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Everything posted by Nytracker

  1. Power lines are right of ways issued to the power company or owned by the power company. Same as gas lines . Unless other wise posted as public access you are trespassing. Exception public lands. I have a gas line , and power line on my property . They are posted . I have constant battles with people crossing my backyard with 4 wheelers , snowmobiles. Have had one guy ticketed multiple times . Last time he appeared in court judge warned him if he did it again he was going to jail and they were going to seize his vehicle. You should check for owner permission before doing anything.
  2. Robin's have showed up in 8w as of yesterday afternoon.
  3. Hmmm makes me wish I was back in school.... I was a very bad boy
  4. Thanks guys vacation is in.
  5. Back in the 80s and 90s I use to hunt turkeys every chance I got. I would say I was a solid 8 . Mouth calls slate and glass were my go to. Never felt proficient with box calls . Worked a few pushbutton calls and did well with them . In early 2000 coyotes and increased hunting pressure changed the birds. If you called loud birds shut up. If you got a gobbler really fired up hunters would jump in on you . Then it just seemed gobblers were calling on the roost and shut up when they hit the ground . I learned less is more . Work close to roosted birds . Try to put yourself between hen groups and gobblers before calling . I almost never cackle at birds . I will softly Yelp 3 or 4 times . If I get an answer I go to cluck purr . I set up decoys inside wood lines not fields . No takers in the early morning I then go set up inside field edges where I have seen Tom's strut . Set up decoys purr cluck . Yelp maybe every 15 minutes one series of 3 or 4 yelps. Purr cluck every 3 to 5 minutes . I do get some nice naps. That's what worked for me . I have to be honest I haven't hunted turkeys in a couple years.
  6. Pesimisticly full inclusion wont pass this year I have to schedule vacation . What dates ?
  7. Think I'm going to lake o tribs Saturday. Hope it's not blown out.
  8. 19 more days till trout season starts
  9. I honestly thought it was cool for while then I started adding family to my friends list . Some of my family really be crazy... stuff they posted for the world to see just blew my mind . I did make the mistake of begging off a family party 2 weeks before the date. Then I posted fishing trip pics.... that got me put off a couple Christmas card lists.
  10. Let's just say the " no babe your great... it's not you it's me " speech didn't go over quite as well as I expected.
  11. I use to have an account years ago to keep in touch with out of state fishing buds. Dumped that when Facebook sent me a friends request from an ex girlfriend. Last time we spoke she had threatened to kill me and my entire family. Bitch be crazy.
  12. Casio Ortega wont be able to reach out to her minions... they will wander in circles lost and confused.
  13. Lol he couldn't find a barstool to flip over.
  14. Lol there's alot of freaked out millennials..... they will blame this on trump.
  15. Electric fence chest high to the dog two feet from the fence
  16. You should have killed all the deer .... you wouldn't have that problem
  17. True sign of spring is when swallows come back. I have seen redwings and starlings .
  18. Dang that one should be open carried... not right to cover the flag up.
  19. Shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you. I hope the corporate scum that made the decisions to alienate their customer base end up out in the street on their ass with no golden parachute.. I know alot of people that work for dicks /field and stream . Those people can't believe the decisions being made. Some have left but others are stuck trying to pay bill's and take care of there family. I dont shop there anymore. I have ordered from bps and cabelas. I shop when I can from lgs. Availability of some stuff is pretty slim at times but I wont walk through those doors again.
  20. A while back I was busted by a doe at full draw shooting a buck . Didn't see her sneak in . I got the shot off killing the.buck . Never thought about the doe again until gun season. She walked in with twins and peeked around a fallen pine tree started blowing and stomping . Wind was in my face away from her . I didn't move . I checked everything in my camo and gear could not figure it out . My buddy checked out things from the ground didn't see any thing ... I wasn't skylined. I decided to rest my stand a few days . . 3 days later I moved to another about 70 yds away . I hear a deer blowing . Out pops the doe and her fawns . Walks right by me and up into the field I know it's the same doe she had a cowlick on her hip . Damn deer is blowing at my other stand and I'm not even there. Following year it happens again . The damn biatch has got to go . I put another stand 60 yards away further in the woods where I can watch. Sure enough opening day gun season she comes through gets to my old stand peeks around the tree and snorts and stomps . After 5 minutes of this she gives up and carefully picks her way past the old stand and into the shooting lane . She looks up at my old stand stares for a minute and puts her head down and begins feeding. . Enough of this I pick a spot and slammed a 308 through her neck and that put an end to her game playing.
  21. Library card catalog cabinet . Came from my elementary school.
  22. I have one of those in my basement I use to store fly tying material.
  23. Like I said I have had good bosses and I have had bad . I have had 13 different department heads in 19 years. I do my job and do it well. My current boss knows me well he came up through the ranks. When he hears great idea wish I thought of it he knows there's a problem . If he is interested in my opinion he comes out to ask if not he gets exactly what he asks for . I wont argue. My current boss is a good boss. And he has been in that position the longest .
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