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landtracdeerhunter last won the day on October 21

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Niagara County
  • Interests
    Everything Agricultural Related, Hunting, Mechanics, Forging, Building, Electrical,, Maple Syrup, Bee Keeping, etc. etc. etc.

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  • Hunting Location
    Fields & Woods
  • Hunting Gun
    Remington 870 Express
  • Bow
  • HuntingNY.com
    Stumbled onto it

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  1. A deer convention this afternoon. Shortly after taking the picture, a buck came in and broke it up.
  2. Plenty of deer action here yet. Thursday afternoon, With the moon showing during day light, coupled with the winds subsiding, the food sources, deer started showing about 4:15. Had 2 six points sparing for a few minutes (one pictured). Posted a pic of same deer earlier in this thread. Mature doe are hanging back in the cover; the young's ones sure are surfacing; eating machines. Lost the chance at one mature buck here, lost his antlers. Hope to find his sheds. Some of the best hunting is sure to be had.
  3. Yesterday's sit reminded me of the 1990's with cold and windy weather. This cold weather sure brings the deer into food sources, for sure. I now know my main shooter is antlerless. Plenty of others to fill the bill though.
  4. Mature with only one side. Seen one with no antlers, few days ago chasing doe around . Shed hunting will start early this season.
  5. Watched a fair size deer with no horns chasing doe yesterday afternoon. Not sure what's going on. This one, I"d like to find his sheds
  6. All I hear is dripping off the trees. Deer out feeding later before the colder weather sets in . Bedded down about 60 yards ahead of me. Seven in total by 7:35.
  7. This afternoon sit was under an umbrella. Had a few doe and believed to be a buck that had already shed it's antlers come into the hay field to feed on grass about 4:30. Had a slight limp but, appeared to be getting around just fine. He moved the doe around quite a bit before exiting.
  8. Have a bunch of Canadian robins fly in eating berries around me.
  9. We won't talk much about yesterday afternoon. Lawn clover trefoil mix continues to draw deer, even after a snow melt. I will be planting more acreage next year. Todays another day, quite excited taking the muzzleloader out; my firearm of choice. Now in hoping a chance to use it. Good luck to those bow and muzzleloader hunters.
  10. Only a couple mornings have had deer showing during the firearms season. Thanksgiving morning ,a shooter locked down on a doe at 300 yards. Out of range for me; the turkey didn't taste the same neither . Most of the time, I believed they moved early.. I bumped deer on the walk out yesterday morning(Saturday), then a young 8 pointer surfaced. Pass. This morning , no new deer tracks in the snow since last evening. Thought they could move later when the wind went down, but didn't happen. One more chance to try. Tomorrow, we go to a new firearm. Good luck to those going out.
  11. We have seen this before. Little or no blood for hundreds of yards. Non vital hit, they can go a long ways without bedding down. So many today give up so easily, on blood trails, especially with no antlers involved. It's great to see someone so in depth in recovery efforts. A lesson here, for all of us to learn by. That was a big doe. Do you think that was the triplets mother?
  12. Sun with a light southwest breeze turned into 15 minute heavy snow squall about 4:30 pm. yesterday. With no snow on the ground, it turned white in a hurry. Quit as fast as it started followed by doe and young ones checking the clover. They moved on to the grassy vegetation rather quickly. This morning, the same weather conditions at 4:45. Took a walk back at 7:15 with no fresh tracks. Deer have been moving early ever since the showers of Thanksgiving morning here
  13. Sun was out on the way out yesterday afternoon, no snow on the ground. Then we got an intense snow squall about 4:30. Two inches on the ground in 15 minutes. Stopped, deer piled in the clover. Barely ate any moved on to grasses area. I felt like a shooter was waiting in the rhalm. This tough weather conditions is where we harvest shooters. Didn't happen. More snow this am., maybe 4 inches on the level. Hope for some good hunting, this afternoon.
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