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Buck Fever.....


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So that time is closing fast and target panic has been discussed but what of the dreaded Buck Fever...In all the years I've hunted it's happened just twice..I'm talking ...

The...uncontrolled breathing ,eyes shaking ,then the rest of your muscles follow suite and you look like a person holding on to a live junction box...lol

Many years ago I had the first case during a bow hunt..darn near passed out....

saw that buck again...in a picture at the local sporting shop.......

Then last year during shotgun it happened with a 12point that would have normally been an easy shot..but all I could hit was the maples he was standing next to...not sure if it was the fact he stood there for me to take 3 shots...with a lot of time in between...or the size of him...but when my leg started bounce so hard I had the thought ....it could actually knock me out...lol I laid the gun across my lap and yelled walk away!!! Go just walk away...which is what he and his doe did...and they took their time..him stopping to look back in my trees direction...I think he shook his head...LOL...Lord I hope to never get it again but at least last years wasn't as bad as the first time...

So tips ..experiences...thoughts on Buck Fever

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I laid the gun across my lap and yelled walk away!!! Go just walk away...which is what he and his doe did...and they took their time..him stopping to look back in my trees direction...I think he shook his head...LOL...

LMAO! That is funny! I did the same thing couple years back with a bunch of turkeys that flew down from above my set up. I was in a treestand at the time and I took three shots down toward them at three different ones with my 12ga at 30-35 yards, missed all three.

I started banging my head against the tree :banghead:and yelled out to them that they got a free pass this time . .

With deer, it don't matter whether its a buck or doe, I still start out with the shakes once I spot it and I usually calm down enough to line up a shot to make a clean miss anyway!

Edited by Deerthug
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I see so few deer when I hunt that seeing just a single doe come in is amazingly exciting. I missed a couple of buck, one really nice one because of buck fever... I just could not steady my rifle, then I blamed the rifle and took a shot at a target later that day at the range I thought the deer was at. Took the shot, dead bullseye. :(

I have gotten much better, controlling my breathing was a problem I have fixed. DEEP breaths! lol... I had this fear that a deer would hear me breathing and it actually kept me from breathing properly, which obviously just made things worse. Seems to be behind me tho, next time I see a monster buck come into view that is. Only time will tell, haha

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I can get the breathing under control...but the uncontrolled muscle movements...seriously...I discribed my leg bouncing looking like Thump on crack!!....it was so crazy I nearly laughed out loud....worse thing was I'd watched him a long to with no problem...he came in and bedded right out infront of me...then his doe decided it was time to make a mad dash up the hill away from us both...he got up and All I could think was I did not want to take a bad shot..I pull my bow to the left some times..being rt handed...but shoot a gun left and sometimes pull to the rt...so I thought the moment his shoulder clears that maple I'll shoot....yep shot the maple ...Then the leg and arms started...he went behind another then another....clean kill on 3 maples...lol....I figure he knew he was safe so never bothered running :fie:

Edited by growalot
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I only experienced buck fever one time. I had an exceptionally large buck at 35 yards that was milling around just the other side of some brush. I could clearly see his outline and the antlers. There was a major trail that ran through that finger of brush that would have brought him out at 20 yards. He stayed on the other side for about a half hour milling back and forth. I have to admit that as the time went on, I was getting more and more worked up, especially when he made several false passes toward that trail that would have led to a 20 yard shot. I was actually getting a bit light headed at times to the point where I considered just getting the heck out of there and going home. And then after all that, he simply walked out the back side and left. I was almost relieved.

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Controlling it is the key for me because I get it all the time to varying degrees. I Love it!!! With a natural high like that who needs drugs? I would get amped up with each approaching season as a kid, and still do. And by the time i climb into my stand or blind, for that time at least, all is right in my world. Hearing the "crunch...crunch....crunch..." of deer approaching in the dried leaves starts the old ticker pounding as it gets closer and then when the deer pops in sight.........full blown...holy smoke...I can't swallow, I hope he don't hear me breathing.....uh...am I remembering to breath....can he hear my heart..........ok....just calm done and get a grip......it's only a deer for goodness sake! Yup....it's only a deer....its only deer hunting.....those who don"t hunt don't understand it....but for us that do there is no feeling like it. I have always said if I stopped getting that feeling I would quit hunting and I stand by that, but I don't ever see it happening. Buck fever is he only illness I pray I catch each year!

Edited by New York Hillbilly
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Target panic i have and is something i am working on over coming... Believe it or not i only get it on targets like 3d's and what not and also when i push myself to shoot out at longer distances. I dont get it when there is a deer in front of me for some reason? Very odd, even more odd I do not get buck fever either... i have a sense of excitement but no where near the levels that would make it buck fever, i am actually calm as a cucumber for some reason. And i have had some great opportunities at some great caliber deer! However after the shot is another story, the excitement and joy along with the sense of emotions that overcome me after ive placed my shot on that deer and watch him or her go down is a feeling i will never be able to put into words. If i did not have that feeling then whats the sense in me hunting? I consistently try to get close to my game so i talk to myself when i have a nice deer in front of me and always remember how close i get and this is nothing new, be calm be relaxed and most importantly, WAIT FOR YOUR SHOT GENO. He doesnt know your here and he will give you what you want. So i keep calm and patience is key. I would absolutely have buck fever if a deer came in and i rush rush rush and try hard to get that shot off as quickly as possible... but i find for me anyway, if i am patient and bring myself to neutral i can focus more on the deer and pay attention to the angle of my shot limbs in front of me and try to make it as clean as possible. After the shot its like an explosion of joy and adrenalin. I still have target panic but now that i know what it is and how it affects me i do the same and try to mentally talk to myself and assure myself i know the problem and push myself to correct it. So far its been working, i do find myself wanting to squeeze a premature shot off but once i feel myself doing it i stop, deep breath, relax and the bow does not feel as heavy and i can try and focus on my aim point without letting an arrow fly. Its tough and a work in progress but i feel i can over come it.

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