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Everything posted by stubborn1VT

  1. I did a bunch of research on the differences between the .308 and the 7mm08. As far as I can tell, the only minor difference is recoil. I would buy either one in a heartbeat. Am I missing something?
  2. I think you're right, but I've been saying that for at least a week already!
  3. I would be tempted to ziptie some saplings to the ladder and the uprights to break up the outline. Not enough to get in the way of your shots, but something to keep your upper body from being the highest visible point in the landscape.
  4. Pretty lame hunts Friday and Saturday. I saw a doe & 2 fawns Friday morning, but only when 2 bear dogs pushed them past. The dogs weren't chasing the deer, but spooked them when they came through. I saw a doe and fawn cross a field 100 yds from my stand on Friday evening. No deer at all yesterday. I'm not surprised guys are seeing bucks and sign and activity, but I'm not seeing any. Cams showed a 3pt and a 4pt last week, but both in the middle of the night. I'm not sure what gives, but between the warm weather, rain, and lack of activity, I'm pretty bummed. Hopefully Tuesday is the day...
  5. Let us know what you think. I'm a believer in Evercalm, although I forgot to buy some before the season. Never tried the VS1, but I may give it a shot.
  6. Called my firewood customer and rescheduled. He didn't want to stack wood this weekend anyway, so it worked out. I'll be in one of my better morning stands by 6 am tomorrow!
  7. Just more steady rain here. I have a firewood delivery tomorrow, so I will miss the morning hunt. I'm free after that, so I will get the weekend. (Would much rather hunt during the week.) Right now I'm eyeing Halloween as the day. I'm still waiting for a buck to show up in my "honey hole" spot. There are 3 does, 3 fawns and a button buck in there daily. I have stayed out of there, other than to check a camera with the 4 wheeler. I have managed to not hunt it. Still waiting for pics of something to shoot, or an active scrape. Neither so far. I've been discouraged. I know trail cameras don't tell the whole story, but I'm running 7 cams on 5 properties and I haven't had a decent buck on any of them in weeks. Sure, the warm weather has them starting late, but deer movement has been terribly slow. Any day now... but I've been saying that for a week already. Good luck out there.
  8. Only two I watch are Meateater and Midwest Whitetail. His show is on Youtube now. I don't mind Heartland Bowhunter. Red Arrow is funny, but the I can take or leave most of them.
  9. My mom always put grated carrot in her sauce. I do it sometimes, when I'm making a big batch. Other times I skip it. It does work. Sometimes I put maple syrup in it too.
  10. My customers were chirping about it today. I'm only working because it's too warm for me to hunt. (My choice.) I'm with you. Like to see an inch of snow before the month is out!
  11. Kinda far of the topic of this thread. Sorry. I have replaced blades on mechanicals. My worst broadhead experience came from some Cabela's brand mechanicals that came out of the package dull, and I didn't realize it until it was too late.
  12. I don't think I would shoot that angle either, although I've never had the opportunity. Bill's setup is pretty solid. The steelhead only measures 1 and 1/8th, so that helps, as well as a middle weight arrow. I shot a 4 point at 25 yds. Arrow hit ribs and got an exit through the opposite side leg bone. 500 grain arrow, 1.25" Jak-Hammer. I find it hard to believe that a modern bow can be so out of tune that it loses the kind of energy folks are talking about. I'm more apt to look at the broadhead. JMO.
  13. My buddy shot a 160+ lb 9 pointer the other evening. He shoots the 2" Rage out of a new Hoyt. 70+lb draw. 30" arrow. 28 yard shot broadside. Buck jumped the string a little and spun away. Arrow went in at 2nd to last rib and diagonal through one lung. Huge entry. No exit. May have clipped opposite shoulder. Buck went 150 yards. Blood trail was weak for 150 yds until arrow pulled out. Deer was dead in a few seconds, but was difficult to track and find in tall raspberry bushes. My buddy is very conscientious, and wasn't pleased with the lack of a pass through. He had shot Rage 3 blade in the past and always got pass thrus. I imagine he will be switching broadheads.
  14. I couldn't find the "Live from the Couch" thread. Recliner, in my case. GF was up sick all night, so I can't head out for this 30 degree temperature drop... I will hang around here and hope she feels better so I can get out for the PM hunt. Good luck out there.
  15. Thanks for the responses guys. I will keep it in mind. May have to consider a .308 as well. I won't be giving up my 7 Mag, since I'm mostly a "sitter", but I would like a walking around gun one of these days.
  16. 2" cut mechanicals work for some people. It only makes sense that a smaller cutting diameter would penetrate better. I shot 1.25" mechanicals for years and got an exit hole every time but one. I don't shoot more than 25 yards, however, and I send a 500+ grain arrow. To each his own, but I am not surprised by those results. A buddy went to Pike County with his super fast bow. He shot a "huge" buck with his 2" Rage broadheads and light weight carbon arrows. Guess what happened. The dog handler gave him an earful when they tracked the buck into a swamp. On and on about big Midwestern bucks and archery gear and shooting 45 yards. They never found the buck.
  17. Not to hijack, but how does the 7mm-08 do with a short barrel? I know some calibers don't like anything under 20". My next rifle will most likely be a 7mm-08 or .308. I need a walking around gun. My 7mm Rem Mag sports a 24", but it's not very handy in the brush.
  18. Yeah. I never hunt my good spots until the weather and wind are right. I only go into my honeyhole spots to check cameras. I wait until I see a shooter on my cam, or when there are active scrapes.
  19. I have a spot with clover/chicory in one plot, brassicas in another, as well as over a dozen mature apple trees. Deer are in there every single day, sometimes all day. 6 does/fawns, a button buck & a spike. Not a single picture of a legal buck. I won't worry about it for another couple weeks. It wasn't quite as bad last year, but similar. Shot a decent 8 point with a sticker on October 27th. It's just a waiting game, I hope.
  20. Not if the pointed soft points are also Remington. If they are a different brand, then it is very possible you will need to resight.
  21. Got a chuckle out of that second picture. Well done!
  22. I would shoot the Mini with the heaviest soft point bullet I could find in .223. I know a number of people who use Federal Power-Shoks. I agree the .223 wouldn't be my choice for deer, but accuracy plays a big part. The 30-30 is a better sized bullet, but I think your familiarity and confidence in the Mini makes it a better option.
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