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I was surprised by Paul Ryan's speech

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Totally disagree with you Steve. I think the convention has been great and Romney has a good chance to defeat socialism, I mean Obama. All the speakers have been very strong and they are pulling in the undecided vote. Some Dems can't be changed and we understand they would rather go down with the ship.

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Chevy, as I said, we will see how it all pans out. Anything is possible in politics and there are 2 months to go. Right or wrong, in this TV age we live in, a candidates persona plays heavily on how people perceive them. Romney so far has shown NOTHING in that respect, nor has he gotten much help from anyone else in his party. With his greased back hair and flip-flopping opinions, he is seen as nothing more than a snake oil salesman by many. He tells you one thing, while he tells the other guy down the street the complete opposite. This is not a plug for Obama, only an honest observation of Romney, that I am sure the die hard line towing republicans don't want to hear. Even McCain without the good looks and with older age was well ahead of Romney in the personality department.

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Wow...are we now in the Twilight Zone??


That is a FOXNEWS article. I had to check the link twice to make sure it wasn't fake.

Wow...are we now in the Twilight Zone??


That is a FOXNEWS article. I had to check the link twice to make sure it wasn't fake.

Slly Kohn is a liberal activist and wrote that artical on the requst of Fox News for a liberal responce. Nice try though
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Wow...are we now in the Twilight Zone??


That is a FOXNEWS article. I had to check the link twice to make sure it wasn't fake.

Wow...are we now in the Twilight Zone??


That is a FOXNEWS article. I had to check the link twice to make sure it wasn't fake.

Slly Kohn is a liberal activist and wrote that artical on the requst of Fox News for a liberal responce. Nice try though
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I don't think her "facts" are right. The GM plant was closed on Obama's watch.

I'm not voting for the best personality. I vote for the ideals I believe in. Mitt will speak tonight I believe. Hopefully he does as well as his wife.

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C'mon Thug....You are grasping at straws. You should be big enough to admit when your guys screw up. My guess is that you are one of those misguided individuals who will vote republican, good or bad. You just can't help yourself: You must twist every fact...every bit of news...to support your beloved republicans. Dream on...and get buried with your republican heroes.

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You fail to point out where she is wrong though.

You fail to point out where she is wrong though.

Liberal activist.= zero credibility in this matter. Key word being Activist, not liberal. Again ...good try!!! How you look!!!

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It doesn't have to be either Obama or Romney. How about we say "the hell with both of them" and vote for Ron Paul?

He's the only one that has any common sense and decency... And for those who say that he can't get anything done, at least it will send a message that we won't stand for what's going on now with both the Republican and Democratic parties.

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A VP candidate should not make a single factual error in a convention speech. To do so, shows utter stupidity on the part of the candidate...or that he assumes his party faithful care little for the truth. Either way, sad showing by Ryan.


Utter stupidity???!!! SERIOUS???!! Joe Freak'n Biden??? What??? I can't wait to hear your excuses after Ryan mops the floor with that utter dope!!! I'm cry'n here... LOL!!...LOL!!! are you serious?? Joe Biden!!!

You are a fraud...You're not a hunter you are obviously just a leftist who goes on these sites to get your lefty message out. Utter stupidity is Joe Biden!...FRAUD!!

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Yes, he must be a fraud. There is no such thing as a liberal hunter. He trolls conservative-heavy websites in positively blue states looking for more converts. Because New York needs more Democrats. In fact, I can prove it. Just look at his post history, its all political stuff!

Oh wait, its not.

And I applaud your use of exclamation points and question marks. They really add to the validity of your post.

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Early, If you took the time to read my previous posts you would have learned that I did but now regrettably vote for Obama in 2008.

Why did i vote for BO? I knew you would ask.

Well I got tired of the trillions of "our tax money" spent by GWB on the never ending war in Iraq which i did not believe was warranted unlike Afghanistan which clearly was warranted because they admittedly attacked us. But that is a topic for an entirely new thread. Now before you get all bent out of shape, yes I do support our troops and in fact do not blame them but congratulate them and praise them for putting their lives in harms way so I can feel safe in my country knowing that my family and friends are protected from those who hate Americans with a passion.

I along with the many others were hoping for a "change" after the huge debt that GWB put our country in; taking the huge surplus created by Clinton and reversing it ten fold, so we voted for BO. I had hope that like Clinton, BO would have concentrated the last 4 years at least on trying to reduce the debt somewhat. But rather than working to reverse the debt all he did was make it even higher.

I think his main agenda at that time was to make history - becoming the first black president. I congratulate him on that and that alone. Moreover, I am afraid of his unspoken plans should he be re-elected for another term. If he is re-elected he has nothing to lose and I'll bet my first born he will run this country into the ground. It's already into a downward spiral, not to mention take away or at least extremely limit our 2nd amendment rights. The democrats have already done that in our State albiet through good ole Mikey. (Notice I didn't call them God -given this time). You mess with my right to protect and defend my family from harm then you are not getting my vote.

So to answer your question, I am man enough to admit when the republicans screw up. You too should man/woman - up (no disrespect just not sure) and admit when the democrats royally screw up. There is never going to be a happy medium for any of us until this Country is turned right side up and our leaders, whomever they may be actually lead for all our benefit and not for theirs. And no matter who takes office in January, until our leaders protect our borders, protect our people and work toward making America #1 again nothing is going to "change".

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Must agree with Thug: Whoever gets elected will have great difficulty solving the serious economic problems created by Bush, the younger. Anyone recall our economic status under Bill Clinton?

And you must mean the republican congress under clinton.

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C'mon Thug....You are grasping at straws. You should be big enough to admit when your guys screw up. My guess is that you are one of those misguided individuals who will vote republican, good or bad. You just can't help yourself: You must twist every fact...every bit of news...to support your beloved republicans. Dream on...and get buried with your republican heroes.

Best "Pot Calling The Kettle Black" post I have ever seen! LOL!!!

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Inalienable rights are granted by governments???

Where did you study government?

Rights can not be bestowed upon man by government, they can only be destroyed by government.

Government can make something legal, but that doesn't make it a right.

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness are rights. They were not granted to you by the government.

No wonder you vote for Democrats.

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I hate to say it...and I'm on record the last election saying it...but the republicans have a difficult time learning...I watched part of the convention today and well...I see them pulling out the ole 12ga to shoot themselves in the foot once again...Religion on display in such a in your face manner will drive many a voter away...I said and still firmly believe it was the republicans that won Obama the presidency ...it will be close.... but they are racing to do the same thing again....economy be damned for some....Salem witch hunts come to mind ...good ole 5 grade history..lol...Don't kill the messenger it's human nature to have memories of uncomfortable info rise to the surface.... when faced with uncomfortable events happening in the present

Edited by growalot
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