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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. Not even close. Am I the only one or is this year flying! I've got a list a mile long, and it feels like it will still be a half mile, day before bow starts.
  2. With past experience, getting to know people has gained us some nice hunting land opportunities. People that don't know-trust you, are certainly not going to allow you to hunt on their properties. I wouldn't either. Find friends, business associates, customers, and or other people that you have connection with. Don't count out the people that might say no this year either. Remember, their are good reasons why they said no. But I find that sometimes, that changes over time with a few. Put yourself in their situration and try to relate to what they are saying, and more inportantly, why. Nothing meant by any of this, just what has worked for us.
  3. Here is another site that might be some value to you. www.tractorbynet.com
  4. I believe, Moultrie is the only one on the market that is with that feature. Seems like right now, they are leading the way in game camera tech. We have 4 I-40's and 1 D-55 and very satisfied with them.
  5. Nice pics. Thanks for posting. Good idea with Bar. pressure reading. Moultrie becoming a little weather station aren't they. Next thing- wind direction.
  6. With all the properties getting broke up in our area, and new homes being built back in places, they shouldn't be, it changes hunting properties forever with the 500' rule. I don't think the towns even consider that when issuing building permits. Years ago, nowone would even consider having that long of a driveway for plowing snow. Best part is, some houses are built and 2 years later, a 4-sale sign goes up. Ruin a neighbors hunting parcel forever. Increase the tax base, it's all about the $
  7. We replace the orings right out of a new pack. Don't know what temperature conditions, the packs were stored in, or the age of them and like was mentioned above, some were bad not long ago. As far as tape is concerned, would they tend to change the weight,and be as accurate?
  8. Guess you missed my point, or maybe I didn't state it clearly. Never said I was against anything, just that the pheasants years ago were more wild. Todays" fully raised" release birds are not as wild. Without hunting back in the 70's, it would be hard to tell what I'm talking about.
  9. We raised pigs years ago, nothing like fresh pork. The biggest job was boiling the water. Need a hoist over the kettle. We'll have to stock up on the firewood. We can make room for hanging hogs, where we hang the deer.
  10. History sure repeats itself. Whenever hunters think they have won on an issue, they end up the losing on several others that are takened away. If riffle zones were not expanded, would we be seeing this showing up?
  11. The way the DEC talked a while back, it sounded like their were only a few in NY. Now they are saying that numbers are in the hundreds. Sounds like the problem is growing rapidly. Has anyone that hunts that part of the state, where their are sighted, shoot, or harvested any, and how do they taste?
  12. Not trying to steal the post that was started, but I feel it's a very inportant question. When do manufactures recommend replacing saftey harnesses and linesmen ropes, etc. aside of when their is a fall?
  13. That buck is in a very relax atmosphere, being so close to the house. I'm impressed, that you didn;t have the jitters filming with it so cold. Keep showing the videos. I like seeing them.
  14. Yes, happiest of birthdays fasteddie. Enjoy!
  15. A local hunt club releases farm raised birds on neighbors land next to where we bow hunt. Not the pheasants I remember hunting with my dad and grandpa of yesteryear. You find piles of feathers everywhere today. Modern day pheasants are not even close to wild. They walk ahead of you and all barely scared. Every year back in the 70's, my brother and I would raise 98 chicks in the 4 H pheasant program. They would start you off with 100 chicks, and 100 lbs. of feed. and we would take it from there. A DEC officer would release them at 12 weeks of age, on the back of the farm. Sure, you would loose some to natural forces, but the ones remaining were sure be a challange for a good bird dog. You guys hunting back in that error, sure know what I'm talking about. Of coarse, 4H kids have changed so much, I don't know if that program would even work today. It was a program that worked then, and it would be nice for it to come back. I remember being very proud raising them, and always did well in 4H.
  16. Sounded like all H broke loose this morning at the Iroquois Wildlife Refuge. Been seeing flocks of geese flying over the past 2 morning, but only 1 lonely goose this morning.
  17. The makers of Code Blue make Code Red. Has been around since 2009. Code blue has takened off in the market place, but Code Red doesn't seem to be very popular. I have never used it but, some friends say it's as good as Code Blue, what ever that means. BP has a 2 oz bottle for $6. What is it in Dicks?
  18. Seems like NJ has delt with EHD before. All signs seem to be aiming in that direction. A killing frost checks the fly which transmits it. Michigans DNR has delt with this disease before as well. They have a simple to use web site, and it is lisited in the wildlife disease manual. Maybe someone could post the link, as it doesn't seem to work for me.
  19. My son received another survey in the mail the other day. He filled one out and mailed it in, now he received another. I have never got one. Does anyone else receive them?
  20. RobC, thanks for the info. Went on their web site and found an 88tm slug gun for $249. Any dealers around Buffalo that sell them?
  21. Wow, pennys in the butt stock, thats rich! lol. Sorry, couldn't resist.
  22. Buy the cloths you want to buy and can afford. Get something comfortable that feels good on you. Their is some great stuff on the market today.
  23. Want to talk about getting itchy, we just took the better part of today trimming and tweeking stands. While up in one, a big tom walked across a field of view. It wasn't a deer, but sure was the next best thing. Nothing like sitting in the stands, checking shooting lanes, and getting a feel for whats to come.
  24. Welcome to Hunting New York forum. Alot of valuable info. on this site. I hope you will enjoy bowhunting as much as we do and good luck.
  25. I thought this 500 gun had a riffled barrel with holes in it. Not sure now. My sons 835 kicks bad with 3 " Mag shells. Dad only fired it once.That was enough of that.
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