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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Cover as much ground as you can as often as you can. The best days I have found have been sunny days after a snowfall and when the snow is melting or right after its all gone. Use binos so you can cover more ground visually rather than walking every inch and wear a comfy pair of boots.
  2. Awesome buck, congrats to him!
  3. I pulled the info off of the Dome's website. I am still waiting to hear what time we are going to be there, but I think 10am was being thrown around.
  4. I would still work, Id get bored too quick. mm hmmm... lol Not saying Id still keep the same job, but I would work for sure. Id buy a working farm if there was enough money in it to keep it paying for its self. The only problem would be that Id have to hire people to do the harvest, as Id need to be off for hunting
  5. So Im sitting here with an achy back from sleeping on a hospital guest bed. Yesterday at work I got a frantic series of calls from my fiance, and when I finally got to my phone and picked up, she told me that she had been in an accident and that she was waiting for the ambulance to get there. I rushed out of work and made it to the scene before the ambulance took her away. I wont exactly explain how fast I drove or the distance covered, but she was shocked that I got there so fast. It was a pretty scary scene, as she had caught the side of the road and rolled the Jeep one and a half times over and it was laying on its side with parts strewn all over. We got to the hospital yesterday and they checked her and the baby out (as many of you know, she is 26 weeks pregnant), and they are both fine. She is pretty sore and her ego is bruised but not a scratch on her. Everyone, including me, is happy, but surprised that she walked away from that without a scratch. I think it says alot for that Jeep to hold up the way it did, and we will be out looking for another one this week. Mainly, Im just glad her and the baby are fine, I cant tell you the sick feeling I had all the way there and on the way to the hospital. I am looking forward to our bed at home tonight.
  6. Theres some land downstream of Letchworth that was given to the state some time back. I read about it last year or the year before. I cant remember if its open to hunting or not, Ill see if I can find some info on that.
  7. Ive used them twice. Once during bow season and they responded right away. This year it was the last weekend of gun and they didnt call back for 4 days.
  8. blur, you just plain dont get it, and its a waste to argue about it with you. Showing blood inst the issue, dragging game out by the legs inst the issue. Filming your buddy shooting a deer at point blank range while acting like an immature moron for no reason other than because you think its a cool video, and then posting it on the internet is the issue. These guys need to grow up a little and have some class. I just dont know how anyone could defend this kind of crap.
  9. I would still work, Id get bored too quick.
  10. I saw them on the news. They seem like pretty nice, down to earth people that deserve it. Good for them.
  11. Id have no problem shooting an albino, piebald or white deer. Im not superstitious.
  12. My high was seeing the biggest buck Ive ever seen in bow season and having him come in to 20 yards on a string to my grunt call. My low was watching him wave the old white flag at me after dinging my riser on my treestand.
  13. Crossbows are not legal to use on coyotes. When it becomes legal for use next season in NY, it will only be legal for deer, not anything you want to use it on. At least from what I have read about the law.If you have something that says otherwise, Id love to see it. I havnt read all the rules on crosbows yet but if you can use any calliber rifle or shot gun or bow then why not the x bow.That don't make any sence at all. EDIT:I saw on the dec web site you can only use on big game and not at night.That has to be some of the most ignorant crap.Its ok to use a 7mm mag in the dark but not a x bow to hunt cyotes.LOL.I could see probably cause of paoching.But if you are legitametly hunting dogs then why not?It is definatly safer than a bullet that carries 1000 yards and beyond.In the dark!I am pissed now.What a stupid law. Agreed.
  14. LOL, either that or they just usually dont fly in the dark. ;D
  15. These kinds of things happen around the world from time to time, I think the news has hyped most of it, or that the first event was so publicized, that now the other incidents are being widely published because of the media hype. They have minor and major red tides in different areas down in Florida almost every year, you just dont hear about it up here.
  16. Well said, and 100% true, if you let every little thing that other people do bother you, you will burn out. Put the energy into your own hunting and youll be better off. Now if you see someone do something, report them, and then move on.
  17. Sure it had been shot and not hit by a car or something like that? Id think any really good sign of a shot would be long gone by now on any deer shot durring the season. Ive found some carcasses laying in various areas while shed hunting and predator hunting the last couple of weeks, and you cant tell how they met their end. Well, except the ones right by the road, but they can run a ways after being hit by a car. WNY i dont know exactly when he was shot but im assuming it as a week before i shot it. could have been before. I flipped him over ad he He had a bullet hole in his left side where the kidneys are and the shot came out a little higher up towards his gut on the right side. I looked him over real well in the begining and found the shot. His hair was all ruffed up where the shot went in and went out. I stuck my finger in it to make sure it was a bullet hole. I talked to the farmer and he said he didnt shoot any deer down there this season and he said he only hunted up across the road and didnt shoot at any deer. His brother got a decent 8 and thats it. The way he was running from was right where the deer cross the road almost night just before dark. So im pretty positive someone shot him out of the car or stood on the road. Either way they didnt have permission to take the deer. Ok, so then its a case of poaching, or maybe it was shot on another property and went a long way, not someone not tracking down their deer.Deer dont always run in a straight line after being shot, they wil circle around and do all kinds of crazy stuff. My point is, maybe you shouldnt start pointing fingers or laying blame when you dont know the whole story.
  18. Lots of time walking and looking. I have found mine mostly in yarding areas.
  19. Cool 65 Impala, and cool old school camp!
  20. Maybe you should take the photos to the proper authorities rather than make libelous statements on a public web forum? Just a thought.
  21. Yep, theres are a few threads on the board about it, including this one... http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php/topic,2991.0.html
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