, and that they believe that he causes anyone that doesnt participate in the hunting community to think that all hunters are like he is. Please, do you really think that those people are THAT stupid or close minded? Do you seriously believe that they dont recognize that Ted is not your average guy, hunter or gun owner? Do you guys think that every person under 40 that lives in a poor neighborhood in the city is selling drugs, stealing cars or holding up mini-marts? Give me a break. All I hear is a bunch of people shooting the messenger because they dont like the way he delivers the message. Which part is more important?
  7. Finally, last Wednesday, my son was born. His name is Evan and he was 6lbs 7ozs and 20 1/4 inches long. I have been off of work for the last week and a half to stay home and help with things while we are getting used to the new addition. Things have been going great, and mama and baby are doing fine.
  8. Welcome back from another guy that went from NY to FL and back to NY. I lived in the same area down there, St Pete, a couple of blocks north of Pinellas Point.
  9. Glad to see it works good for you Culver. On the york rake, I might have something for you, let me check and Ill let you know.
  10. Thanks guys. Ill probably pick that set of 3 up at Dicks that I posted. I have a $10 certificate so they will only cost $15, and they are the foam ones you can roll up and throw in your pack.
  11. I have been dabbling in turkey hunting for a couple of years, but have never really gotten into it. Now that I have plenty of private land to hunt, I want to give it a real go. I have a few mouth calls, and picked up a box call this year, have a good seat and my gun is ready to go. The one thing I have been looking at but am completely confused about are decoys. There is a whole plethora of decoys out there, some fairly inexpensive, and others really expensive. Theres foam decoys, "HD" decoys, jakes, toms, hens, feeding, standing, etc etc and I just dont know what to buy. I dont want to spend alot on it right now, but i dont want to buy something that isnt going to work. I also want something collapsible so I dont have a ton of stuff to carry into the field. I was looking at some at Dicks and Gander Mountain that were foam and put up on stakes, they had 3 in a pack, 2 hens and a jake, and they were pretty affordable ( http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3994218&cp=2460170.4233196.11203956 ). Are those going to do the job or should I avoid the super cheap ones? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Ive just started liking the flavor of horseradish the last couple of years. I love that horseradish cheddar cheese. mmmmmm
  13. Same thing as I have always done. Never tainted any meat or had any issues.
  14. People should keep their cats out of the neighbor's flower beds
  15. Ive been seeing them strutting almost every day in the fields on my way to/from work, etc.
  16. If you shoot any deer you should get it out no matter how hard.
  17. The buyer never showed on this, so its back up for sale.
  18. I saw the paintings at the gun show, they are very nice. I have one of his paintings picked out for our living room, hopefully it will be available when I have the extra cash to put towards it.
  19. Jusputtin, thanks, and my thoughts are the same about the gun being effective on a human, so it should be on a deer. Im going to put my practice in and see what happens. If I can get the right situation I will give it a shot.
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