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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. I have shed hunted for a number of years with no luck. I follow buck trails in the snow, nothing. Soybean fields are the best place to look, so I've been told, still nothing. We have bucks in the area, because new rubs are showing up even after New Years. Whats the secret, if any, of finding that needle in a haystack?
  2. We all wear orange in our hunting party. Plain and simple, if you can be seen by another hunter, your risk of being shot drops. It is always possible and the risk goes up and down depending where you hunt- private or public lands. We were all taught in our hunting coarse to know your target and beyond. In that coarse, we were told to wear orange, by our instructor.It's far safer; we were told. As far as a law to make you wear orange, seems like the state will do what it thinks is right, if it can make a buck. Looking out for hunters saftey? I certainly hope so! Alot of other states have made it manitory. Has that lowered the shooting rate? A few years ago, I switched over to a breakup orange. I have had deer walk right by me. I had tree cover behind me, motionless, and they didn't catch my scent, the main things deer go by. My two scents.
  3. I know that farmers find deer deceased while harvesting their corn. That is true more so, when the harvest is late into shotgun. If I shoot at one and lose it, it makes me sick. I'll spend hours out looking till I can rest my mind, one way or the other. I think every deer hunter knows, in archery or gun, that the risk is there.
  4. That bear looks like he's on a mission. We only get bear up north here just enough to get the folks and police departments upset. Then they go away. Someday, I guess they could increase in numbers. Then I don't know what people will do.
  5. Brandon harvested this buck. He had plenty of witnesses, along with 150 pictures. , The Outdoor News will be running a story on this incredible animal . He'll let everyone know when.
  6. Think the guy on top made it through the season? Any pictures of him after the season closed? Oh yeah, how do you like the Cuddieback camera?
  7. Why would anyone want to pay to hunt in a high fence. I realize with hunting lands being tied up more and more, their is less places to hunt. Paying big money to shoot a deer- not for me! I love and respect the sport far to much to pay someone to shoot a farm raised deer.
  8. Maybe it should be asked here, if people think high fence hunts are ethical? Then a true answer can be given.
  9. I have 18 stands to pull from two farms during a few nice days here in January. They will be stored in a barn till August when they will be put back up. We check all metal components. The straps around the trees are replaced every two years or sooner if any are damaged. I use 5/16 chain with them for added safety and security. I use 1200 lb. rachet straps on the ladders halfway up to the tree. They were new this year. You can never be to safe.
  10. 1. Never stop learning, just when you think you have seen it all, something new comes along. Keep an open mind. 2. Clear you shooting lanes better. Lost a nice deer to a trig deflection on November 2nd.
  11. Welcome Mike, As a newbie to this site, and a Niagara County resident as well, I look forward to talking to you in the future.
  12. Hello from Niagara County. Have been hunting for a number of years now. Do alot of deer hunting in all seasons. This year, about 300 hours. I find myself holding onto a camcorder more than a weapon. My son says thats why I don't get many deer, but he makes up for that. Anyways I have some opinions and questions that I'd like to share with everyone in later days. I have enjoyed reading on this sight. Seems like their are alot of nice people to share things with on here. Happy 2011
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