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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by mowin

  1. My gamo air rifle is loud. Not as loud as a .22, but loud enough to get neighbors attention if he out on his deck. Then the text comes asking if I got whatever I was shooting at Lol.
  2. I usually go after deer season ends. I target the ones that piss me off during the season, lol
  3. Great name. I can smell him sizzling in the frying pan. Lol
  4. Same here. No fear at all. My stepbrat is having her collage graduation party here because we're in the "county"... She wants requires everyone that attends to have there temp taken when they arrive. If they want a drink from the coolers, they have to use hand sanitizer before and after. Everyone has to say 6' apart. She's wondering why my family has declined to attend.
  5. I remember that post and photos. I voted it as the best post of the year.
  6. He's doing what he loves to do. It's what makes him happy. Better than chewing everything in sight like our 1 1/2 yr yellow lab. If we're not inside she will chew anything that isn't nailed down. She loves toilet paper. She'll strip a whole roll in minutes.
  7. Been looking forward to your thread. Have a safe and enjoyable trip.
  8. I agree. I like the bottom facing teeth. Easier to back drag the debris with a level bucket over curling it. However it needs to come off if your doing finish work.
  9. X2 I've got the ratchet rake. Same concept, but has teeth pointing down as well as forward. It's also easily installed and removed in about a minute.
  10. I've got several deer trying to eat the scratch grains I toss out to my chickens and guinea hens. I say trying because my chickens are enclosed and never free range because of the predators. The guinea hens are in a coop of there own until they get older, then they will be let loose. The deer jump my 4' fence to get what the gals scratch out of there pens. If I shoot one(not that I would), is that baiting????
  11. I agree. A sub compact is not what you would be happy with. Your looking for a compact tractor or ideally a large frame tractor.
  12. Your looking in my backyard. I do not recommend Salem farm supply.
  13. Just like 2 legged kids, your always picking up after them.
  14. Many 25-35 hp models have mid PTO shafts for mower decks. But the larger the tractor, the harder it is to mow in tight areas. The only way I would consider a mid mount mower would be on a sub compact tractor. I'm not 100% sure, but a friend of mine said Kubota has 0% for 72 months. Might be something to look into.
  15. No need to get implements for a JD from a dealer. Lots of aftermarket attachments available for deere
  16. I read he was awarded a little over 9mil. That's a crap load of money in 49...
  17. Nothing wrong with today's JD. Solid machines. As good as the rest.
  18. Did a little research on it. The TO20 was made between '48-51. It was the the US version of the TE20 in England that was made in '46. The TE was the first tractor to have a hydraulic 3pt hitch invented by Harry Ferguson. The TO20 was nearly identical to the Ford 9n/2n.
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