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Everything posted by mowin

  1. Doing a mix of clover, rye grains and brassicas.
  2. After I spray, how long do I wait to disk and plant?
  3. Who are you to determine who's patriotic?
  4. Started watching my dad butcher his when I was a kid. By the time I was 12 or 13, I was skinning and quartering. Probably processed a few hundred deer, 1/2dz cows, 30+hogs and a few moose(unfortunately none of those were mine). Don't mind showing someone how I cut em up. But I don't do others deer for them. When my nephew's started hunting they assumed I'd take care of it for them. They quickly learned different. You kill it, you take care of it or pay someone. They now enjoy the process with me helping and giving them pointers. There getting better at it, and I'm hopeful they get a couple more chances to learn this season. We've assembled a decent amount of equipment over the yrs. Two #22 grinders, sausage stuffer, cuber, chamber vac sealer and a patty forming machine. Had a band saw, but haven't used it in several years, so that got sold last yr. If anyone is in the Albany and east area, and wants some pointer, I'll be glad to help out.
  5. I'd guess 2.5. and not a day older if he came passed me.
  6. Anything but my truck or my wife's car...
  7. Really? Any link on what to order and how to change it out would be awesome.
  8. Don't have the youth model either. Mines in 6.5 Creedmore. Has a horrific trigger. I bought it to give to my nephew's in a few yrs. I can shoot it ok, but my nephew's don't have the experience I do, and they can't hit shit with it. I'll get it to a gunsmith at some point and have a different trigger installed.
  9. Looking forward to you pics.
  10. Yes. What a unique euro mount.
  11. There predicting 3-5” of rain in the Albany area. More to the south and east which is where I'm located. Just got 1.3" of rain from Fred. While it's not nowhere near as bad as some are going to get, it's not going to be pretty. Stay safe everyone.
  12. Nettles, burdock, what ever you call them, they suck.
  13. Last two yrs only 200 DMP's were available for 4U. I got my license early and was denied. Middle of October I received a DMP in the mail with a note saying I still get the preference point. That happen two yrs in a row. Just bought my license yesterday and since I had 2 preference points I got a DMP for 4U. They did up the total to 350 this year.
  14. Can't thank you enough for the info. Is there a specific seed blend you would use, or mix your own?
  15. Not my land, but landowner is fine with me doing food plots. Area drains well. It's a hay field that a local farmer bails twice a yr. Approximately a 18a field. I'm probably looking to do about 1.5a.
  16. Picked up a 6' 3pt disc. I want to plant something very soon, but really not sure what would work best for this late planting? I know the area needs to be sprayed first. When do I lime or fertilize? Before or after I disk?
  17. Very familiar with the CTB's. Definitely crap. I'd grab a couple spares if there all you can find. Not sure how heavy your camper is, but another option is car tires. I've run only car tires on my landscape trailer, but I'm only about 4k loaded.
  18. Ugh... This makes me wish my stepdaughter never get married. Good luck. I guess I'd ask them why they are pulling back. If they don't have a good answer, maybe calling them out during the wedding reception might be in order.
  19. Sorry to hear about your dad. The memories both of you had and you will make with his marlin will live on. Great job on the restoration.
  20. Nice, very nice. Had a early '60s 336C many yrs ago. Kick myself in the ass for selling it. Good luck with the sale.
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