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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. The Utah permit is good for non residents. Did you look into what you just said before you said it? LOL
  2. Tough to tell in velvet, but Id have to say gross, before any deductions, mid to high 160s
  3. Hopefully that little bump near the tip of the right main beam develops a little more. That inside kicker on the right side is sweet. Hes gotta be all of 5 years old. I hope to at least see some cam pics of him with the velvet gone.
  4. We know Chevy, at least you can admit to it. ;D
  5. Doe, if I didnt say vertical bow, some on here would get confused. Better to specify, and thats the only reason I say it when talking about this issue. They are all archery equipment anyhow.
  6. Thats a slammer right there! I hope he sticks around for ya!
  7. Yes, that is exactly what I am talking about.
  8. So heres what its boiling down to, the only differences between a crossbow and a compound or vertical bow is that you can use a rest, it has a stock and you pre-cock it. It shoots at the same range, same projectile, with the same type of power at a completely comparable KE range. The only real advantage to a crossbow is that its pre-cocked, but you have no real chance at a quick second shot, whereas with a vertical bow, a second shot is not that difficult. Hmmmmmm.... Im still waiting for that good argument against them.
  9. Like Ive already said, states already recognize each other's drivers licenses, it could be the same way with pistol permits. In fact, it already is with 20+ states. It would be up to the gun owner to review and know the specific gun laws in the states which they are traveling in. No federal control required, like I said its already being done without it. Go get your Utah permit and carry away! http://publicsafety.utah.gov/bci/FAQother.html BTW, Id rather have people need to cough up a little dough for the permit and have a better system of checking backgrounds nationally, not just locally or state wide. $200 really isnt much, if you can afford to buy a $500+ gun, you can afford $200 for the permit.
  10. Theres an article in the Rochester D&C that they have been confirmed in Monroe County and people saying they found them in Livingston County as well. The fin in Monroe county included dead trees, suggesting that they have been there for over a year already. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/article/20100810/NEWS01/8100327/1003/Ash-borers-confirmed-in-Monroe-County
  11. The pistol permit system has been in place for a long time and while it has some flaws, it works pretty well. If you had the system the same way it is up here, I doubt you would be complaining about much. It can take a little time to get the permit, but once you do, theres no renewal, no fees to pay after you get the permit, and it costs less than $200 to get. Now, if NY went with a similar standard for the whole state, it would be an improvement. If you could also carry across state lines, that would make it just about perfect. Of course, there are those of us here that would complain about something no matter what the system was.
  12. Then sit there and piss and moan about it being different everywhere lol. You cant have it both ways.
  13. Maybe not a complete, thought out plan per say, but I gave a general idea. Maybe a thread on the subject wouldnt be a bad idea. see what others besides you and I think about nationally recognized permits.
  14. Go back and read, Im not repeating myself. It was just a couple hours ago. :
  15. Didnt we already go over this? It doesnt need to be federal. Im starting to think you just like to hear yourself talk. ;D
  16. Probably because its easier than saying "crossbow arrows" and less chance of getting the wrong thing at the store. Arrow vs bolt is pretty much nothing more than semantics in this day and age. Be honest, other than length and the nock, what do those bolts look like? Arrows of course.
  17. Well, I have never heard of that stuff going on up here, its downstate BS. Id like to see some articles on things like that, those people may have some cases that the NRA would love to know about. My head is not in the sand, not by a long shot. I stay abreast of politics and gun laws. I see what is going on, but I dont get paranoid about things either. I dont look at things from a Republican/Democrat point of view.
  18. I doubt that. But lets play devil's advocate. You do have to renew your drivers license, and an instant background check wouldnt be the end of the world. Now a 9 month check process each time its renewed, no way. would you care to make a wager? With the monetry problems in this state and another dem governr to be elected, it will happen say a couple hundred every 5 years, and if you have atraffic ticket, it could jeopardize it. LOL, with the time frame we would be looking at for a bet on that to be worth a damn, we probably wont be able to make good on the bet anyhow. Traffic tickets now? Thats just ridiculous and wont happen. No offense, but have you ever seen a UFO?
  19. its always been that way Bubba, differnt counties sherriffs and judges look at things differently, and it shouldnt be that way. There should be a standard in place.
  20. I dont think the Dems will be in power, people are sick of them already. Thats another topic though lol
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