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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Wow, not bad at all! I hear ya on the expensive thing, that drove me away from my slug gun to start with.
  2. Its all Culver's fault! Thats my story and Im sticking to it! ;D
  3. Guess what Doe, I totally agree with that. In fact, I would be fine with making any scope other than a red dot with no more than 2x magnification illegal for use on a crossbow.
  4. See what I mean? LOL Im not grumpy today. My camping trip was great, thanks for asking. Arrows for crossbows only differ in length to those shot by vertical bows (which just so happen to differ from one another as well). The nocks used by each style is different in the way they sit against the string.
  5. So then why even drop your little comment other than to try and stir the pot? Taking lessons from others that will go unnamed around here? Go back and read what I originally said.
  6. Doe, are your reading comprehension skills lacking as well? Or are you just cherry picking statements so you can try and spin things to your liking? Boy I get quite the reaction from you anti guys as soon as I make a valid point that disputes your little flame the crossbow session dont I?
  7. Hey Chevy, how did the harvest increase in PA last year when crossbows were introduced? Did it double like you predict? How was the harvest in OH before crossbows were introduced? You know, just to make your guesstimate valid through the use of facts.
  8. Then you should get it that there is no difference other than length and a slight difference of nock design. They are virtually the same projectile and fly the same exact way. : Oh, if the difference in length is really something that makes them compl;etely different, then just about every bow shoots a different projectile as well, seeing as most of us shoot different length arrows and different nock styles. Please tell me how length and nock style make them fly and react to objects differently.
  9. Really Doc? Did you even read what I wrote and what he wrote in return? Besides, I didnt call him anything, just suggested that his reading comprehension skills were pretty lacking. Maybe yours are as well. : Actually, this is pretty typical of you, someone said something that defies your all mighty opinion and rather than try and dispute any of it (because you cant), you go on a personal attack.
  10. Howis his shop Culver, I havent been over there. I think I will be over to Bullzeye today to shoot one or two of the Elites. Maybe I shouldnt tempt myself though... ;D
  11. Well, as far as the buck bombs go, whether they are food or deer scented, it doesnt matter. The deer cant eat it, so its not illegal. As far as the apple core goes, as long as you arent throwing a pile of apple cores there, I highly doubt DEC would be able to charge you with anything. It wouldnt really be littering either, I dont think. Call the DEC and ask, then youll get the positive answer.
  12. Are you kidding me? Way to twist my statement into something completely different. : How about you learn to read and comprehend what you read before running your mouth and looking like an idiot. I do not own a crossbow, nor do I work for any company remotely associated with them. Are you trying to tell me that an arrow shot out of a crossbow and an arrow shot out of a vertical bow do not fly exactly the same way? That having them hit small objects in their path does not cause them to have the same reactions?
  13. Do you guys think that DMPs are going to stay the same? Ever? Of course they arent. The DEC dishs them out according to what they believe the deer herd needs to be thinned down to. Some years they hand out alot, some they dont. It just so happens that we are coming off of one of the largest gluts of DMPs ever issued. I can understand why some guys will be nervous about other guys possibly being successful, then they might not have as many tags to fill. Change happens, its inevitable, but what type of change do we want? Hunter numbers to continue to dwindle, or should something be done to at least try and get those numbers to slow their downward spiral? I dont know 100% if crossbows will be the answer, and they wont be the whole answer, but they probably will be part of it. There are other states that have implemented them very successfully, NY can do it as well.
  14. Ive heard Redfield makes good stuff. As far as I can find its made in the USA, thats a plus.
  15. I spent the last 5 days camping at Sampson State Park, which is right down the road from the old Seneca Army depot, home of the Seneca White Deer. We saw a bunch of white does, here are a few of them....
  16. Where the pod helps is if you dont own a pickup truck (youll be able to tow it with a car), and if you want/need to drive somewhere, you dont have to pack everything up, you just leave it and come back when youre done.
  17. Yep. The guy can sling some jokes, but cant shoot worth a damn.
  18. I find Nugent entertaining most of the time and I agree with some of his political views, but I dont look at him like a god. I dont look at anyone like that. Im sorry to hear that he broke the law and there are no excuses for it, but I am glad to hear he stepped up to the plate and took resposibility instead of trying to use his celeb status as a way to get out of it or something like that.
  19. Nice Ford. Thats exactly what Im thinking of if I get another slug gun. What kind of groups and distances are you getting out of it?
  20. Yeah there are good deals on them every year. I got mine pretty cheap a few years ago.
  21. Well, I just looked and youre right! Bullzeye over in Bloomfield is a dealer, and a great little shop. I have been thinking of replacing my PSE after this year, Im gonna have to give Elite a look and try one or two out. I was thinking Hoyt, but since Elite is local....
  22. Elite has a great reputation. I didnt realize they are built in Rochester though. Hmmm...
  23. If it was on my regular hunting land, Id pass on that deer (assuming its a young deer and not an old guy on the downslope) opening day, Id also pass on him the last day of the season. Just my preference. My preference might be different depending on the time of the year if I was on state land though.
  24. I ordered my custom strings from a guy on Archery Talk, just waiting for them to come in so I can have them put on and tune my bow up. Yours look great eddie
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