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Everything posted by stubborn1VT

  1. After cleaning a whole bunch of sunfish, I think I would offer Robhuntandfish a job as my fish cleaner and guide on Oneida.
  2. Got on the ice on Champlain for the day, along with about 30 other folks. It was nice to get out and be able to visit pretty safely. Caught almost a 6 gallon bucket of gills and seeds and some were real nice. Awful great weather too.
  3. Sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers for you and yours.
  4. I should be after panfish on Friday. May set a few tipups for northerns while I'm out.
  5. There are some really good deals on rims on Ebay. I replaced both rears on my Kubota this summer. Got them for $165 each, shipped to my door. Just be sure that you match up the offset and bolt pattern. I had a heck of a time getting this info from some sellers. I got them from mytractorparts on Ebay after he sent me a diagram.
  6. I have been out with the saw also. Focusing on soft maple and poplar for now. I want to get the firewood out and then I plan to drop some of the ugly white pine and hemlock to let in light and possibly provide bedding. I may be able to get some saw logs out of them and bring them to my brother. He bought a portable saw mill this fall. I also want to do some more clean out around the few bigger oaks. I did that around one tree and it seemed to really pay off in growth and in acorns. Good luck to everyone out there and be safe.
  7. Old fashioned Dutch white clover is pretty good. It grows low and stands up to drought. The more it is mowed/grazed, the more it blossoms. I don't know alot about the newer clovers. I believe some of them establish very quickly. I think your plan makes good sense. I would recommend a blend. Also, if using a bag spreader, I would mix your clover seed with pelletized lime. It's good for the soil and it will help you spread the seed more evenly. Congrats on the new place and good luck!
  8. Shot a buck too far forward with a ML. Tracked him for hours in fresh snow. Jumped him from a bed and he blew at me. I stopped there for 30 mins and then shot him dead as he got out of his next bed. If she didn't leave with the other deer, I expect you hit her back. Good luck with the search.
  9. My daily driver is a standard. I grew up driving tractors and one-ton farm trucks. Nothing wrong with an automatic, but when it comes to towing, pulling hills or off-road I want a standard so I can truly downshift and put the hammer down.
  10. Fat spike/button buck feeding in the plot I can see from the house. VT season closed yesterday. On to habitat improvement and possibly ice fishing?
  11. I would recommend a lawn roller. I have also flipped over a chain (spike tooth) harrow and used that to bury seed. You could also just drive over it with your tires.
  12. Till, broadcast, roll/cultipack. I don't bother spraying. Depending on your deer density, you probably need a fence.
  13. I wear these boots for late season and then ice fishing. They aren't too bad to walk in.
  14. Of course. Another reason to be like Crappy and stick with HIgh Life!
  15. Now that's a very specific smell. We only used mollasses when the haylage was too dry. I'll have to check that one out.
  16. Sorry for your loss Zag. All you can do is love them.
  17. Original sweet potato cassarole. White or yellow potato, ground venison, onion, garlic, grated Vermont cheddar, sliced sweet potato on top. I'm not big on taking pictures of my food. (Lazy)
  18. A .308 necked down to 7mm? If only they would come up with a crafty name that would express that...
  19. Congrats Dan. 250 yards is a poke! Wish I lives 5 hours closer. I would help you load a deer for a beer at the Legion and a story or two.
  20. Nice buck! That makes the food plotting really worth while! I went out to check a camera and found that deer have been eating on the bulbs already. No snow and they are taking big bites out of turnips. Your pictures of turnips look like rabbit sign, no? I can see my plot at the house from my picture window and during a little snow flurry I watched 8 does/fawns pile out. It's the most deer I have seen in my plot so far. It only took 3 years to convince them that brassicas are good food. I kept planting them to help with my heavy clay soil and they figured it out eventually. Congrats on the gorgeous buck.
  21. Give me a rest and a clean kill shot every time.
  22. They could be waiting for the ground to freeze. If they stacked it up by the road it's probably going to be hauled away or chipped and then hauled away.
  23. I agree that the rail is way too low. I bought an aftermarket rail for one of my hang-ons. It straps around the tree with a ratchet strap. They are really flimsy, but better than nothing. I have a reliable ladder stand where I can shoot very far and I ended up screwing a 2"x3" rail on both sides of the ladder. Rock solid. I have also seen guys use PVC pipe and fittings to make a rail with legs that go down to the platform. I don't know if any of these ideas are a help. The strap-on rails are ok, but you would need one for every darn stand.
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