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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by mowin

  1. I'm with you. The only good snake is a dead one.
  2. Do you or anyone actually know if there's any long term side effects? Nope. Know one knows if 4+ yrs down the road if there's going to be issues. I smile as I walk into stores without a mask.
  3. I'm thinking garter also.
  4. Did you hear that brilliant statement king Andy said yesterday? Strongly recommends all privet business only serve fully vaccinated people in their establishment. It's a solid business practice. WTF..
  5. Might help, but probably not. Wife and I rescued a pure bred yellow lab. Less than a yr old. Totally neglected, but not abused? Ish.... Meaning not beat, but emotionally neglected. She's been the most challenging of any rescue we've taken in. ( At least 5 over the past 15 yrs). Put her in a crate day one. We had to wear foam ear plugs for the first week to be able to sleep. Her crate was the farthest away from our bedroom. 1st couple of weeks it was a challenge to get her into her crate. I actually had to trick her by reclining in my chair, and when she jumped upped, grabbed her collar and literally praising her with treats guiding her to her crate. Fast forward. We can leave her out with the other 2 muts, and she's been great. Except... She loves toilet paper. If we leave TP on the holder in the master or main bath, we'll be coming home to TP confetti, lol. Morel of this post. He's a pup. Embrace it. Hate it. But know whatever he does, you rescued a pup that most likely would have been put down.
  6. I husk them with the mower, lol. They sound like rocks.
  7. That makes a lot of sense. Last few deer were a pass through using rage, but I was shooting around 48lbs. I'll grab some heavier arrows and do some testing.
  8. 40 yrs of bow hunting, 20 plus yrs of using mechanicals and lots of deer later, I've never had a mechanical fail. I did however have a fixed blade fail. Had a bear razor hit a shoulder and it bent in the shape of a"L".
  9. Have a client who's yard is full of black walnut trees. In the 10 yrs I've been mowing his lawn, I've never seen a squirrel touch one.
  10. Interesting. Butternut must be more palatable. Do the tree rats in the finglakes eat the black walnuts? Never seen a butternut in my area, or if I did see one I definitely had no clue what it was, lol.
  11. Haven't seen a butternut in my area. Realistically, I don't think I'd recognize a butternut if I didn't see this video. All I can comment on is I haven't seen a red, gray squirrel, let alone deer, pay any attention to black walnuts.
  12. Not a tree rat, gray or red touches them. Interesting how areas are so different than others.
  13. Very nice video. The only thing I'll challenge is the wildlife eating black walnuts. Have a few clients with black walnut trees, and haven't seen a squirrel, deer or any other critter eating them in 25 yrs.
  14. Not for me. Not sure what advantages it has over a pump.
  15. Sorry, I've killed many deer with them. Every broadhead has failed stories. Most can be contributed to the angle of the shot not being what the hunter remembered. Only reason I want a fixed blade is because Rage doesn't recommend a poundage I'll be shooting.
  16. Ok. I haven't shot traditional in 30 yrs. Took my first deer with a Bear recurve. Being the statue of limitations is long over, I was 13. Took 4 more yrs to get my second (first legal) archery deer with a Browning compound. If my shoulder could handle it, I'd take up traditional archery in a heartbeat.
  17. Been shooting Rage 100g two blades for yrs. Never a issue. Killed countless deer. No failure even at 50lb draw. However I'm dropping to 45 or even maybe 42lbs. Looking for a REPLACEABLE blade broadhead. Remember, I'm probably going to be shooting a 500 spine arrow.
  18. Holy crap. Not a user name I recognize. Glad you realized he's a POS before you sent any money, but I can see how one could let there guard down if it a forum member.
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