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Anti Hunters May be harrassing Hunters or Game in NY!

mike rossi

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Keep your eyes out for ultra light aircraft especially over WMAs or other public land open to hunting. Use your video cameras. Call the FEDs! USFWS Law Enforcement Phone number is 413-253-8274. If this was not an isolated incident, it may signal that anti hunters are violating the federal airborne hunting act and NY hunter harrasment law.

Airborne Hunting Act (16 U.S.C. 742j-1).

Section 13 of the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 is commonly referred to as the Airborne Hunting Act, or Shooting From Aircraft Act, and prohibits taking or harassing wildlife from aircraft, except when protecting wildlife, livestock, and human health or safety, as authorized by a Federal- or State-issued license or permit.

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Yeah - I saw it. It was reported to the DEC and I have a call in to the FWS. Not sure if it was deliberate but it was still illegal because it was harrassing waterfowl. Also anti-hunting groups are known to use ultra lights to harrass hunters, its all over youtube and many law agencies are aware of it. If other hunters are seeing the same thing then this needs to be reported. I would call the FWS and the DEC.

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Have any of you guys actually encountered antis harassing other hunters or yourself? Other than said event with the ultralight. Ive read and seen stories about it, but never had it happen to me.

I doubt they have the energy to go where I hunt .... lol. But I have seen U-tube videos by these wackos where they were using remote controlled airplanes during a dove hunt. I couldn't for the life of me figure out exactly what they were supposed to be accomplishing unless maybe they were using them to photograph the hunt participants. This same bunch were running around trying to photograph the faces of the hunters, and just plain being obnoxious jerks. All through the video they were bragging about how they were disrupting this hunt through harrassment, but I didn't see anything going on that was actually doing anything to the hunt itself.

Frankly, I would have forgotten about the doves and tried for the airplanes. Now that would have been fun.

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Years ago we had a guy with an ultra light buzzing everyone on the hill during the summer..a neighbor turned him in for harassing the horses and sheep...never saw him after that summer...then there is a guy with a red float plane that circles REALLY LOW over the hills tree tops during bow...but since gas prices went up we haven't seen him in a couple of years...never thought that it could be harassment....

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Years ago we had a guy with an ultra light buzzing everyone on the hill during the summer..a neighbor turned him in for harassing the horses and sheep...never saw him after that summer...then there is a guy with a red float plane that circles REALLY LOW over the hills tree tops during bow...but since gas prices went up we haven't seen him in a couple of years...never thought that it could be harassment....

That just sounds like people out flying. I have a couple of guys that have those 1 or 2 person mini helicopters that fly over just above tree top from time to time. Nothing wrong with that.

Im just wondering about actual, purposeful hunter harassment.

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I spoke to the USFWS and was informed that this, as I suspected, may also be a violation of the MBTA as well as the AHA. It is being investigated by Agent Bak and his phone number is 518-431-4341. I was also encouraged to report any hearsae info (ie. Something another hunter tells you he saw). It was also confirmed that video is most helpful. Look for registration numbers as well, although we didnt see any at 30 yards.

Note: MBTA violations do not require that a person is aware of what he is doing or if it was unintentional for it to be a punishable crime.

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Years ago we had a guy with an ultra light buzzing everyone on the hill during the summer..a neighbor turned him in for harassing the horses and sheep...never saw him after that summer...then there is a guy with a red float plane that circles REALLY LOW over the hills tree tops during bow...but since gas prices went up we haven't seen him in a couple of years...never thought that it could be harassment....

Maybe he is a poacher -it is also illegal to hunt the same day you fly. Hell, the guy was harrassing someones livestock - I wouldnt put ANYTHING past a person who would do that!

Edited by mike rossi
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That just sounds like people out flying. I have a couple of guys that have those 1 or 2 person mini helicopters that fly over just above tree top from time to time. Nothing wrong with that.

Im just wondering about actual, purposeful hunter harassment.

If he was harrassing migratory birds it doesnt matter one bit if it was intentional to the USFWS Agents... Now how the NY State DEC police treat hunter harrasment IDK, but I called them too at 1-800-tipp dec... They also cannot hunt that same day or aid other hunters on the ground.... It may even violated trespass over private land and motorized recreation prohibition on public lands because of airspace laws...

Edited by mike rossi
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Years ago my friend was bow hunting in Highland Forest (Onondaga Co.) when a bunch of antis came walking through the woods yelling and banging on cow bells. They spotted him in his tree stand and stood under him yelling and banging their bells. After about 10mins he climbed down and got into a shoving match with one of the losers. He went to the park office to report the incident but by the time the Sheriff's Dept. got there the hippies were gone.

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I heard it can be pretty bad in parts of Connecticut. On state lands they pop your tires, key your car, etc.

Ive seen some dirty looks when driving through westchester county with a dead deer tied to the trunk.

Edited by Biz-R-OWorld
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Have any of you guys actually encountered antis harassing other hunters or yourself? Other than said event with the ultralight. Ive read and seen stories about it, but never had it happen to me.

Yes. It happened to us. Duck hunting and someone called the police. We were legal, but the cop said, and I quote, "They're watching the birds. It's not a legal issue, it's a moral issue."

I still hunt that spot.

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Like I said I never thought harassment...figured the guy in plane was checking herd movements and the ultra light..well Get a horse or even a sheep spooked and a broken leg...it's not so innocent...I don't blame them for turning him in....

That said...like mineral rights under you...don't ppl have so much air space above them?

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If he was harrassing migratory birds it doesnt matter one bit if it was intentional to the USFWS Agents... Now how the NY State DEC police treat hunter harrasment IDK, but I called them too at 1-800-tipp dec... They also cannot hunt that same day or aid other hunters on the ground.... It may even violated trespass over private land and motorized recreation prohibition on public lands because of airspace laws...

That seems pretty stupid to be able to prosecute for harassment if they didnt intend to do something.

Airspace laws? really? interesting.

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I would think you have some airspace above your property. Maybe in the wide open its different but if I had a motorized little plan swooping over my head while in my backyard i would be annoyed to say the least. Now how close can it come I have no idea but would assume it would be trespassing at some point.

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Found this not sure how true...

Print article

Airspace Over Your Property - How Much Of It Do You Own?

  • May 29, 2007
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CYA Disclaimer: The following is intended for reference purposes only and not as legal advice.

The short answer is, "as much of it as you can use". No, you cannot float a "No Trespassing" blimp and shoot down passing airliners for trespassing. But believe it or not, you can build a tall building on your property and the airlines can't make you take it down even if it interferes with air traffic - unless you can find a law (such as building codes) that expressly prohibits you from doing so. By federal law, upper airspace is considered "navigable", meaning the public has the right to use it. But what exactly is "upper airspace"? In the foregoing example, if you built a tall building on your land and the airline were overflying your property at altitudes lower than the height of your building (and in the same vicinity), it would be possible for you to sue them for trespassing.

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Along the same lines...just two years ago another friend was driving home from camp with a buck strapped to the hitch rack of his SUV. This fat hippie chick kept pulling up next to him, flipping him off and screaming at him calling him a "sick f--k". She even threw a water bottle at his vehicle. This went on for miles until she finally got off an exit that must of had a McDonalds or something. Best part is she was wearing a tie dye head band...LOL They are out there.

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