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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Good luck. Its usually a quick deal to get one thats moving toward you into your scope and pull the trigger before your busted, it would be awful tough to do with a bow. If you have any success, I cant wait to see the pics and hear the story.
  2. Awesome sam, Ive been wanting to train out lab, Maggie, to do the same thing.
  3. I leave my 2 person ladder stand out and check the straps before the season starts, if they need replaced, they get replaced. My small, more portable stands get pulled. The 2 person stand has been out there for going on 4 years and Ive added a couple of straps to it. Its going to get pulled this year because Ill be moving it for next season.
  4. If you have a grinder, you can do it yourself. I figured Id try it myself this year instead of paying someone else, and I ended up making breakfast sausage, brats and italian sausage and it cost me a fraction of what it would have been to send it out. What I saved this time paid for my grinder, so after this year, Ill be making sausage for the price of casings/spices and pork to cut into it. Ive already had the italian sausage and breakfast sausage and they turned out great. I used the Eastman Outdoors spice pack, but you can find recipes online for different types of sausage. Just an idea. Cant help you with places in your area though.
  5. My buddy had the first success out of our "group" this year. He bagged a nice red fox last night. Wish I was there, he was out with his father.
  6. Thought Id throw a thread up for Predator hunting success stories and pics.
  7. If the magazine was manufactured before the date mentioned, you can buy it. The exception is tube fed magazines on many .22 rifles like marlins, etc. Your gun does not use a tubular magazine, so the exception would not apply to your gun. Now, if you are in NYC and some other areas, there are other laws that ban any magazines over a certain capacity. I used to have a 30 round clip for my SKS, and I have some 20s and 30s for my Mini-14. All are pre-ban magazines.
  8. I agree, looks like they were running away from something. With that kind of footage, I cant wait to see the DVD.
  9. Buy a few brands and shoot them all. Then pick the one that patterns the best with your gun. Each gun shoots different ammo slightly differently. Hornady SSTs are great rounds from what I have read.
  10. That should work. You can get the extra 1/2 inch between the loop and release.
  11. Nice. Im going to put my cam on the pile of deer parts I dumped when I was done cutting up my deer.
  12. Look at Vortex, high quality glass, made in the USA, lifetime warranty, full of available features and alot easier on the wallet than any comparable Leupold. If you were close by, Id say come take a look at mine. There is someone else on here that bought one as well and loves it. Check out swfa.com for the best deals on them. A 3-9 is plenty for 100 yard shots in a hunting situation. As far as how its drilled and tapped, couldnt you use a one piece rail instead of split rails and solve your spacing issue? Im not that familiar with the edge, just going off of pictures I found.
  13. Looks like a cool sight. I love my small pins, makes it easier to shoot small. I wish my sight was tool-less, seems like a great feature.
  14. You can hunt with centerfire at night in most areas in NY, Putnam might be different, but I dont think so. You may hunt furbearers at night, with or without a light, as follows: Use any handgun or bow. Use a shotgun loaded with shot (any size). Use a rifle chambered in any cartridge, except that you may not possess a centerfire rifle afield, during the day or night, during any open season for deer in areas restricted to using a shotgun only for deer. If hunting without a light, the use of a light gathering ("starlight") scope is legal on any firearm listed above. NOTE: Westchester County and Long Island - Rifles are not allowed
  15. Nothing thats full auto is legal in NY unless you have the special permits to own them.
  16. I fish a lot down here on Long Island, and the fishing for the most part sucks! Must not have good flora or minerals in the water.
  17. Exactly what's up with this crap?? Are you looking to get me to call you a nice juicy name so that you can use your moderating powers and ban me from this site?? Sure seems like you are looking for it. No, its called a sense of humor, you ought to think of getting one. BTW, I dont have the authority or desire to ban anyone from this board. Never have, never will. I dont know why you think Im out to get you or something, I have no ill feelings about you, I just think you are a closed minded individual in some respects. Dont go getting paranoid on us. No, I'm definitely not paranoid and could care less if someone did ban me here. Wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over it like some of you computer freaks would. I WILL however call out know nothings like you when I am told that my comprehension is lacking. I am obviously not the only one here who thinks your analysis of why we need a shorter season is completely flawed. So maybe it's not my comprehension that is lacking here, but actually YOUR understanding of anything relating to hunting, the DEC, and deer management in NYS that is the real problem. So I guess those in charge of most other states' hunting regulations are a bunch of "know nothings", right? Just because I dont agree with what your opinion is, that means I know nothing? You know steve, Id like to tell you where you can go, and what you can do with your piss ant insults, but Im a bigger man than to stoop to such juvenile levels. Well, most of the time anyway.
  18. So your solution to declining hunter numbers (partly due to less than ideal hunting in NY) is to not look at options, ideas or anything else or just discount anything you dont want for yourself and just leave it broken? Again, adding crossbows and shortening the gun season would be PART of what should be done, they wont solve the issues by themselves.
  19. Exactly what's up with this crap?? Are you looking to get me to call you a nice juicy name so that you can use your moderating powers and ban me from this site?? Sure seems like you are looking for it. No, its called a sense of humor, you ought to think of getting one. BTW, I dont have the authority or desire to ban anyone from this board. Never have, never will. I dont know why you think Im out to get you or something, I have no ill feelings about you, I just think you are a closed minded individual in some respects. Dont go getting paranoid on us.
  20. Jee whiz, it seems like the x-bow is the solution to everything for you? I could care less if they make the x-bows legal during bow season, gun season or any other season, but to think any gun hunter would be happy giving up a week or two of their gun season for a bloody x-bow is the silliest thing I ever heard! Plus they would have to spend another $500-$1000 for the darned contraption just to hunt those weeks they lost from their gun season. Just how would this possibly make any gun hunter happy??? Will NEVER happen in NYS! You dont read or comprehend things very well all the time steve. I have never said it was the complete solution, but once again you cherry pick one comment and go off on your tangent. BTW, I have never, ever said I dont like gun hunters. I started out gun hunting and only got into bow hunting a handful of years ago. I have never hunted with a x-bow and unless they change the seasons up similarly to how I have mentioned, it will be a long time before I do. The reasons why I say the gun season should be shortened is because I dont have my blinders on, and can see what would make for better quality hunting for everyone. Dont try and misconstrue that to mean bigger antlers either, there are plenty of bucks in NY with big racks now, and I have my share of encounters with them every year. Ill never understand people that dont want things to get better even when hunter numbers drop every year. So since I don't comprehend things well, are you also trying to tell us that hunter numbers in NYS are dropping because of the poor hunting we have in NYS?? So a shorter season and possibly better hunting will bring hunters back while the long season and the lousy hunting we currently have is making hunters hang it up?? I myself think hunters would prefer to have a longer time frame to hunt over a shorter frame where they have NO choice but put all their hunting time in a short two week time frame. Many who don't like gun hunting think it sounds like Vietnam now on opening day, I could imagine things being doubly worse if gun hunters knew they had less time available to them. If gun hunters are to lose two weeks of their season, I would hope that bow hunters get to lose three at the same time. What's fair is fair. One group shouldn't get the shaft while the other doesn't. Look steve, the whole key to shortening the gun season and improving the overall hunting is compromise. Thats what the crossbow represents and becomes, less range and a slight expense, but less pressure on the deer and a longer overall season for the gun hunter that picks up the crossbow. As far as your comprehension skills go, I have said at least once (if not more times) in this thread that shortening the season or crossbows were not the only things that need be done to make a big improvement in the hunting in NY. And yes, I do believe that PART (dont misconstrue it as "all" or "the only") of the reason why the numbers are dropping off has to do with the lack of quality in the hunting in many parts of the state. Whether you feel the same way or not, many people dont want to sit and freeze after spending a bunch of money and see no deer because they are all in hiding after the intense pressure of having lead hurled at them for weeks on end. Not everyone has a lightly hunted chunk of land to go to like some of us do. There you go again with the crossbows! "Longer overall season for the gun hunter that picks up the crossbow". The crossbow in my opinion has ZERO significance in this conversation about a shortened gun season. Let us not even touch upon the fact that they have never been allowed in NYS and next year only allowed in gun season. We are NO where near discussing them as any sort of alternative to gun hunting. I have yet to hear a dedicated gun hunter say that they could ever be considered a good alternative. Uh oh, there goes your comprehension skills again. Yeah right, maybe it's more like you don't have a clue to what you're talking about!! If you baffle enough people with BS, some are sure to believe you. LOL No, its a case of you dont get it or havent paid attention. I know exactly what it is Im talking about. Yes, I have paid attention. Your premise all along has been that a shorter gun season would bring better overall hunting to everyone. And that gun hunters shouldn't feel that they would be sacrificing too much with a shorter season if they were told that they could continue hunting another few weeks with a crossbow instead. The crossbow would be the bone you would throw out to them. Whether you think you know exactly what your talking about is really a moot point here. The DEC honestly has no reason to worry about better overall hunting when a good percentage of hunters DO get to kill deer each year. They have little to worry about people abandoning hunting for the lack of deer when over 200,000 of them get shot by hunters each year in recent years. Do you think it would make the state happy if there were enough deer in NYS where hunters could bag 400,000 per year? Do you think this would make more people want to hunt? The answer to both is NO. The state wants less deer, and not more. So the quality of your own hunting experience is of little importance to them. Hunters are used as a population control tool. Yes, to a degree the state does want to make hunters happy. But NO one should think that making hunters happy will ever be MORE important to them than the job they want us to do, which is control the deer population. It's not like they want more deer in NYS just to keep hunters happy, when the reality is that they want less to keep everyone else in the state happy and safe. First off, you act like Im not a gun hunter. You couldnt be more wrong. I love bowhunting, but my first and true love is gun hunting. I spend every single day that I can out in the field with my gun during firearms season, and I love it. Secondly, I am in no way talking about creating a larger deer herd. I am talking about a less stressed deer herd, that doesnt become almost strictly noctournal in many areas for a month every year. Third, the state is worried about declining hunter numbers, if you dont think that they are, you have your head in the sand or you are just nuts. See, these three points are what Im talking about when I say you cant seem to comprehend what I am talking about.
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