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Obama's way of thinking . . .

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I don't know why I feel compelled to help you with this. The statement is one that you agree with, Yes? Judging from your other posts on this thread, you are not a fan of obama. But, you posted a phrase that you agree with and attributed it to a man you don't agree with, in an attempt to disparage him. Doesn't make any sense.

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Obviously a bit of confusion here: I think most of us, regardless of which side of center we are on, could agree with this statement. We could agree even more if it were amended by adding, "while we give the rich every possible tax break imagineable."

Aside(s): My wife works in a food pantry; we do what we can to help out those among us who are less fortunate than we. (Note: We are retired teachers...not a lot of money here...but we are willing to share.) We see very few...almost no people...who are able to work, but refuse to.

Second, Say what you want, but those who criticize every miniscule thing that Obama does, are, at the very least, closet racists.

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I am NO Obama lover, but what federal taxes are they taking from you that are any more than when Bush was in office?? So much misinformation and lies being spewed by all sides these days that it's getting sickening. I honestly think that is the idea here. Baffle everyone with all sorts of BS so that people don't know what is true or not, so then politicians can then avoid actually making any real decisions on anything. And the fewer decisions they make the more likely they are to get elected again and again since no one can hold them to it. God bless America, what a country we live in!!

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So let me see if I understand your comment . . . Are you saying that I can't agree with the statement that working people should not be taxed to the point where their money is taken from them and given to those who can but are unwilling to work looking for a handout, yet I can't apply that to a President who has shown us over the last 4 years that it is OK to give the handouts to lazy people?? :fie:

Regardless of what side your are on or believe I think we can all agree that all politicians are liars, and will tell us whatever we want to hear so they can get into office and then when they do get elected, they screw us all one way or another.

Edited by Deerthug
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I am not enamored with either candidate and will be holding my nose once again this November in the voting booth. I can assure anyone here that we will be screwed one way or another no matter which one gets elected. I will say however, that whether you agree with Obama's politics or not, he at least sticks to his ideology and is hardly the flip flopper that Romney is. From what I see in Romney, he will tell one group of people one thing and then go down the street and tell another group the complete opposite. In other words he would probably sell his mother to get a vote. Like I said, agree with them or not, I do have more respect for someone who can at least stick to a principal or ideology without the constant turnabouts.

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I don't care what color a president is, if hes got good policy, and moves this country forward, I'll vote for him. What has this president done in his term, to move this country forward? We've taken several steps back. Deerthug, totally agree. That's a socialist platform, and Obama is moving socialism forward, all he can.

Edited by landtracdeerhunter
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Many of us who were leary but still a bit hopeful of this purported "hope and change" four years ago have been very disappointed. Like steve863 said what is so different now than when W was pres? We are still in a war in the middle east. Obama pandered to the left wing of his party saying he will end the wars yet he has not. Jobs? What jobs? Mcdonalds? Please is he even trying to deal with China? What's he going to do now talk tough to Assad in syria to look presidential? Yeah is he a likable guy? Maybe but I like my lawn guy but do we want him leading the free world? C'mon guys it's not a race thing at all it's JOB PERFORMANCE...

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I, too, am disappointed in Obama, but that doesn't make me turn my back on the less fortunate...does not make me seek to be the bedfellow of the rich...does not make me hate women...does not make me want to vote for a rich, never-worked-a-day-in-his-life, double talking pretty boy for president. When/if you cast a vote for Romney/Ryan, you will be attaching a label to yourself that will stick forever.

Notice I didn't even mention Mormon....Geez, who in his right mind could vote for a devout Mormon???? Hell, they are several steps weirder than Catholics! (Well, maybe not...but very weird!)

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I too won't turn my back to those less fortunate, unless your definition of less fortunate are those who can work but refuse to do so and always looking for a handout which was the point of the original post.

Of course if one is put in a less fortunate situation not by their own hand or choosing then I'm all for helping as long as they are willing to help themselves get back on their own feet and don't end up milking the system. I certainly would want someone to do the same for me.

As far as Romney being a Mormon, I don't base my voting decisions based on ones religion.

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I didn't know I was a racist, thanks for clearing that up. I do know that I am PROUD to be WHITE, and will make no apologies for that. I have black friends, I have asian friends, I even have gay friends, but I am proud of my WHITE CHRISTIAN heritage. Anybody got an issue with that? If so, piss off. Since when does disliking a politician because of his character, and his record make somebody racist? I would have gladly voted for Herman Cain, if the obama administration hadn't slandered him into surrender.

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Proud to be white?? You had nothing to do with that...Why be proud? Proud of your Christian heritage?? Why? You had nothing to do with your heritage. What are you that you have control over that makes you proud? What do you do now, that you are proud of? Chest beating is good for nothing!

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Am I the only one here who thinks BOTH sides have some very good and some very bad ideas. The biggest problem in american politics, perhaps society in general, is the tendency for people to assume they have all the answers and collaboration is of no use to them.

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