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send letters for crossbows in NY

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Easilly, you said....

More likely shame or lack of convictions.

Look  at the vitriole that you and a few others have displayed here.  It is  not a significant stretch of the imagination to believe that some  crossbow advocates would resort to violence.

Besides....its really none of your business who holds what position, if any, in NYB.

In reality, its everyone's business, as SteveB pointed out here...

Looks like shame AND lack of convictions.

All reps are public ally identified on the NYB website as well as in Full Draw. And they are a public, nfp corp, although not the subclass a past president claimed until called on it.

Having to post your vitriol anonymously just demonstrates what you really are.

If I had any propensity to violence over a discussion of archery equipment, would I be using my real name on a public forum? Unlike those who live in the shadows and have a selfish agenda - they need anonymity.


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I do not understand the reasons why those of you who support crossbow intrusion do so, either.

I have to agree with this statement.

It really does seem that the x gunners want to push their way into the bow season no matter who says what.

And if you raise the flag of caution..your an elitist, a racist, what next?

I'm going to laugh when I see the first guy, and I know I will, based on the questions asked on different threads on this very forum, and on the DEC site, afield with a x gun during the bow season because he just can't understand the rules.

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I do not understand the reasons why those of you who support crossbow intrusion do so, either.

Seems like a level playing field....guys should quit whining.

I think your comment actually generates some of the questions that have been asked of you. You view the inclusion as an intrusion. From what I have read, that is the question that NY Antler was asking of you guys. How would  your neighbor using a crossbow be and intrusion to your experience?

I have hunted with a recurve and eventually changed into using a compound. There have been years, because of my work schedule that I have not been able to practice with my bow enough to be comfortable to go afield with it. On those years I somply took my hunting time up north to use my rifle. I have shot a crossbow and I can see the benefit of not having to draw and hold while game is present. the act of raising the crossbow is more similiar to raising a gun rather than drawing a bow. But from the experience I have with a crossbow I would never make the change because my compound is much smoother and quieter and it is capable of delivering an arrow to any game in the thick areas I hunt. The claims of the 100 yard shots seems a little far fetched. the noise generated by the ones I have shot would really increase the possibility of a string jump at any ranges outside the normal range of a compound.

The only basis I could have for not wanting them to be used by my neighbor would be a feeling that he could get a deer that I have my sights on. If he doesn't of can't bowhunt with a now legal implement it would be less competition for me. I think that conclusion is a driving force in many questioning the opposers actual motives. In the absence of any true argument other thant he crossbow is not a peice on archery equipment it leave many with the conclusion that the opposition in self serving and based in greed.

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I have shot a crossbow and I can see the benefit of not having to draw and hold while game is present. the act of raising the crossbow is more similiar to raising a gun rather than drawing a bow.

So this is your thinking....that a crossbow is more like a gun than a bow in its operation....

and you leap to the conclusion that anyone against it doesn't want more people hunting?

How about the fact that it is more like a gun than a bow? ::)

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I have shot a crossbow and I can see the benefit of not having to draw and hold while game is present. the act of raising the crossbow is more similiar to raising a gun rather than drawing a bow.

So this is your thinking....that a crossbow is more like a gun than a bow in its operation....

and you leap to the conclusion that anyone against it doesn't want more people hunting?

How about the fact that it is more like a gun than a bow? ::)

I really want to understand the oppositon point of view. I could understand opposing a gun introduction because of the disturbance component. Th oposition to the use of a crossbow by others doesn't make sense to me. My choice to use a compound and my hunting experience would not be affected by any others choice between the two implements.

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I really want to understand the oppositon point of view. I could understand opposing a gun introduction because of the disturbance component. Th oposition to the use of a crossbow by others doesn't make sense to me. My choice to use a compound and my hunting experience would not be affected by any others choice between the two implements.

It doesn't belong in bow season because of your very thoughts....it is more like a gun than a bow in its operation.

If people want to hunt with a bow...let them, and welcome.  I'd like to see more BOW hunters, so you're "won't share the woods" theory is clearly wrong.

But asking....no, DEMANDING that the rules be changed to allow a weapon that is fundamentally different than a bow....you are darn right.  I am opposed. 

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I really want to understand the oppositon point of view. I could understand opposing a gun introduction because of the disturbance component. Th oposition to the use of a crossbow by others doesn't make sense to me. My choice to use a compound and my hunting experience would not be affected by any others choice between the two implements.

It doesn't belong in bow season because of your very thoughts....it is more like a gun than a bow in its operation.

If people want to hunt with a bow...let them, and welcome.  I'd like to see more BOW hunters, so you're "won't share the woods" theory is clearly wrong.

But asking....no, DEMANDING that the rules be changed to allow a weapon that is fundamentally different than a bow....you are darn right.  I am opposed.

so you are oppoed because of the fact that you pre-draw it and shoulder it. the other mechanical funtion of the implements are the same.  This is your sole grounds of opposing the introduction into bow season?

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so you are oppoed because of the fact that you pre-draw it and shoulder it. the other mechanical funtion of the implements are the same.  This is your sole grounds of opposing the introduction into bow season?

The other mechanical function?  You hold it aim it, and shoot it like a gun.

You do not have to hold it, draw it, aim it, or shoot it like a bow.

Black......White.  Apple......Orange.

Only bows in bowseason....thank you very much. 

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The other mechanical function?  You hold it aim it, and shoot it like a gun.

You do not have to hold it, draw it, aim it, or shoot it like a bow.

Black......White.  Apple......Orange.

Only bows in bowseason....thank you very much.

You aim it using sight or a scope...which compounds do...you pull a trigger which many compound shooters do. so it does boil down to the drawing and holding aspect for you. let's assume for sake of argument that this coming season it is included in the regular bow season. How would your experience be affected?

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You aim it using sight or a scope...which compounds do...

I know that you cannot honestly believe that aiming a gun or crossbow is the same as aiming a compound.

you pull a trigger which many compound shooters do. 

I know that you cannot honestly believe that pulling the trigger on a gun or a crossbow is the same as shooting a compound, even with a release.

How would your experience be affected?

The question is irrelevant.  There is principle involved.

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Looks like shame AND lack of convictions.

Unlike those who live in the shadows and have a selfish agenda - they need anonymity.

You are very good at insulting people.

If truth is insulting, I might have a gift.

The only hard part is being able to tell if it is more shame then lack of conviction.

Starting to look as if it may be shame that is keeping you and spikey from acknowledging your positions with NYB and being proud of them.

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It would be useful information to understand the true nature of the comments being put forth and the underlying driving force

I do not understand the reasons why those of you who support crossbow intrusion do so, either.

Seems like a level playing field....guys should quit whining.

Whatever their reasons, few of them are hiding their identity

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So, should Motorcycles be allowed to compete in the Tour De France race, since both have two wheels, a seat, handlebars, and carry a rider.

Jet skis must then certainly be allowed to participate equally with canoes, since they both have a hull, seats, and are both a watercraft that carry people.

Chainsaws ought to be allowed to participate in lumberjack competitions against buck-saws since both...Have a handle, and a blade with teeth that are used for cutting wood.

I'm not an NYB member, just a bowhunter with common sense.

And for the record, in case it was missed in my earlier posts..I'm all for the handicapped being able to use one if they cannot physically draw a bow.

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Arrow. It is entirely relevant. It speaks to motivation in the opposition. If the folks opposing this really feel there is an actual basis to not have the inclusion that is not emotional they should really get it out there. I think that this will end up included in the next few years and from the guys I know and talk with the majority of them are for it. If there is a good reason to not have this happen it would be in everyones best interest to understand the impacts and discuss them.

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