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turkey attack


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So I was late with my plot this year, soy and corn. I've been checking it regularly to see if some sort of fence or scare crow is needed. Yesterday I was looking closely at the soy since its just popping through. I was kinda bent over looking for any plants that got ate when behind me something caught my attention. As I turned around there was a hen with her wings out running at me. She got about 5 feet from me when I decided to yell and start my retreat. She was hissing and putting and no matter what I did she wanted to get her beak in me ! I barked and yelled and flapped my arms and she just kept coming. The faster I moved the faster she came at me. I finally got a good 40 yards between us when I saw a handful of very small poults sneaking into some thick stuff. I decided to be the bigger man and take the long way back to the house. I gotta tell u, the adreneline was flowing and I have a feeling if I wouldnt have seen her she may have left me with an interesting scar for a funny conversation piece. Ahhh, to be a fly on the tree for that one !

Just a reminder that rabid coons and mountain lions aren't the only dangerous game in the woods.... lol. Watch your back !

Another great memory !

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LOL!! That is hillarious!! "Be the bigger man ..." I did have that happen once with a skunk.

Also funny you mention this. The other day on the way t the kid's baseball rec park a lady was walking down the road and a doe came up to her and chased her 500 yards. (she was wlking quickly in pursuit). She must have had a fawn nearby and saw her as a threat.

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Funny...When my son was about 4 or 5 we were walking the shore of a local lake when (dispite my warnings not to) he tried to get close to some Canada Geese chicks. The mother came out of no where and went after the kid like crazy. I had to pick my kid up and run away, while yelling and kicking at the thing. My wife almost passed out!!

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Pretty funny indeed. 2 weeks ago I came upon a hen laying in high grass to about 6ft away.She stood up after a few seconds,walked away slowly,clucking and then 12 poults that were under her,took off scurrying to her.The wife and I backed off slowly and she just walked slowly away. It was nice to see that. Ofcourse I had a coffee and not the camera.

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Haha- good stuff!

You need to start carrying that chainsaw(turkey carver) with you when you check your plots.

Oddly enough I once had only my saw when my jack Russel decided to stand off with a yote.... I thought it was going to get reeeeeal messy quick, one way or another. Adreneline and hunter / protector instinct kicked in, but thankfully the yote fled before I got my chisel chain through his chest. I definately prefer my 870 any day ! Kinda laughed back at the house when I realized what I thought I could do with my saw.

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