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Everything posted by mowin

  1. OMG, are you nuts. He's just as big of a POS.
  2. Did you notice the second deer in the first video had a gash on the inside of his rear leg? Cool being able to hear him sniff the cam.
  3. And there's what's wrong with your theory. Not everyone got the polio, mumps, measles vaccine. Still alive we are.. But yet here you are saying everyone needs to get this vax or we'll never get back to normal.
  4. The current admin is flooding red states for potential votes. These people who can't understand that are the ones that's killing out country and our freedom. A special kind of stupid they keep proving they are.
  5. What do we want? Well pics and description and price.
  6. Why? Haven't the red states been hit hard by bused in illegals?
  7. I was asking. You definitely are a special kind of stupid.
  8. Probably a young one mamma booted. I've been lucky, no garbage had been taken from my dumpster this yr...Yet.
  9. I'm wondering, Were these illegals that have been pouring over our borders?
  10. Awesome. Bring your kids as there unvaccinated.
  11. I've got several ponds on clients properties. Lots of water snakes that are friggin huge. Can't see them because the grass is so thick. I only knyi hit something because their so huge I can hear the mower hit something. The garders are usually near a stone wall. I don't slow down at all when I see one slivering for their lives.
  12. Killed probably a dozen this week while moving clients lawns as well as several huge black water snakes. Giggle every time I hit one. I despise the things.
  13. I'm with you. The only good snake is a dead one.
  14. Do you or anyone actually know if there's any long term side effects? Nope. Know one knows if 4+ yrs down the road if there's going to be issues. I smile as I walk into stores without a mask.
  15. I'm thinking garter also.
  16. Did you hear that brilliant statement king Andy said yesterday? Strongly recommends all privet business only serve fully vaccinated people in their establishment. It's a solid business practice. WTF..
  17. Might help, but probably not. Wife and I rescued a pure bred yellow lab. Less than a yr old. Totally neglected, but not abused? Ish.... Meaning not beat, but emotionally neglected. She's been the most challenging of any rescue we've taken in. ( At least 5 over the past 15 yrs). Put her in a crate day one. We had to wear foam ear plugs for the first week to be able to sleep. Her crate was the farthest away from our bedroom. 1st couple of weeks it was a challenge to get her into her crate. I actually had to trick her by reclining in my chair, and when she jumped upped, grabbed her collar and literally praising her with treats guiding her to her crate. Fast forward. We can leave her out with the other 2 muts, and she's been great. Except... She loves toilet paper. If we leave TP on the holder in the master or main bath, we'll be coming home to TP confetti, lol. Morel of this post. He's a pup. Embrace it. Hate it. But know whatever he does, you rescued a pup that most likely would have been put down.
  18. I husk them with the mower, lol. They sound like rocks.
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