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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. Opening day for the rest of the state, ( except L.I.). My son seen a flock of 11 on the 20th, two of which had red color on their heads and beards. How common is that? Good luck to all, happy turkeying. Here are some pics from last month. Like those acorns, sorry for the repeat.
  2. Nice way to fill that tag, congrats.
  3. Those of you starting your kids off at an early age are on the right track. I think taking them out to experience the thrill, letting them decide if it's right for them, is a great accomplishment . What about the kids that don't have the chance, gota feel sorry for them. My oldest son actually got me back into hunting after 20 years off. I took my youngest out when he was 12, and now when he's not working, can't keep him out of the field.. Doesn't even have time for a girl friend, lol. He's got that taste for big deer.
  4. Bubba: agree with you 100%. Hope you harvest a nice one.
  5. Coon will grab a chicken and bite the head off, so why not a fish.
  6. Good luck to all that are heading out. Be careful, be safe, and stay away from dead trees around you. Wish you all get the big one, or pretty good size anyway Sleeping in the woods, now that's a true blue deer hunter.
  7. Ok, so last night, about 6 pm., I was taking the tractor back in the field to pickup the hay making equipment, to put away for another season. Suddenly, a mature doe comes running out of the woods full bore. She runs into the hay field aways, and suddenly dodges into another woods to the north. I shut the tractor motor off, sitting there to see if maybe something was chasing her. A couple minutes go by, and out pops a 7 pointer, mouth hanging open, panting , and like in rutting mode. He stops , nose in the air, and dives in the woods, the exact spot, the doe went in. What was I seeing? What's you opinion.
  8. I think everyone of my ground blinds have snapped roof supports. When they get very few years on'em, snap. I use pieces of hydraulic hose with duct tape to repair them. I replaced one with a whole piece of fiberglass rod, but not very user friendly. I like the ground blind idea for gun, but have missed more deer out of them with a bow, so I tend not to use'm for that. Think if someone could come up with a better idea, they could make a buck.
  9. The state permits that are applied for to operate hunting preserves do have strick guidelines . They must be regulated by the state somehow.
  10. Why don't DEC laws apply? Then what powers do NY ECO's have there? This is something new to me.
  11. We couldn't obtain any accuracy with Powerbelt bullets.
  12. Rage has the 40KE's rear deploying broadheads as mentioned above. For light draw weights, short draw lengths. Got a pack right here. They have a chart on the back to compare draw weight against draw length. For use with 40 lbs. kinetic energy or less. 1 1/2"cutting diameter. The pack says put'em down. Get your game or money back. I take that with a grain of salt.
  13. We have been using Pyrodex 50/50 pellets for a few years now in our TC & Winchester inlines. We have to clean the gun every 3 shots sighting in. Otherwise, 240 grain sabots are all over the target. The pellets are so handy to use, but are dirty. Why is this? The harder the sabot pushes, the more inaccurate the gun becomes. Maybe a dumb question but , what are the differences in powder types? Ins't all 50 cal bullets the same dia.? Also, we can't use the power belts at all.
  14. Yesterday when she first posted, the pics were not with the first forum, today their there. Yesterday, actually their was 2 forums on the same subject also.
  15. A repeat phone call to the DEC might be in order, pictures with dates, times for proof.
  16. The Amish in our area do follow NY hunting laws. I know a few but, they do get DMAP's every year to thin out some of the problem deer.
  17. The guide does say"close of business on October 1st 2011 to be the DMP cut off date as letinmfly said. Always thought it was last day of Sept..
  18. Can they go back on November 1st ( all saints day), to get the left over tags? This year, it's on a Tuesday, so every town clerks office will be open. Their are more tags given out the 2nd round, than in the 1st, in some areas. That does take one morning out of the field. lol
  19. I have a field near me of about 30 acres. They have been in the ground about 10 days now and are up quite well. I'll get some pics this week.
  20. Farmers up our way are using them for a cover crop. What are your views for use in FP & LM? Heres. more info on them. Radish cover crop.htm
  21. I'm amazed how little light they fly down in the fall mornings. No light in the east sky at all, and hear turkeys flying down hitting the ground. Once you her them, you never forget the sound. They fly into the trees at dusk and roost above our heads, sometimes making the treestands sway.
  22. Harvesting a turkey with a bow is a big challenge. Nice job. Is she headed for the table at Thanksgiving time?
  23. Without a hunting Dept? that yearling was running around in protest, or maybe notttt. lol
  24. I own a Strealth Cam IR that likes to do the same. The only way it will take a decent picture is to mount it on a limb, say about 10' from the ground on an angle . Use a screw in mount to achieve this. It works better but not 100%. It also don't like filtered sun light. Have to mount it towards the North. Pain getting to it, but you leave it alone more.
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