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Everything posted by mowin

  1. I remember well. I was driving to work. I was a archery tech at a local gun, archery shop. First plane hit while I was in route. 2nd hit while at work. That day was crazy, along with the following couple weeks. We sold out of guns and ammo. I purchased 4 Bushmaster AR's that day. IIRC, my price was just under $600... I sold those from my truck for $1000.00. The store was pretty much empty of any type of firearms. The Archery sales actually jumped also.
  2. I stopped watching 2 yrs ago. Won't watch Nascar since the latest BS. Never liked baseball or basketball, so never watched those. Family, Hunting, fishing, and the outdoors. Those are my sports.
  3. My wife goes for hers on Monday. I'm 55 and had one scheduled, but I refuse to get a covid test to get a simple procedure done. I asked if the doctor is going to be tested the day of as well as all of the staff? They said no. So, docs and staff who are more likely to come in contact with covid don't need to be tested to protect my safety.
  4. That's also how I normally do them. I've read some don't wrap. They say they bark is just so much better.
  5. Looks great. Did you wrap at all? I usually do for the added juice, but thinking about doing the two going on tomorrow night without wrapping.
  6. No frigging way will be debate. He can't. He won't remember his own name.
  7. But in this case, Fox did report the truth. Your bashing them for doing their job. Fox might favor Trump, but it's the only one. How many others don't?
  8. So.... How is fox "screwed up" for airing the story? Seems like that's what their job is. Seems CNN is the one screwed up.
  9. Client listed there house 5 days ago in old Chatham. $399.000. Got a full asking offer, and this place needs LOTS of love...
  10. Yep, the libtards blame anyone but themselves. POS...
  11. I remember watching kojak. One of the classics.
  12. Full bars as far as signal. I haven't gotten a single upload since the 135 this weekend. I've hunted this area for over 20 years. I know there's multiple deer passing by that cam every day. Yet I've got nothing. Going to put a non cell cam above it on the same tree tomorrow.
  13. I've taken many a matriarch doe. Haven't seen any difference in buck activity. Deer get taken in my area too often by coyote. No way in hell can the heard react any different for maybe a day or two if one goes missing. Seen the same bucks chasing does in the same field as taking out the queen a couple days later.
  14. This... Sums it up perfectly.
  15. Thanks... Better safe than sorry. Think they will stay where they are. On the bright side, you saved me a lot of work, lol.
  16. No, they live in Holden Maine. Story goes, but not true. Is the great grandparents owned the land. State decided to dam the stream. Told everyone to vacate. Two yrs later the next generation went to look and discovered there cabin was intact and on a island, and they retained the deed to it. Further investigation reviled the great grandparents purchased the island without any structure. Makes for a great story, but the family knows the truth.
  17. Buddy and his wife own the acre+ island on west grand lk. It's in Whitney cove. My profile pic is from the cabin window.
  18. So I've changed the settings to upload pics hourly. I got 8 picks when I got up at 6:45. About a hr later, I got a notification that I had 135 new uploads. Pics were before the first 8, and after. App is not working properly and needs to be updated and fixed.
  19. Looks like a big bear left his calling card. Keep the pics coming. Now I can't wait for February. Will be our 19 yr going to the island ice fishing...
  20. Here's a couple examples. 1st is the size I would be using. The second is a much bigger one that is in my yard, but I think is the same as the first one???? 1st is probably 200lbs. 2nd has to be pushing 800+.
  21. I'll snap a couple pics today.
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