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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I use the Carbon Express Maxima Hunters, havent had any issues with them yet, but will be switching over the the Victory Vforce arrows, which are all matched to within +/- .5 grain weight tolerance in a dozen and +/- .001 to +/- .006 straightness depending on which grade you buy.
  2. One of the challenges of the crossbow and any other bow is the manual cocking or drawing aspect. Even if it is winding it up. I dont know, its all I could think of lol.
  3. Rather than complain about the idea, why not offer up a solution of your own?
  4. So I finished watching the first episode (well technically the second, but my first) of The Wild Within, and let me just say its now one of my very favorite shows out there. Hats off to The Travel Channel and Steven Rinella for bringing a show that shows the true nature of hunting and outdoorsmen and not the typical huntin show. I cant wait to see the next episode.
  5. I saw one failure to report. Catching lawbreakers really isnt the point though, its about accurate (or more accurate) reporting and how to accomplish that.
  6. Oh come on Steve, you have to expect Doc to make some type of argument against the bill because there are crossbows involved. Might as well make it out like anyone that is for the bill somehow doesnt care about all disabled sportsmen, right?
  7. Yeah , I guess it sucks to be in the Northern Zone . There is no benefit to getting the license early as the permits are not on a 1st come 1st served basis . They are random . Correct.
  8. Just placed my order, cant wait to see it and Im glad to spend money with local(ish) guys rather than some "pro" in the midwest.
  9. I wish the wind would calm down some more. Every time I have gone out predator hunting, its been windy and really really cold. Can we get some calm air? lol
  10. Anyone watching the show "The Wild Within" on the Travel Channel? What a cool show. If you havent watched it yet, you should check it out... http://www.travelchannel.com/TV_Shows/The_Wild_Within
  11. You would have to report them before you got your new tags, whether that be at the end of the season or the beginning of the next season. It may be a minor inconvenience for you to do, but if you hunt the 4 days, then deal with the inconvenience.
  12. I am saying that this thread is getting circular and redundant and is starting to bore the heck out of me. I'm getting weary of repeating myself. If that's what you like to do, by all means, carry on with it to your heart's content. I'm not trying to tell anybody what to do ..... lol. I'm just telling you what I'm going to do. If some new and interesting viewpoint comes up on the subject that strikes my interest, I may jump back in, but right now it seems like the old season re-runs. Is that being a "thread nazi" (whatever that is). :-\ Got you to respond, didnt I? BTW, thread nazi is a reference to the soup nazi episode of Seinfeld. No soup for you! Good debate Doc. ;D
  13. I was replying to WNYBuckhunter's suggestion as shown in my previous reply and copied here below: It actually sounds like a pretty good idea, and puts some teeth in the law. However, I was trying to look at it the way the DEC might be viewing it. I know that the DEC is now aware of the "1 tag - 1 report" idea because I have sent them that suggestion numerous times, and at least once it was on an official questionairre that I placed in the hands of one of the DEC workers at a "state of the herd" DEC public meeting where they were soliciting such suggestions. But there is something about it that they don't seem to like. I was speculating that it might be the penalty part of the concept that they are afraid of. Just guessing. No, I am still a firm believer in the concept, but I will be the first to admit that there are some details that have to be ironed out (by better minds than mine .... lol). The toughest of those details is the penalty part for non-compliance. I dont know, its just what I think would be the most effective way to do it. I think that a small monetary fine would not do much good other than to bring in more money. It still doesnt get the reporting numbers in line. What you could do is make a hefty fee for people that dont report all of their tags by the time they buy their next license, say....double the price of a normal license... and Id be willing to bet that most people wont make the mistake, and those that did, wouldnt do it again. Its like poaching, why bother having the law if you dont give it teeth, its the only way to get people to follow it and make it effective. Like I said, just my opinion.
  14. That part of your reply is where you are the most full of it. I am saying no such thing. All you have offered is throwing guns into archery season. Look, you are the one that has now see sawed from saying there are already guns in archery season because people are hunting small game, to there are guns in archery season because of late ML/bow season. Please, all you are doing with that crap is nit picking to try and justify your point. The bottom line is that many disabled people cannot hunt the majority of archery season because they cannot effectively use a vertical bow. A crossbow would help because it can be rested on a bipod or something similar, thus enabling said one armed man to shoot effectively. You are never ever going to be able to fit everyone into anything, so you can stop with that nonsense. The crossbow would be a great fit for many disabled people to use in archery season, its better than what they have now, and Id rather see it allowed rather than a gun of any type. If you dont agree, fine, but dont sit there and try to say that I dont care about this person or that person or otherwise try to vilify my opinion just because it isnt shared by you. I like your proclimation that the thread is done and not worthy of discussion anymore. What are you, the thread nazi?
  15. You report for every tag, even the unfilled ones. You would have the option to report the tag unfilled. I dont think the deposit would even be necessary. Make it simple, you dont get your tags next year if you dont report back on each one this year.
  16. Every rifle, pistol or shotgun carried by small game hunters and Fall turkey hunters. And that makes a difference, how? You dont have people hunting deer with guns, the deer arent getting shot at with guns (with the exception of the occasional poacher), and they arent on ultra-high alert. Again, your logic on this just doesnt add up. I was simply answering your question. You are the one who asked. And I guess you probably missed my reply about the overlap of muzzleloader and bow seasons that already exists in both the Northern zone and Southern zone. Come-on guy ..... Let's keep up . So again, you are incorrect ..... there are people using firearms during bow season and in fact some of those are deer hunting as well. I am not sure just how many people that you envision are severely disabled to such a point that they would qualify for handgun use in bow season and who coincidentally would be interested in even doing that, but I am thinking that the number would be so small that you (and the deer) would be hard pressed to even know they would be around, especially when compared to the already existing small game gunfire. If we were talking small game hunting, yes, there would be people using firearms. We arent, we are talking deer hunting and taking deer with firearms during archery season. Yes, I realize the number would be small, the point still remains that most truly disabled people dont want to be treated like they are disabled, they want to be able to participate in things as closely to anyone else as they can. They can already hunt with guns in gun season, so your guns in bow season idea doesnt make sense. Now, I do have to say that this is kind of catching me off guard, its not your typical extremist line of thinking about crossbows. I actually never thought I would hear you say you would support the addition of guns in archery season. Actually, it is pretty extremist to support guns in archery season rather than crossbows, so I guess its more typical for you than I first thought. ;D Ok, without using your favorite phrase about "cherry picking", let me suggest that you go back and read the part about muzzleloaders and bows already sharing the same season for deer hunting. Maybe that escaped you the two or three times it was included in different replies (but probably not). If you really missed it, then I now understand why I have to repeat myself endlessly before you finally understand what I am talking about. As far as people feeling bad about receiving special treatment for their disabilities, I have to point out that that is what the proposed bill in the very first post is all about. Perhaps you are saying that that bill has no merit because some disabled people may take offense to special treatment. Well, I think you are wrong. I think they would appreciate receiving the assistance of a weapon that adequately compensates for the disability that they have. If that is a crossbow, then so be it. If their disability is a bit more severe where a crossbow simply doesn't cut it then lets at least be honest enough about what it is that we are saying that we are trying to do, and allow the appropriate weapon for the appropriate disability. I'm not sure how many times I have to say it ...... If we are going to keep all this from being just an insincere, empty piece of window-dressing then let's do something that actually accomplishes what we claim we are trying to accomplish. There's nothing extreme about that unless you believe that the whole idea of helping the disabled is extreme. Oh, and by the way don't let it throw you that I am suggesting that a few severely disabled individuals be given the right to use a weapon that their disabilities require. You won't be seeing me supporting a notion that able bodied hunters use handguns or even crossbows or any other inappropriate weapon in bow season. Nothing has changed there. You seem to be having some difficulty grasping the concept that we are talking about the severely disabled in this thread only. I know that MLs share the late season with bows, what does that have to do with the majority of archery season? Doc, if someone's disability is as severe as you are talking about, then a rig for a crossbow is just as effective and easy to use as one would be for a handgun, so why not just keep archery equipment in archery season instead of letting guns in? Letting guns into archery season is more extreme than crossbows. I have no difficulty is grasping what you are saying.
  17. This is a brand new 2009 PSE Chaos SI. It has never had an arrow though it. It is a Left hand model with the 40lb limbs, and can be backed down to 29lb draw weight. PSE has 50lb limbs available as well. The draw length is fully adjustable from 17 to 27 inches. Included is a peep site and a Tru-Glow 3 pin site with .029 pins. I just replaced the fibers on the site last year when I mounted it to this bow. This bow is in 100% new condition. Here is a link to the PSE tune chart... http://tune.pse-archery.com/BowDetail.aspx?Year=2009&Model=0908SI I bought this bow for my Fiance, but she has not shown much interest n it and with the baby on the way, she definitely wont have time for it. I will take $250 for it, if I dont get that, Ill keep it. If you want any additional pics, let me know.
  18. Most of the bucks are still carrying their antlers at this point. Its one of the reasons you havent seen more posts about finding sheds. Ive seen a bunch of bucks in my area with their antlers in the last couple of weeks.
  19. Nice color, our Dining room in our last house was a similar color.
  20. What a freakish playoff season so far. Atlanta and NE, the two best records in the NFL fall. The game next week is gonna be funny, Ben Rapistburger VS Mark (Daterape) Sanchez. Im rooting for the Packers.
  21. Somehow I don't think that's where they were going with the idea when they allocated the cash to develop that feature. Doc, my comment was said in jest. In any event, it seems like that sort of crossbow represents a "concept Crossbow" akin to an automakers concept car. Such a weapon would probably not be accepted as a legal hunting implement but as a marketing tool it serves their purpose quite well (we are talking about it and can reference the company who invented it, its a win win situation for the manufacturer). Yes, you're right. We are both guessing about where this new crossbow might lead. My point is simply that just as the compound never stayed at the same technological level as the old Allen, What you are seeing in a crossbow today is nothing compared with the logical progression that it is bound to undergo. This auto cocking device is only an indicator that they are beginning to think along those lines already and that they have absolutely no intention of keeping the crossbow technology along the lines of what you see today. And consequently, my comment about "....and so it begins". Because surely this is only the beginning. By the way, in terms of legal limitations, remember that the initiator of legal exceptions is not a responsibility of the crossbow manufacturers. Someone is going to have to be monitoring every new design and legally proving that innovations move the weapon outside the official definition of a crossbow before they can be deemed illegal. That doesn't sound like a very cheap process, and most likely they will be given great latitude just as the compounds were. So I wouldn't look to the law to maintain restrictions and controls on just where crossbow technology grows. Not really, they would just have to add a regulation along the lines of... Automatic cocking or loading devices are not allowed unless you have a permanent disability that does not allow you to cock the crossbow. Not much money involved in that.
  22. Every rifle, pistol or shotgun carried by small game hunters and Fall turkey hunters. And that makes a difference, how? You dont have people hunting deer with guns, the deer arent getting shot at with guns (with the exception of the occasional poacher), and they arent on ultra-high alert. Again, your logic on this just doesnt add up. I was simply answering your question. You are the one who asked. And I guess you probably missed my reply about the overlap of muzzleloader and bow seasons that already exists in both the Northern zone and Southern zone. Come-on guy ..... Let's keep up . So again, you are incorrect ..... there are people using firearms during bow season and in fact some of those are deer hunting as well. I am not sure just how many people that you envision are severely disabled to such a point that they would qualify for handgun use in bow season and who coincidentally would be interested in even doing that, but I am thinking that the number would be so small that you (and the deer) would be hard pressed to even know they would be around, especially when compared to the already existing small game gunfire. If we were talking small game hunting, yes, there would be people using firearms. We arent, we are talking deer hunting and taking deer with firearms during archery season. Yes, I realize the number would be small, the point still remains that most truly disabled people dont want to be treated like they are disabled, they want to be able to participate in things as closely to anyone else as they can. They can already hunt with guns in gun season, so your guns in bow season idea doesnt make sense. Now, I do have to say that this is kind of catching me off guard, its not your typical extremist line of thinking about crossbows. I actually never thought I would hear you say you would support the addition of guns in archery season. Actually, it is pretty extremist to support guns in archery season rather than crossbows, so I guess its more typical for you than I first thought. ;D
  23. Ive hunted there a few times. Seen some deer, but I havent spent enough time there to say I know the area very well.
  24. The only things on my list for this coming season are a new slug gun and a couple of treestands. Oh, a new ground blind too.
  25. 16 3/4 ATA is too short to be legal in NY
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