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What a difference a year can make.

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First of all, I don't want to turn this into an antler restriction debate, please!!!

One of my favorite things about running trail cameras over the summer is being able to watch individual bucks over multiple years. To me, it's just as fun, fulfilling and rewarding as actually hunting. It's a fascinating process to see a buck mature. This year I'm really struggling to get pics of the better bucks in the area. There are a few bucks that I've been watching for several years. This guy is one of them. Last year @ 2 years old he was a nice wide 8-pt. He really blossomed this year @ 3.5...even though something went haywire with his right antler. He could be a real monster if he makes it through another season. However, seeing how this is NY and not some managed property in the midwest, I don't think that I could refrain from sending an arrow at this dude if given the opportunity.



Edited by WNY Bowhunter
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I'm very interested to see how this year turns out for antler size and the numbers that hunters down...will there be more than the norm of mature bucks?

Might not be so clear cut after all...interesting to see that you have had issues getting the larger bucks on cam. Hope its not a sign of things to come.

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I'm very interested to see how this year turns out for antler size and the numbers that hunters down...will there be more than the norm of mature bucks?

Might not be so clear cut after all...interesting to see that you have had issues getting the larger bucks on cam. Hope its not a sign of things to come.

It should be a great season for big deer. Last year, there weren't many nice bucks killed around here and it shows. Between 3 bachelor groups on 3 neighboring farms all in a mile stretch, I've seen 13 different shooters so far (at least 3 years old) and that's just what you can see from the road. Lots of hidden fields too. Seeing big bucks and putting an arrow in one are two entirely different things. I can't even seem get one on camera so I'm not sure what to think about this fall? I can't wait to get up in a tree though!!!

Edited by WNY Bowhunter
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how can you tell it's the same buck...in a free range herd?

Yep, he's on my friend's dairy farm. I assure you it's the same deer. I've been watching him since he was a yearling in 2010. I got pics of him after season in 2010...all through the summer/fall of 2011...after season in 2011 and found one of his sheds this spring too. Deer, like people are all individuals and you can tell them apart by certain facial features.

Edited by WNY Bowhunter
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Here are a couple more from the same farm.

First one was a 2 year old 8-pt in 2009. At 3 years old he was a mainframe 10-pt with a kicker. He got shot by the neighbors on a deer drive in 2010...


This guy was a pretty scubby 3 year old 7-pt. in 2009. The following year @ 4 yrs old he blossomed in to a pretty darn nice 8-pt. Unfortunately, some scumbag poached him with a rifle @ 1:30AM on 11/2/10...


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I initially thought the same with the mild winter. Drought years tend to produce fewer high scoring mature bucks though - and we've been bordering that until the past week or so across much of the state. A mild winter and wet spring seem to result in better antler score.

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Honestly, I don't think the dry conditions have hindered antler growth too much. The bucks really came into the late spring/early summer in awesome condition. Looking back over the past several years of trailcam pics, the antler growth seemed to be a good 2-3 weeks ahead of schedule this year. Out here they had access to all of the same alfalfa/clover fields that they usually do. All the deer that I'm getting on the cams now look fat and healthy, even the nursing does. I am thinking that the drier than normal conditions have been altering the deer movement a bit making them less patternable than in the past...

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nice to see how his body filled out, too much emphasis is placed on horn size, the body doesnt lie, nice filled out shoulders but still missing the sway back of an older buck 4+ year old. Its great watching bucks mature. I agree with you when you put enough time in an individual buck can be known regardless of antler growth.

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